市面上主要的显示技术目前有 LCD 和 LED


液晶显示屏幕(Liquid Crystal Display),自身不发光,靠背光层发白光,液晶层控制偏振角度从而控制亮度(控制进光量),再加上红、绿、蓝三色滤光片,混合出各种彩色。

原理:光是一种波,在水平和垂直方向上都是有分量的,让一束光穿过一个垂直偏振片,透过光只在垂直方向有分量。如果在前方再加一个旋转了 90° 的偏振片,则光无法通过。若想让光通过第二偏振片,可以在两层偏振片中加液晶层,对液晶层通电,可让液晶分子产生偏转,也让光偏转一定角度,进而控制通过第二偏振片的光的量,即亮度。此时只能显示黑白画面,再加个彩色滤光片,把白光变成红、绿、蓝三种颜色的光,并分别控制每个子像素的亮度,就能混合出各种各样的颜色了。这就是一个像素点,无数个像素点排列起来,就构成了我们看到的画面,像素点的数量就是屏幕的分辨率。

如果要让所有像素点同步刷新,电路会异常复杂,因此显示器都使用逐行扫描刷新像素点。把像素点逐行拆分,再使用纵向电路控制像素亮度,使用 TFT 薄膜晶体管连通电路与液晶层,再对纵向电路充电,像素电极充电到一定的电压,就会使液晶分子受到电场影响偏转一定的角度,这样就完成了一个像素点的刷新;接着从左至右依次给纵向电路通电,就完成了一行像素点的刷新;完成一行再进行下一行,直至整个画面刷新完毕(即一帧画面)。

分辨率和刷新率越高,留给液晶分子的偏转时间就越短,如果在这个时间内不能充入足够的电量,液晶分子就偏转不完全,会出现色差。为了缩短液晶分子偏转时间,我们会充入一个高于预定偏转角度的电压,接近预定偏转角度时,再降低电压,这样就能以更少的时间偏转到预定角度,这就是 OD(Overdrive)技术。但 OD 技术可能刹不住车,超过预定偏转角度,导致画面出现鬼影拖尾,这就是“过冲”。

LCD 的缺点:所有像素共享一块背光(一条 LED 灯带配合匀光板实现),即使显示黑色,也仅是使液晶分子不偏转背光,背光并不关闭,但实际上液晶分子即便处于关合状态,也对光线产生轻微偏转,导致光线泄露,最终显示的是亮度大幅减少的灰色,并不是纯黑;这样会导致在显示画面时该暗的时候不够暗,对比度低。

漏光:屏幕固定或封装出现瑕疵,导致背光从显示器边框而不是像素点漏出去。(与 LCD 缺点应做区分)


都属于 LCD,区别只是液晶层的液晶分子排列和偏转的方向不同

默认状态 垂直 水平 水平螺旋偏转
施加电压 垂直螺旋偏转 水平平行偏转 垂直偏转
对比度 一般 很低
可视角度 一般 广 较差
响应速度 较慢 适中 最快
适合用户 电影、3A 单机 大多数用户 FPS 竞技游戏

QLED(量子点发光二极管)(Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diodes)

在 LCD 的基础上对背光进行改进,由于用蓝光照射不同粒径的量子点材料,会发出颜色不同的光,那么就在基板上涂上红色和绿色所代表的粒径的量子点材料,用蓝色背光照射,发出纯度非常高的红光和绿光,再加上背光蓝光,得到能实现更广泛色域覆盖的白光,使得亮度更高,色域覆盖更广。QLED 还是属于 LCD 范畴,和 OLED 有本质区别,同时与 VA、IPS、TN 不是一个层级的概念。


原理:Mini-LED 也是 LCD 范畴,区别是将 LCD 一整块的白色背光替换成了数个可单独控制亮度的分区背光。

  • 优点:在显示局部暗色和黑色时,可以单独控制那块区域的背光变暗或关闭,这样实现了更高对比度,黑色更黑更纯,更容易实现高阶 HDR 效果。

  • 缺点:

    1. mini LED 在显示小范围的高亮度时,有大量像素点会共享一块背光,会将那一整块区域的背光都调亮,在显示小范围高亮物体(如鼠标)时,周围会产生光晕现象。

    2. 另外普通 LCD 屏幕只要控制液晶层就可以调整屏幕亮度和颜色,而 Mini-LED 要同时控制背光和液晶层,两者如果没有匹配好就会产生背光延迟。背光层不断开关,能耗和发热也会更高。


原理:发光二极管(Light-emitting diode),简单可理解为可发单种光的灯珠,给电极通电,电越多,亮度越高。通过控制灯珠的亮度和开关,就可以组合出图案和文字了。但单颗 LED 灯珠只能显示一种颜色,想要显示彩色就要给一个像素点增加红、绿、蓝三种颜色的灯珠。由于灯珠体积较大,单位面积所能放下的灯珠数量有限,分辨率不足,导致清晰度差。

于是厂商开始研究微型 LED,如 OLED。

OLED 有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode)



  • 优点:

    1. 由于 OLED 能单独控制每个子像素的亮度和开关,所以相当于像素级别的分区背光,对比度极高,且不存在光晕现象。

    2. 且有机荧光材料通电能发出很浓的三色光,因此色域极高。

    3. 没有液晶层,厚度薄,响应极快。

    4. 薄膜材料和荧光材料很容易弯曲,容易实现曲面屏、折叠屏。

    5. 没有常亮背光,功耗比 LCD 更低。(方便实现熄屏显示)

  • 缺点:

    1. 发光材料为有机物,寿命短,易老化;三色材料寿命不同,某像素点长期显示某种颜色,对应颜色亮度会衰减,导致屏幕出现色彩残留和色差,即烧屏。考虑到使用寿命,OLED 亮度不超 1000nit,全屏显示白色时,亮度也会骤降。

    2. PWM 调光问题。LCD 因为背光常亮,只需要 DC 方式调光,即改变电压大小,调整亮度,无频闪伤眼(LCD 产生的蓝光较优化后的 OLED 有机材料多 42%,因此 LCD 会造成蓝光伤眼)。而 OLED 如果使用 DC 调光,电压过低就会出现抹布一样不均匀的效果。因此 OLED 使用 PWM 调光,PWM 通过调整占空比控制亮度,即不断开关,开关频率高了后,肉眼看起来好像是一直亮的,亮度控制只要调整开关时间的比值即可。如果 PWM 频率很低,就会被眼睛捕捉到,造成伤害。

    3. 等效分辨率下降问题。考虑到像素点种植成本和材料老化问题,三色子像素点并非像 LCD 一样整齐和面积均等的,这就造成同样像素点数量的 OLED 屏幕实际分辨率不如 LCD 屏幕,显示横平竖直的字体或图片时,边缘模糊,锯齿感明显。

W-OLED 白光有机发光二极体(White Organic Light-Emitting Diode)

原理:用白光荧光材料代替三色荧光材料,再加上红、绿、蓝滤光片,这样避免了三色子像素点老化速度不一的问题。但 RGB 滤光片会过滤掉一部分光线,导致显示纯白色时亮度不足,因此增加了白色子像素来提高 HDR 峰值亮度。


缺点:在高亮画面下白色子像素会对红、绿、蓝子像素产生光线串扰,会冲淡屏幕色彩,明亮、鲜艳的场景表现不如 OLED。


原理:三星参考 QLED,在薄膜电路上蒸镀只能发射蓝色光的荧光材料,在其上面覆盖一层量子点薄膜,通过蓝光激发量子点材料以此来发射红、绿光。

  • 优点:由于没有白色像素点导致的串扰,高亮度下色域不会减少,亮度不会降低,色彩表现上比 W-OLED 好不少。

  • 缺点:由于没有 LCD 偏振片,外界环境光照射到屏幕上,也会激发量子点材料,对屏幕本身的光线进行污染。

因为所有 OLED 使用的都是有机荧光材料,无论如何改良结构和优化材料,都无法避免老化寿命短的问题。要想根治,只能使用无机材料。

Micro-LED 微型发光二极管

原理:将无机材料的 LED 发光二极管做的极小,再将其统一迁移到屏幕基板上。

  • 优点:由于没有液晶和背光,而且可以单独控制像素点亮度和开关,继承了 OLED 的全部优点且解决了所有缺点。

  • 缺点:现有技术已可以把 LED 灯珠做得足够小,但如何把这么多灯珠全部整齐摆放和焊接在控制电路上,是新的难题。这就是巨量转移技术(薄膜技术),现阶段无法低成本完成巨量转移(三星 Micro-LED 电视,89 寸 75 万人民币,110 寸 105 万人民币。


硬件茶谈 - 一个视频带你了解 LCD OLED QLED mini-LED 等显示技术的区别

硬件茶谈 - 全网最简洁易懂的 OLED 与 LCD 屏幕工作原理与优劣科普

硬件茶谈 - 如何制造一台 2K 360Hz 的显示器——UltraFast IPS 工作原理


按照 LineageOS 官网指南操作,需要先将手机升级至一加 7 最新的官方系统氧OS12,然后再使用 fastboot 进行 OEM BootLoader 解锁,但解锁过程中遇到报错:(remote: 'Device cannot be unlocked for technical reason.')

经查阅 reddit,无法正常解锁的问题需要回退版本至氧OS11或更早版本,解锁 OEM BootLoader 后再升级回氧OS12,升级完成后再按照 LineageOS 官网操作。

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The conclusion is that it is not recommended to flash a third-party ROM.

Unlocking the Bootloader

Before flashing a third-party ROM, you need to unlock your phone’s bootloader.

  1. Navigate to 【Settings】 -> 【My device】 -> 【Detailed info and specs】. Tap 【MIUI version】 ten times to enable 【developer mode】.

  2. Navigate to 【Settings】 - 【Additional settings】 - 【Developer options】 - 【MI unlock status】. Bind your XiaoMi account to device.

    After bind your XiaoMi account to device, you will receive a notification that you can unlock your bootloader after 7 days(168hours).

    Avoid tapping it repeatedly, as it resets the countdown, requiring another 168 hours of waiting.

  3. Download miflash_unlock_7.6.727.43.zip from the official XiaoMi unlock site. Unzip the file, and log in with your XiaoMi account. (Note: Some computers might require driver installation if prompted).

  4. Power off you phone, then press 【power】 + 【volume -】 to enter fastboot mode. Connect your phone to your computer via USB cable. Click 【unlock】 in the miflash_unlock software. Keep in mind that this operation will erase your data, so make a backup if you needed.

Read more »

Getting Start

rustup: a command line tool for managing Rust versions and associated tools.
rustc: a command line tool for compiling Rust code.
rustfmt: a command line automatic formatter tool to format your code in a particular style.
rust-analyzer: IDE support.
cargo: Rust’s build system and package manager.

# check compiler version
rustc --version
# compile a single rust file. After compiling successfully, Rust outputs a binary executable
rustc [your_file_path].rs
# update Rust to a newly released version
rustup update
# uninstall Rust and rustup
rustup self uninstall
# open local documentation in your browser
rustup doc
# check cargo version
cargo --version
# create a project
cargo new [your_project_name]
# compile the code and create an executable file with debug mode in target/debug/[your_project_name] (or target\debug\[your_project_name].exe on Windows)
cargo build
# compile the code with optimizations for release and create an executable in target/release (compile slower but run faster than debug mode)
cargo build --release
# compile the code and then run the resultant executable all in one command
cargo run
# quickly check your code to make sure it compiles but doesn't produce an executable (much faster than cargo build)
cargo check
# ignore the Cargo.lock file and bump to the latest MINOR SemVer
cargo update
# build documentation provided by all your dependencies locally and open it in your browser
cargo doc --open

Compiling and Running Are Separate Steps

Rust files always end with the .rs extension. If you’re using more than one word in your filename, the convention is to use an underscore to separate them. For example, use hello_world.rs rather than helloworld.rs.

Before running a Rust program, you must compile it using the Rust compiler by entering the rustc command and passing it the name of your source file, like this:

rustc main.rs

After compiling successfully, Rust outputs a binary executable.

On Linux, macOS, and PowerShell on Windows, you can see the executable by entering the ls command in your shell:

$ ls
main  main.rs

On Linux and macOS, you’ll see two files. With PowerShell on Windows, you’ll see the same three files that you would see using CMD. With CMD on Windows, you would enter the following:

> dir /B %= the /B option says to only show the file names =%

This shows the source code file with the .rs extension, the executable file (main.exe on Windows, but main on all other platforms), and, when using Windows, a file containing debugging information with the .pdb extension. From here, you run the main or main.exe file, like this:

./main # or .\main.exe on Windows

Anatomy of a Cargo Project

cargo new hello_cargo
cd hello_cargo

Go into the hello_cargo directory and list the files. You’ll see that Cargo has generated two files and one directory for us: a Cargo.toml file and a src directory with a main.rs file inside.

Cargo expects your source files to live inside the src directory. The top-level project directory is just for README files, license information, configuration files, and anything else not related to your code.

It has also initialized a new Git repository along with a .gitignore file. Git files won’t be generated if you run cargo new within an existing Git repository; you can override this behavior by using cargo new --vcs=git.

Note: Git is a common version control system. You can change cargo new to use a different version control system or no version control system by using the --vcs flag.

Open Cargo.toml in your text editor of choice.

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "hello_cargo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html


This file is in the TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language) format, which is Cargo’s configuration format.

The first line, [package], is a section heading that indicates that the following statements are configuring a package.

The last line, [dependencies], is the start of a section for you to list any of your project’s dependencies. In Rust, packages of code are referred to as crates.

Now open src/main.rs and take a look:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
  1. The main function is special: it is always the first code that runs in every executable Rust program.

  2. Rust style is to indent with four spaces, not a tab.

  3. println! calls a Rust macro. If it had called a function instead, it would be entered as println (without the !). For now, you just need to know that using a ! means that you’re calling a macro instead of a normal function and that macros don’t always follow the same rules as functions.

  4. you see the "Hello, world!" string. We pass this string as an argument to println!, and the string is printed to the screen.

  5. we end the line with a semicolon (;), which indicates that this expression is over and the next one is ready to begin. Most lines of Rust code end with a semicolon.

Programming a Guessing Game

cargo new guessing_game
cd guessing_game

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "guessing_game"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

rand = "0.8.5"  # include the rand crate as a dependency

Cargo understands Semantic Versioning (sometimes called SemVer), which is a standard for writing version numbers. The specifier 0.8.5 is actually shorthand for ^0.8.5, which means any version that is at least 0.8.5 but below 0.9.0.

When you build a project for the first time, Cargo figures out all the versions of the dependencies that fit the criteria and then writes them to the Cargo.lock file. When you build your project in the future, Cargo will see that the Cargo.lock file exists and will use the versions specified there rather than doing all the work of figuring out versions again. In other words, your project will remain at 0.8.5 until you explicitly upgrade, thanks to the Cargo.lock file.

When you do want to update a crate, Cargo provides the command update, which will ignore the Cargo.lock file and figure out all the latest versions that fit your specifications in Cargo.toml. Cargo will then write those versions to the Cargo.lock file. Otherwise, by default, Cargo will only look for versions greater than 0.8.5 and less than 0.9.0. If the rand crate has released the two new versions 0.8.6 and 0.9.0, you would see the version bumped to 0.8.6 rather than 0.9.0. To use rand version 0.9.0 or any version in the 0.9.x series, you’d have to update the Cargo.toml file manually.

Note: Another neat feature of Cargo is that running the cargo doc --open command will build documentation provided by all your dependencies locally and open it in your browser.

Filename: src/main.rs

// By default, Rust has a set of items defined in the standard library that it brings into the scope of every program. This set is called the prelude. If a type you want to use isn't in the prelude, you have to bring that type into scope explicitly with a use statement.
use rand::Rng;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::io;

fn main() {
    println!("Guess the number!");

    let secret_number = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..=100);

    loop {
        println!("Please input your guess.");

        let mut guess = String::new();

        // The stdin function returns an instance of std::io::Stdin, which is a type that represents a handle to the standard input for your terminal.
            .read_line(&mut guess)
            .expect("Failed to read line");

        // Rust allows us to shadow the previous value of `guess` with a new one. Shadowing lets us reuse the `guess` variable name rather than forcing us to create two unique variables, such as `guess_str` and `guess`, for example.
        let guess: u32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
            Ok(num) => num,
            Err(_) => continue,

        println!("You guessed: {guess}");

        match guess.cmp(&secret_number) {
            Ordering::Less => println!("Too small!"),
            Ordering::Greater => println!("Too big!"),
            Ordering::Equal => {
                println!("You win!");

Common Programming Concepts

Variables and Mutability

By default, variables are immutable. When a variable is immutable, once a value is bound to a name, you can’t change that value.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    println!("The value of x is: {x}");
    x = 6; // error! cannot assign twice to immutable variable `x`
    println!("The value of x is: {x}");

But mutability can be very useful, and can make code more convenient to write. Although variables are immutable by default, you can make them mutable by adding mut in front of the variable name.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let mut x = 5;
    println!("The value of x is: {x}");
    x = 6;
    println!("The value of x is: {x}");


Differences between constants and variables:

  1. you aren’t allowed to use mut with constants. You declare constants using the const keyword instead of the let keyword, and the type of the value must be annotated.

  2. constants may be set only to a constant expression, not the result of a value that could only be computed at runtime.

Here’s an example of a constant declaration:

const THREE_HOURS_IN_SECONDS: u32 = 60 * 60 * 3;
  1. Rust’s naming convention for constants is to use all uppercase with underscores between words.

  2. Constants are valid for the entire time a program runs, within the scope in which they were declared.


You can declare a new variable with the same name as a previous variable. In effect, the second variable overshadows the first, taking any uses of the variable name to itself until either it itself is shadowed or the scope ends. We can shadow a variable by using the same variable’s name and repeating the use of the let keyword as follows:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let x = 5;

    let x = x + 1;

        let x = x * 2;
        println!("The value of x in the inner scope is: {x}");
        // The value of x in the inner scope is: 12

    println!("The value of x is: {x}");
    // The value of x is: 6

Differences between shadowing and making a variable:

  1. we’ll get a compile-time error if we accidentally try to reassign to this variable without using the let keyword. By using let, we can perform a few transformations on a value but have the variable be immutable after those transformations have been completed.

  2. we’re effectively creating a new variable when we use the let keyword again, we can change the type of the value but reuse the same name.

let spaces = "   "; // string type
let spaces = spaces.len(); // number type

However, if we try to use mut for this, as shown here, we’ll get a compile-time error:

let mut spaces = "   ";
spaces = spaces.len();  // error! mismatched types

Data Types

Keep in mind that Rust is a statically typed language, which means that it must know the types of all variables at compile time. The compiler can usually infer what type we want to use based on the value and how we use it.

In cases when many types are possible, such as when we converted a String to a numeric type using parse, we must add a type annotation, like this:

let guess: u32 = "42".parse().expect("Not a number!");

Scalar Types

A scalar type represents a single value. Rust has four primary scalar types: integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans, and characters.

Integer Types

An integer is a number without a fractional component.

Length Signed Unsigned
8-bit i8 u8
16-bit i16 u16
32-bit i32 u32
64-bit i64 u64
128-bit i128 u128
arch isize usize

Each signed variant can store numbers from -2^(n - 1) to 2^(n - 1) - 1 inclusive, where n is the number of bits that variant uses. So an i8 can store numbers from -2^7 to 2^7 - 1, which equals -128 to 127.

Unsigned variants can store numbers from 0 to 2^n - 1. So a u8 can store numbers from 0 to 2^8 - 1, which equals 0 to 255.

Additionally, the isize and usize types depend on the architecture of the computer your program is running on, which is denoted in the table as “arch”: 64 bits if you’re on a 64-bit architecture and 32 bits if you’re on a 32-bit architecture.

Note that number literals that can be multiple numeric types allow a type suffix, such as 57u8, to designate the type. Number literals can also use _ as a visual separator to make the number easier to read, such as 1_000, which will have the same value as if you had specified 1000.

Number Literals Example
Decimal 98_222
Hex 0xff
Octal 0o77
Binary 0b1111_0000
Byte (u8 only) b'A'

So how do you know which type of integer to use? If you’re unsure, Rust’s defaults are generally good places to start: integer types default to i32. The primary situation in which you’d use isize or usize is when indexing some sort of collection.

Integer Overflow

If you try to change the variable to a value outside that range, such as 256u8, integer overflow will occur, which can result in one of two behaviors:

  • When you’re compiling in debug mode, Rust includes checks for integer overflow that cause your program to panic at runtime if this behavior occurs. Rust uses the term panicking when a program exits with an error.

  • When you’re compiling in release mode with the --release flag, Rust does not include checks for integer overflow that cause panics. Instead, if overflow occurs, Rust performs two’s complement wrapping. In short, values greater than the maximum value the type can hold “wrap around” to the minimum of the values the type can hold. In the case of a u8, the value 256 becomes 0, the value 257 becomes 1, and so on. The program won’t panic, but the variable will have a value that probably isn’t what you were expecting it to have.

Relying on integer overflow’s wrapping behavior is considered an error.

To explicitly handle the possibility of overflow, you can use these families of methods provided by the standard library for primitive numeric types:

  • Wrap in all modes with the wrapping_* methods, such as wrapping_add.

  • Return the None value if there is overflow with the checked_* methods.

  • Return the value and a boolean indicating whether there was overflow with the overflowing_* methods.

  • Saturate at the value’s minimum or maximum values with the saturating_* methods.

Floating-Point Types

Rust’s floating-point types are f32 and f64, which are 32 bits and 64 bits in size, respectively.

The default type is f64 because on modern CPUs, it’s roughly the same speed as f32 but is capable of more precision.

All floating-point types are signed.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let x = 2.0; // f64

    let y: f32 = 3.0; // f32

Floating-point numbers are represented according to the IEEE-754 standard. The f32 type is a single-precision float, and f64 has double precision.

Numeric Operations

Rust supports the basic mathematical operations you’d expect for all the number types: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and remainder.

Integer division truncates toward zero to the nearest integer.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    // addition
    let sum = 5 + 10;

    // subtraction
    let difference = 95.5 - 4.3;

    // multiplication
    let product = 4 * 30;

    // division
    let quotient = 56.7 / 32.2;
    let truncated = -5 / 3; // Results in -1

    // remainder
    let remainder = 43 % 5;
The Boolean Type

A Boolean type in Rust has two possible values: true and false.

Booleans are one byte in size.

The Boolean type in Rust is specified using bool.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let t = true;

    let f: bool = false; // with explicit type annotation
The Character Type

Rust’s char type is the language’s most primitive alphabetic type.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let c = 'z';
    let z: char = 'ℤ'; // with explicit type annotation
    let heart_eyed_cat = '😻';

Note that we specify char literals with single quotes, as opposed to string literals, which use double quotes.

Rust’s char type is four bytes in size and represents a Unicode Scalar Value, which means it can represent a lot more than just ASCII. Accented letters; Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters; emoji; and zero-width spaces are all valid char values in Rust. Unicode Scalar Values range from U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+10FFFF inclusive.

However, a “character” isn’t really a concept in Unicode, so your human intuition for what a “character” is may not match up with what a char is in Rust.

Compound Types

Compound types can group multiple values into one type. Rust has two primitive compound types: tuples and arrays.

The Tuple Type

Tuples have a fixed length: once declared, they cannot grow or shrink in size.

Each position in the tuple has a type, and the types of the different values in the tuple don’t have to be the same.

We’ve added optional type annotations in this example:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let tup: (i32, f64, u8) = (500, 6.4, 1);

To get the individual values out of a tuple, we can use pattern matching to destructure a tuple value(即解构赋值), like this:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let tup = (500, 6.4, 1);

    let (x, y, z) = tup;

    println!("The value of y is: {y}");

We can also access a tuple element directly by using a period (.) followed by the index of the value we want to access. For example:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let x: (i32, f64, u8) = (500, 6.4, 1);

    let five_hundred = x.0;

    let six_point_four = x.1;

    let one = x.2;

The tuple without any values has a special name, unit. This value and its corresponding type are both written () and represent an empty value or an empty return type. Expressions implicitly return the unit value if they don’t return any other value.

The Array Type

Unlike a tuple, every element of an array must have the same type. Unlike arrays in some other languages, arrays in Rust have a fixed length.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

Arrays are useful when you want your data allocated on the stack rather than the heap or when you want to ensure you always have a fixed number of elements.

An array isn’t as flexible as the vector type, though. A vector is a similar collection type provided by the standard library that is allowed to grow or shrink in size. If you’re unsure whether to use an array or a vector, chances are you should use a vector.

Write an array’s type using square brackets with the type of each element, a semicolon, and then the number of elements in the array, like so:

let a: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

You can also initialize an array to contain the same value for each element by specifying the initial value, followed by a semicolon, and then the length of the array in square brackets, as shown here:

let a = [3; 5];
// The same as
// let a = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3];
Accessing Array Elements

An array is a single chunk of memory of a known, fixed size that can be allocated on the stack. You can access elements of an array using indexing, like this:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    let first = a[0];
    let second = a[1];
Invalid Array Element Access

Let’s see what happens if you try to access an element of an array that is past the end of the array. Say you run this code to get an array index from the user:

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::io;

fn main() {
    let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    println!("Please enter an array index.");

    let mut index = String::new();

        .read_line(&mut index)
        .expect("Failed to read line");

    let index: usize = index
        .expect("Index entered was not a number");

    let element = a[index];

    println!("The value of the element at index {index} is: {element}");

This code compiles successfully. The program resulted in a runtime error at the point of using an invalid value in the indexing operation.

When you attempt to access an element using indexing, Rust will check that the index you’ve specified is less than the array length. If the index is greater than or equal to the length, Rust will panic.


Rust code uses snake case as the conventional style for function and variable names, in which all letters are lowercase and underscores separate words. Here’s a program that contains an example function definition:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");


fn another_function() {
    println!("Another function.");

Rust doesn’t care where you define your functions, only that they’re defined somewhere in a scope that can be seen by the caller.


Technically, the concrete values are called arguments, but in casual conversation, people tend to use the words parameter and argument interchangeably for either the variables in a function’s definition or the concrete values passed in when you call a function.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    print_labeled_measurement(5, 'h');

fn print_labeled_measurement(value: i32, unit_label: char) {
    println!("The measurement is: {value}{unit_label}");

In function signatures, you must declare the type of each parameter.

Statements and Expressions

Function bodies are made up of a series of statements optionally ending in an expression.

  • Statements are instructions that perform some action and do not return a value.

  • Expressions evaluate to a resultant value.

Creating a variable and assigning a value to it with the let keyword is a statement. Function definitions are also statements.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {  // Function definitions are also statements
    let y = 6;  // let y = 6; is a statement. 6 is an expression

Statements do not return values. Therefore, you can’t assign a let statement to another variable, as the following code tries to do; you’ll get an error:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let x = (let y = 6);  // error! expected expression, found `let` statement

This is different from what happens in other languages, such as C and Ruby, where the assignment returns the value of the assignment. In those languages, you can write x = y = 6 and have both x and y have the value 6; that is not the case in Rust.

Expressions can be part of statements. The 6 in the statement let y = 6; is an expression that evaluates to the value 6.

Calling a function is an expression. Calling a macro is an expression. A new scope block created with curly brackets is an expression, for example:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let y = {
        let x = 3;
        x + 1  // Note that this line doesn't have a semicolon at the end

    println!("The value of y is: {y}");

Expressions do not include ending semicolons. If you add a semicolon to the end of an expression, you turn it into a statement, and it will then not return a value.

Functions with Return Values

Functions can return values to the code that calls them. We don’t name return values, but we must declare their type after an arrow (->).

In Rust, the return value of the function is synonymous with the value of the final expression in the block of the body of a function. You can return early from a function by using the return keyword and specifying a value, but most functions return the last expression implicitly. Here’s an example of a function that returns a value:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn five() -> i32 {

fn main() {
    let x = five();

    println!("The value of x is: {x}");

But if we place a semicolon at the end of the line containing 5, changing it from an expression to a statement, we’ll get an error:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn five() -> i32 {
    5;  // error! mismatched types

fn main() {
    let x = five();

    println!("The value of x is: {x}");

The definition of the function five says that it will return an i32, but statements don’t evaluate to a value, which is expressed by (), the unit type. Therefore, nothing is returned, which contradicts the function definition and results in an error.


In Rust, the idiomatic comment style starts a comment with two slashes, and the comment continues until the end of the line.

For comments that extend beyond a single line, you’ll need to include // on each line, like this:

// So we're doing something complicated here, long enough that we need
// multiple lines of comments to do it! Whew! Hopefully, this comment will
// explain what's going on.

Comments can also be placed at the end of lines containing code:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let lucky_number = 7; // I'm feeling lucky today

Rust also has another kind of comment, documentation comments.

Control Flow

if Expressions

An if expression allows you to branch your code depending on conditions.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let number = 3;

    if number < 5 {
        println!("condition was true");
    } else {
        println!("condition was false");

It’s also worth noting that the condition must be a bool. If the condition isn’t a bool, we’ll get an error. For example, try running the following code:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let number = 3;

    if number {  // error! mismatched types. expected `bool`, found integer
        println!("number was three");

Unlike languages such as Ruby and JavaScript, Rust will not automatically try to convert non-Boolean types to a Boolean. You must be explicit and always provide if with a Boolean as its condition.

Handling Multiple Conditions with else if

You can use multiple conditions by combining if and else in an else if expression. For example:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let number = 6;

    if number % 4 == 0 {
        println!("number is divisible by 4");
    } else if number % 3 == 0 {
        println!("number is divisible by 3");
    } else if number % 2 == 0 {
        println!("number is divisible by 2");
    } else {
        println!("number is not divisible by 4, 3, or 2");

// output
// number is divisible by 3

When this program executes, it checks each if expression in turn and executes the first body for which the condition evaluates to true.

Note that even though 6 is divisible by 2, we don’t see the output number is divisible by 2, nor do we see the number is not divisible by 4, 3, or 2 text from the else block. That’s because Rust only executes the block for the first true condition, and once it finds one, it doesn’t even check the rest.

Using too many else if expressions can clutter your code, so if you have more than one, you might want to refactor your code by match.

Using if in a let Statement

Because if is an expression, we can use it on the right side of a let statement to assign the outcome to a variable.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let condition = true;
    let number = if condition { 5 } else { 6 };

    println!("The value of number is: {number}");

The values that have the potential to be results from each arm of the if must be the same type. If the types are mismatched, as in the following example, we’ll get an error:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let condition = true;

    let number = if condition { 5 } else { "six" };  // error! `if` and `else` have incompatible types

    println!("The value of number is: {number}");

Repetition with Loops

Rust has three kinds of loops: loop, while, and for.

Repeating Code with loop

The loop keyword tells Rust to execute a block of code over and over again forever or until you explicitly tell it to stop.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    loop {

You can place the break keyword within the loop to tell the program when to stop executing the loop.

We can also use continue in a loop, which tells the program to skip over any remaining code in this iteration of the loop and go to the next iteration.

Returning Values from Loops

One of the uses of a loop is to retry an operation you know might fail, such as checking whether a thread has completed its job.

You might also need to pass the result of that operation out of the loop to the rest of your code. To do this, you can add the value you want returned after the break expression you use to stop the loop; that value will be returned out of the loop so you can use it, as shown here:

fn main() {
    let mut counter = 0;

    let result = loop {
        counter += 1;

        if counter == 10 {
            break counter * 2;

    println!("The result is {result}");

// The result is 20
Loop Labels to Disambiguate Between Multiple Loops

If you have loops within loops, break and continue apply to the innermost loop at that point. You can optionally specify a loop label on a loop that you can then use with break or continue to specify that those keywords apply to the labeled loop instead of the innermost loop. Loop labels must begin with a single quote. Here’s an example with two nested loops:

fn main() {
    let mut count = 0;
    'counting_up: loop {
        println!("count = {count}");
        let mut remaining = 10;

        loop {
            println!("remaining = {remaining}");
            if remaining == 9 {
            if count == 2 {
                break 'counting_up;
            remaining -= 1;

        count += 1;
    println!("End count = {count}");

// Output
// count = 0
// remaining = 10
// remaining = 9
// count = 1
// remaining = 10
// remaining = 9
// count = 2
// remaining = 10
// End count = 2
Conditional Loops with while

A program will often need to evaluate a condition within a loop. While the condition is true, the loop runs. When the condition ceases to be true, the program calls break, stopping the loop. However, this pattern is so common that Rust has a built-in language construct for it, called a while loop.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let mut number = 3;

    while number != 0 {

        number -= 1;

Looping Through a Collection with for

You can use a for loop and execute some code for each item in a collection.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    for element in a {
        println!("the value is: {element}");

Range can also be used in for loops.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    for number in (1..4).rev() {

Understanding Ownership

Ownership enables Rust to make memory safety guarantees without needing a garbage collector, so it’s important to understand how ownership works.

What Is Ownership?

Ownership is a set of rules that govern how a Rust program manages memory.

Memory is managed through a system of ownership with a set of rules that the compiler checks. If any of the rules are violated, the program won’t compile. None of the features of ownership will slow down your program while it’s running.

The Stack and the Heap


  1. The stack stores values in the order it gets them and removes the values in the opposite order. This is referred to as last in, first out.

  2. Adding data is called pushing onto the stack, and removing data is called popping off the stack.

  3. All data stored on the stack must have a known, fixed size. Data with an unknown size at compile time or a size that might change must be stored on the heap instead.


  1. The heap is less organized: when you put data on the heap, you request a certain amount of space. The memory allocator finds an empty spot in the heap that is big enough, marks it as being in use, and returns a pointer, which is the address of that location. This process is called allocating on the heap and is sometimes abbreviated as just allocating (pushing values onto the stack is not considered allocating). Because the pointer to the heap is a known, fixed size, you can store the pointer on the stack, but when you want the actual data, you must follow the pointer.

  2. Pushing to the stack is faster than allocating on the heap because the allocator never has to search for a place to store new data; that location is always at the top of the stack. Comparatively, allocating space on the heap requires more work because the allocator must first find a big enough space to hold the data and then perform bookkeeping to prepare for the next allocation.

  3. Accessing data in the heap is slower than accessing data on the stack because you have to follow a pointer to get there. Contemporary processors are faster if they jump around less in memory. A processor can do its job better if it works on data that’s close to other data (as it is on the stack) rather than farther away (as it can be on the heap).

When your code calls a function, the values passed into the function (including, potentially, pointers to data on the heap) and the function’s local variables (just the pointers and references, not the data) get pushed onto the stack. When the function is over, those values get popped off the stack.

Ownership Rules

  • Each value in Rust has an owner.

  • There can only be one owner at a time.

  • When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped.

Variable Scope

A variable and the scope in which it is valid.

{                      // s is not valid here, it's not yet declared
    let s = "hello";   // s is valid from this point forward

    // do stuff with s
}                      // this scope is now over, and s is no longer valid

The String Type

String type manages data allocated on the heap and as such is able to store an amount of text that is unknown to us at compile time.

You can create a String from a string literal using the from function, like so:

let s = String::from("hello");

The double colon :: operator allows us to namespace this particular from function under the String type rather than using some sort of name like string_from.

This kind of string can be mutated:

let mut s = String::from("hello");

s.push_str(", world!"); // push_str() appends a literal to a String

println!("{}", s); // This will print `hello, world!`

Memory and Allocation

With the String type, in order to support a mutable, growable piece of text, we need to allocate an amount of memory on the heap, unknown at compile time, to hold the contents. This means:

  • The memory must be requested from the memory allocator at runtime.

  • We need a way of returning this memory to the allocator when we’re done with our String.

The memory is automatically returned once the variable that owns it goes out of scope. Here’s a version of our scope example using a String instead of a string literal:

    let s = String::from("hello"); // s is valid from this point forward

    // do stuff with s
}                                  // this scope is now over, and s is no longer valid

There is a natural point at which we can return the memory our String needs to the allocator: when s goes out of scope. When a variable goes out of scope, Rust calls a special function for us. This function is called drop, and it’s where the author of String can put the code to return the memory. Rust calls drop automatically at the closing curly bracket.

Variables and Data Interacting with Move

Multiple variables can interact with the same data in different ways in Rust. Let’s look at an example using an integer in the following listing.

let x = 5;
let y = x;

We can probably guess what this is doing: “bind the value 5 to x; then make a copy of the value in x and bind it to y.” We now have two variables, x and y, and both equal 5. This is indeed what is happening, because integers are simple values with a known, fixed size, and these two 5 values are pushed onto the stack.

Now let’s look at the String version:

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1;

s1 on the stack (not valid after assigning to s2)

name value
ptr (s1 on the heap)
len 5
capacity 5

s1 on the heap

index value
0 h
1 e
2 l
3 l
4 o

s2 on the stack

name value
ptr (s1 on the heap)
len 5
capacity 5

The length is how much memory, in bytes, the contents of the String are currently using. The capacity is the total amount of memory, in bytes, that the String has received from the allocator. The difference between length and capacity matters, but not in this context, so for now, it’s fine to ignore the capacity.

If you’ve heard the terms shallow copy and deep copy while working with other languages, the concept of copying the pointer, length, and capacity without copying the data probably sounds like making a shallow copy. But because Rust also invalidates the first variable, instead of being called a shallow copy, it’s known as a move.

Move helps us to solve the double free error: When a variable goes out of scope, Rust automatically calls the drop function and cleans up the heap memory for that variable. Freeing memory twice can lead to memory corruption. After the line let s2 = s1, Rust considers s1 as no longer valid. Therefore, Rust doesn’t need to free anything when s1 goes out of scope.

Check out what happens when you try to use s1 after s2 is created; it won’t work:

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1;

println!("{}, world!", s1);
// You'll get an error because Rust prevents you from using the invalidated reference

Rust will never automatically create “deep” copies of your data. Therefore, any automatic copying can be assumed to be inexpensive in terms of runtime performance.

Variables and Data Interacting with Clone

If we do want to deeply copy the heap data of the String, not just the stack data, we can use a common method called clone. Here’s an example of the clone method in action:

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1.clone();

println!("s1 = {}, s2 = {}", s1, s2);

When you see a call to clone, you know that some arbitrary code is being executed and that code may be expensive. It’s a visual indicator that something different is going on.

Stack-Only Data: Copy

This code using integers works and is valid:

let x = 5;
let y = x;

println!("x = {}, y = {}", x, y);

But this code seems to contradict what we just learned: we don’t have a call to clone, but x is still valid and wasn’t moved into y.

The reason is that types such as integers that have a known size at compile time are stored entirely on the stack, so copies of the actual values are quick to make. There’s no difference between deep and shallow copying here.

Rust has a special annotation called the Copy trait that we can place on types that are stored on the stack. If a type implements the Copy trait, variables that use it do not move, but rather are trivially copied, making them still valid after assignment to another variable.

Rust won’t let us annotate a type with Copy if the type, or any of its parts, has implemented the Drop trait. If the type needs something special to happen when the value goes out of scope and we add the Copy annotation to that type, we’ll get a compile-time error.

Drop trait has no relationship with move mechanism. String can move and has Drop trait. But a struct only contains scalar type can move and doesn’t have Drop trait.

use std::mem::needs_drop;

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

fn main() {
    let p1 = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
    let p2 = p1; // `p1` is moved to `p2`
    // `p1` can no longer be used, but `p2` can be used normally
    println!("p2: ({}, {})", p2.x, p2.y);
    println!("Point has Drop trait: {}", needs_drop::<Point>());
    println!("String has Drop trait: {}", needs_drop::<String>());

    // Output
    // p2: (1, 2)
    // Point has Drop trait: false
    // String has Drop trait: true

As a general rule, any group of simple scalar values can implement Copy, and nothing that requires allocation or is some form of resource can implement Copy. Here are some of the types that implement Copy:

  • All the integer types, such as u32.

  • The Boolean type, bool, with values true and false.

  • All the floating-point types, such as f64.

  • The character type, char.

  • Tuples, if they only contain types that also implement Copy. For example, (i32, i32) implements Copy, but (i32, String) does not.

Drop trait and drop mechanism

Why scalar types like u32 doesn’t implement Drop trait but still be dropped when out of scope?

Because scalar types deallocate memory by the drop mechanism. The Drop trait just adds custom cleanup logic to the existing drop mechanism.

Drop trait: Provides a way to define extra custom cleanup logic for a type. When a type implementing Drop trait goes out of scope, its drop method is called.

Drop mechanism: The overarching system that ensures memory and resources are properly cleaned up when values go out of scope. Known as drop method (not the drop method on Drop trait).

Ownership and Functions

Passing a variable to a function will move or copy, just as assignment does. The following listing has an example with some annotations showing where variables go into and out of scope.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello");  // s comes into scope

    takes_ownership(s);             // s's value moves into the function...
                                    // ... and so is no longer valid here

    let x = 5;                      // x comes into scope

    makes_copy(x);                  // x would move into the function,
                                    // but i32 is Copy, so it's okay to still use x afterward

} // Here, x goes out of scope, then s. But because s's value was moved, nothing special happens.

fn takes_ownership(some_string: String) { // some_string comes into scope
    println!("{}", some_string);
} // Here, some_string goes out of scope and `drop` is called. The backing memory is freed.

fn makes_copy(some_integer: i32) { // some_integer comes into scope
    println!("{}", some_integer);
} // Here, some_integer goes out of scope. Nothing special happens.

Return Values and Scope

Returning values can also transfer ownership. The following listing shows an example of a function that returns some value.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let s1 = gives_ownership();         // gives_ownership moves its return value into s1

    let s2 = String::from("hello");     // s2 comes into scope

    let s3 = takes_and_gives_back(s2);  // s2 is moved into takes_and_gives_back, which also moves its return value into s3
} // Here, s3 goes out of scope and is dropped. s2 was moved, so nothing happens. s1 goes out of scope and is dropped.

fn gives_ownership() -> String {             // gives_ownership will move its return value into the function that calls it

    let some_string = String::from("yours"); // some_string comes into scope

    some_string                              // some_string is returned and moves out to the calling function

// This function takes a String and returns one
fn takes_and_gives_back(a_string: String) -> String { // a_string comes into scope

    a_string  // a_string is returned and moves out to the calling function

The ownership of a variable follows the same pattern every time: assigning a value to another variable moves it. When a variable that includes data on the heap goes out of scope, the value will be cleaned up by drop unless ownership of the data has been moved to another variable.

References and Borrowing

A reference is like a pointer in that it’s an address we can follow to access the data stored at that address; that data is owned by some other variable. Unlike a pointer, a reference is guaranteed to point to a valid value of a particular type for the life of that reference.

Here is how you would define and use a calculate_length function that has a reference to an object as a parameter instead of taking ownership of the value:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let s1 = String::from("hello");

    let len = calculate_length(&s1);

    println!("The length of '{}' is {}.", s1, len);

fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize { // s is a reference to a String
} // Here, s goes out of scope. But because it does not have ownership of what it refers to, it is not dropped.

These ampersands(&) represent references, and they allow you to refer to some value without taking ownership of it.

s on the stack

name value
ptr (s1 ptr)

s1 on the stack

name value
ptr (s1 on the heap)
len 5
capacity 5

s1 on the heap

index value
0 h
1 e
2 l
3 l
4 o

Note: The opposite of referencing by using & is dereferencing, which is accomplished with the dereference operator, *.

When functions have references as parameters instead of the actual values, we won’t need to return the values in order to give back ownership, because we never had ownership, the value it points to will not be dropped when the reference stops being used.

We call the action of creating a reference borrowing.

Just as variables are immutable by default, so are references. We’re not allowed to modify something we have a reference to.

Mutable References

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");

    change(&mut s);

fn change(some_string: &mut String) {
    some_string.push_str(", world");

We create a mutable reference with &mut.

Mutable references have one big restriction: if you have a mutable reference to a value, you can have no other references to that value.

The benefit of having this restriction is that Rust can prevent data races at compile time.

Data races cause undefined behavior and can be difficult to diagnose and fix when you’re trying to track them down at runtime; Rust prevents this problem by refusing to compile code with data races.

As always, we can use curly brackets to create a new scope, allowing for multiple mutable references, just not simultaneous ones:

let mut s = String::from("hello");

    let r1 = &mut s;
} // r1 goes out of scope here, so we can make a new reference with no problems.

let r2 = &mut s;

We also cannot have a mutable reference while we have an immutable one to the same value.

let mut s = String::from("hello");

let r1 = &s; // no problem
let r2 = &s; // no problem
let r3 = &mut s; // BIG PROBLEM

println!("{}, {}, and {}", r1, r2, r3);

Users of an immutable reference don’t expect the value to suddenly change out from under them! However, multiple immutable references are allowed because no one who is just reading the data has the ability to affect anyone else’s reading of the data.

Note that a reference’s scope starts from where it is introduced and continues through the last time that reference is used. For instance, this code will compile because the last usage of the immutable references, the println!, occurs before the mutable reference is introduced:

let mut s = String::from("hello");

let r1 = &s; // no problem
let r2 = &s; // no problem
println!("{} and {}", r1, r2);
// variables r1 and r2 will be used after this point

let r3 = &mut s; // no problem
println!("{}", r3);

Dangling References

In languages with pointers, it’s easy to erroneously create a dangling pointer—a pointer that references a location in memory that may have been given to someone else—by freeing some memory while preserving a pointer to that memory.

In Rust, by contrast, the compiler guarantees that references will never be dangling references: if you have a reference to some data, the compiler will ensure that the data will not go out of scope before the reference to the data does.

Let’s try to create a dangling reference to see how Rust prevents them with a compile-time error:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let reference_to_nothing = dangle();

fn dangle() -> &String { // dangle returns a reference to a String

    let s = String::from("hello"); // s is a new String

    &s // we return a reference to the String, s
} // Here, s goes out of scope, and is dropped. Its memory goes away. Danger!

Because s is created inside dangle, when the code of dangle is finished, s will be deallocated. But we tried to return a reference to it. That means this reference would be pointing to an invalid String. That’s no good! Rust won’t let us do this.

The Rules of References

  • At any given time, you can have either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references.

  • References must always be valid.

The Slice Type

Slices let you reference a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection rather than the whole collection. A slice is a kind of reference, so it does not have ownership.

String Slices

A string slice is a reference to part of a String.

let s = String::from("hello world");

let hello = &s[0..5];
let world = &s[6..11];

We create slices using a range within brackets by specifying [starting_index..ending_index], where starting_index is the first position in the slice and ending_index is one more than the last position in the slice. Internally, the slice data structure stores the starting position and the length of the slice, which corresponds to ending_index minus starting_index.


name value
ptr (s on the heap) at index 0
len 11
capacity 11


name value
ptr (s on the heap) at index 6
len 5

s on the heap

index value
0 h
1 e
2 l
3 l
4 o
6 w
7 o
8 r
9 l
10 d

With Rust’s .. range syntax, if you want to start at index 0, you can drop the value before the two periods. In other words, these are equal:

let s = String::from("hello");

let slice = &s[0..2];
let slice = &s[..2];

By the same token, if your slice includes the last byte of the String, you can drop the trailing number. That means these are equal:

let s = String::from("hello");

let len = s.len();

let slice = &s[3..len];
let slice = &s[3..];

You can also drop both values to take a slice of the entire string. So these are equal:

let s = String::from("hello");

let len = s.len();

let slice = &s[0..len];
let slice = &s[..];

Note: String slice range indices must occur at valid UTF-8 character boundaries. If you attempt to create a string slice in the middle of a multibyte character, your program will exit with an error.

With all this information in mind, let’s rewrite first_word to return a slice. The type that signifies “string slice” is written as &str:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn first_word(s: &String) -> &str {
    let bytes = s.as_bytes();

    for (i, &item) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
        if item == b' ' {
            return &s[0..i];


Remember the bug in the program in the previous listing, when we got the index to the end of the first word but then cleared the string so our index was invalid? That code was logically incorrect but didn’t show any immediate errors. Using the slice version of first_word will throw a compile-time error:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello world");

    let word = first_word(&s); // immutable borrow occurs here

    s.clear(); // error! mutable borrow occurs here

    println!("the first word is: {}", word); // immutable borrow later used here

Recall from the borrowing rules that if we have an immutable reference to something, we cannot also take a mutable reference. Because clear needs to truncate the String, it needs to get a mutable reference.

String Literals as Slices

String literals being stored inside the binary.

let s = "Hello, world!";

The type of s here is &str: it’s a slice pointing to that specific point of the binary. This is also why string literals are immutable; &str is an immutable reference.

String Slices as Parameters

Using &str instead of &String as parameters allows us to use the same function on both &String values and &str values. This flexibility takes advantage of deref coercions.

fn first_word(s: &String) -> &str {

fn first_word(s: &str) -> &str {

Defining a function to take a string slice instead of a reference to a String makes our API more general and useful without losing any functionality:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let my_string = String::from("hello world");

    // `first_word` works on slices of `String`s, whether partial or whole
    let word = first_word(&my_string[0..6]);
    let word = first_word(&my_string[..]);
    // `first_word` also works on references to `String`s, which are equivalent to whole slices of `String`s
    let word = first_word(&my_string);

    let my_string_literal = "hello world";

    // `first_word` works on slices of string literals, whether partial or whole
    let word = first_word(&my_string_literal[0..6]);
    let word = first_word(&my_string_literal[..]);

    // Because string literals *are* string slices already, this works too, without the slice syntax!
    let word = first_word(my_string_literal);

Other Slices

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let slice = &a[1..3];

assert_eq!(slice, &[2, 3]);

This slice has the type &[i32]. It works the same way as string slices do, by storing a reference to the first element and a length. You’ll use this kind of slice for all sorts of other collections.

A struct, or structure, is a custom data type that lets you package together and name multiple related values that make up a meaningful group.

Defining and Instantiating Struct

For example, the following listing shows a struct that stores information about a user account:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct User {
    active: bool,
    username: String,
    email: String,
    sign_in_count: u64,

For example, we can declare a particular user as shown in the following listing:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let user1 = User {
        active: true,
        username: String::from("someusername123"),
        email: String::from("[email protected]"),
        sign_in_count: 1,

To get a specific value from a struct, we use dot notation. If the instance is mutable, we can change a value by using the dot notation and assigning into a particular field.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let mut user1 = User {
        active: true,
        username: String::from("someusername123"),
        email: String::from("[email protected]"),
        sign_in_count: 1,

    user1.email = String::from("[email protected]");

Note that the entire instance must be mutable; Rust doesn’t allow us to mark only certain fields as mutable.

As with any expression, we can construct a new instance of the struct as the last expression in the function body to implicitly return that new instance.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn build_user(email: String, username: String) -> User {
    User {
        active: true,
        username: username,
        email: email,
        sign_in_count: 1,

Using the Field Init Shorthand

Because the parameter names and the struct field names are exactly the same in previous listing, we can use the field init shorthand syntax to rewrite build_user so it behaves exactly the same but doesn’t have the repetition of username and email, as shown in the following listing:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn build_user(email: String, username: String) -> User {
    User {
        active: true,
        sign_in_count: 1,

Creating Instances from Other Instances with Struct Update Syntax

The syntax .. specifies that the remaining fields not explicitly set should have the same value as the fields in the given instance.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    // --snip--

    let user2 = User {
        email: String::from("[email protected]"),

The syntax ..user1 must come last to specify that any remaining fields should get their values from the corresponding fields in user1, but we can choose to specify values for as many fields as we want in any order, regardless of the order of the fields in the struct’s definition.

Note that the struct update syntax uses = like an assignment; this is because it moves the data. In this example, we can no longer use user1 as a whole after creating user2 because the String in the username field of user1 was moved into user2.

If we had given user2 new String values for both email and username, and thus only used the active and sign_in_count values from user1, then user1 would still be valid after creating user2. Both active and sign_in_count are types that implement the Copy trait, so types that implement the Copy trait (stack-only data), wouldn’t be moved and still be valid after creating new instance by struct update syntax.

Using Tuple Structs Without Named Fields to Create Different Types

Rust also supports structs that look similar to tuples, called tuple structs. Tuple structs have the added meaning the struct name provides but don’t have names associated with their fields; rather, they just have the types of the fields.

Tuple structs are useful when you want to give the whole tuple a name and make the tuple a different type from other tuples, and when naming each field as in a regular struct would be verbose or redundant.

For example, here we define and use two tuple structs named Color and Point:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Color(i32, i32, i32);
struct Point(i32, i32, i32);

fn main() {
    let black = Color(0, 0, 0);
    let origin = Point(0, 0, 0);

Note that the black and origin values are different types because they’re instances of different tuple structs. Each struct you define is its own type, even though the fields within the struct might have the same types.

Otherwise, tuple struct instances are similar to tuples in that you can destructure them into their individual pieces, and you can use a . followed by the index to access an individual value.

Unit-Like Structs Without Any Fields

You can also define structs that don’t have any fields! These are called unit-like structs because they behave similarly to (). Unit-like structs can be useful when you need to implement a trait on some type but don’t have any data that you want to store in the type itself.

Here’s an example of declaring and instantiating a unit struct named AlwaysEqual:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct AlwaysEqual;

fn main() {
    let subject = AlwaysEqual;

Ownership of Struct Data

It’s also possible for structs to store references to data owned by something else, but to do so requires the use of lifetimes. Lifetimes ensure that the data referenced by a struct is valid for as long as the struct is. Let’s say you try to store a reference in a struct without specifying lifetimes, like the following; this won’t work:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct User {
    active: bool,
    username: &str,
    email: &str,
    sign_in_count: u64,

fn main() {
    let user1 = User {
        active: true,
        username: "someusername123",
        email: "[email protected]",
        sign_in_count: 1,

// error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier

An Example Program Using Structs

To understand when we might want to use structs, let’s write a program that calculates the area of a rectangle.

Refactoring with Structs: Adding More Meaning

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: 30,
        height: 50,

        "The area of the rectangle is {} square pixels.",

fn area(rectangle: &Rectangle) -> u32 {
    rectangle.width * rectangle.height

Adding Useful Functionality with Derived Traits

It’d be useful to be able to print an instance of Rectangle while we’re debugging our program and see the values for all its fields. The following listing tries using the println! macro. This won’t work, however:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: 30,
        height: 50,

    println!("rect1 is {}", rect1);

// error[E0277]: `Rectangle` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display`

The println! macro can do many kinds of formatting, and by default, the curly brackets tell println! to use formatting known as Display: output intended for direct end user consumption.

The primitive types we’ve seen so far implement Display by default because there’s only one way you’d want to show a 1 or any other primitive type to a user. But with structs, the way println! should format the output is less clear because there are more display possibilities: Do you want commas or not? Do you want to print the curly brackets? Should all the fields be shown? Due to this ambiguity, Rust doesn’t try to guess what we want, and structs don’t have a provided implementation of Display to use with println! and the {} placeholder.

Putting the specifier :? inside the curly brackets tells println! we want to use an output format called Debug. The Debug trait enables us to print our struct in a way that is useful for developers so we can see its value while we’re debugging our code.

Rust does include functionality to print out debugging information, but we have to explicitly opt in to make that functionality available for our struct. To do that, we add the outer attribute #[derive(Debug)] just before the struct definition as shown in the following list.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: 30,
        height: 50,

    println!("rect1 is {:?}", rect1);

When we have larger structs, it’s useful to have output that’s a bit easier to read; in those cases, we can use {:#?} instead of {:?} in the println! string.

Using the {:?} style will output the following:

rect1 is Rectangle { width: 30, height: 50 }

Using the {:#?} style will output the following:

rect1 is Rectangle {
    width: 30,
    height: 50,

Another way to print out a value using the Debug format is to use the dbg! macro, which takes ownership of an expression (as opposed to println!, which takes a reference), prints the file and line number of where that dbg! macro call occurs in your code along with the resultant value of that expression, and returns ownership of the value.

Note: Calling the dbg! macro prints to the standard error console stream (stderr), as opposed to println!, which prints to the standard output console stream (stdout).

Here’s an example where we’re interested in the value that gets assigned to the width field, as well as the value of the whole struct in rect1:

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let scale = 2;
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: dbg!(30 * scale),
        height: 50,


We can put dbg! around the expression 30 * scale and, because dbg! returns ownership of the expression’s value, the width field will get the same value as if we didn’t have the dbg! call there. We don’t want dbg! to take ownership of rect1, so we use a reference to rect1 in the next call. Here’s what the output of this example looks like:

[src/main.rs:10] 30 * scale = 60
[src/main.rs:14] &rect1 = Rectangle {
    width: 60,
    height: 50,

Method Syntax

Unlike functions, methods are defined within the context of a struct (or an enum or a trait object), and their first parameter is always self, which represents the instance of the struct the method is being called on.

Defining Methods

Let’s change the area function that has a Rectangle instance as a parameter and instead make an area method defined on the Rectangle struct, as shown in the following listing.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

impl Rectangle {
    fn area(&self) -> u32 {
        self.width * self.height

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: 30,
        height: 50,

        "The area of the rectangle is {} square pixels.",

The &self is actually short for self: &Self. Within an impl block, the type Self is an alias for the type that the impl block is for.

Methods must have a parameter named self of type Self for their first parameter, so Rust lets you abbreviate this with only the name self in the first parameter spot.

Note that we still need to use the & in front of the self shorthand to indicate that this method borrows the Self instance, just as we did in rectangle: &Rectangle: we don’t want to take ownership, and we just want to read the data in the struct, not write to it.

Methods can take ownership of self, borrow self immutably, as we’ve done here, or borrow self mutably, just as they can any other parameter.

If we wanted to change the instance that we’ve called the method on as part of what the method does, we’d use &mut self as the first parameter.

Having a method that takes ownership of the instance by using just self as the first parameter is rare; this technique is usually used when the method transforms self into something else and you want to prevent the caller from using the original instance after the transformation.

The main reason for using methods instead of functions, in addition to providing method syntax and not having to repeat the type of self in every method’s signature, is for organization.

Note that we can choose to give a method the same name as one of the struct’s fields. For example, we can define a method on Rectangle that is also named width:

Filename: src/main.rs

impl Rectangle {
    fn width(&self) -> bool {
        self.width > 0

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: 30,
        height: 50,

    if rect1.width() {
        println!("The rectangle has a nonzero width; it is {}", rect1.width);

In main, when we follow rect1.width with parentheses, Rust knows we mean the method width. When we don’t use parentheses, Rust knows we mean the field width.

Often, but not always, when we give a method the same name as a field we want it to only return the value in the field and do nothing else. Methods like this are called getters, and Rust does not implement them automatically for struct fields as some other languages do. Getters are useful because you can make the field private but the method public, and thus enable read-only access to that field as part of the type’s public API.

Methods with More Parameters

Let’s practice using methods by implementing a second method on the Rectangle struct.

Filename: src/main.rs

// --snip--
impl Rectangle {
    fn area(&self) -> u32 {
        self.width * self.height

    fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
        self.width > other.width && self.height > other.height

fn main() {
    let rect1 = Rectangle {
        width: 30,
        height: 50,
    let rect2 = Rectangle {
        width: 10,
        height: 40,
    let rect3 = Rectangle {
        width: 60,
        height: 45,

    println!("Can rect1 hold rect2? {}", rect1.can_hold(&rect2));
    println!("Can rect1 hold rect3? {}", rect1.can_hold(&rect3));

    // The output
    // Can rect1 hold rect2? true
    // Can rect1 hold rect3? false

Methods can take multiple parameters that we add to the signature after the self parameter, and those parameters work just like parameters in functions.

Associated Functions

All functions defined within an impl block are called associated functions because they’re associated with the type named after the impl.

We can define associated functions that don’t have self as their first parameter (and thus are not methods) because they don’t need an instance of the type to work with.

Associated functions that aren’t methods are often used for constructors that will return a new instance of the struct. These are often called new, but new isn’t a special name and isn’t built into the language.

For example, we could choose to provide an associated function named square that would have one dimension parameter and use that as both width and height, thus making it easier to create a square Rectangle rather than having to specify the same value twice:

Filename: src/main.rs

impl Rectangle {
    fn square(size: u32) -> Self {
        Self {
            width: size,
            height: size,

let sq = Rectangle::square(3);

The Self keywords in the return type and in the body of the function are aliases for the type that appears after the impl keyword, which in this case is Rectangle.

To call this associated function, we use the :: syntax with the struct name. Associated function is namespaced by the struct: the:: syntax is used for both associated functions and namespaces created by modules.

Multiple impl Blocks

Each struct is allowed to have multiple impl blocks. For example, the following listing is equivalent to the code shown in the previous listing, which has each method in its own impl block.

impl Rectangle {
    fn area(&self) -> u32 {
        self.width * self.height

impl Rectangle {
    fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
        self.width > other.width && self.height > other.height

Enums and Pattern Matching

Defining an Enum

Any IP address can be either a version four or a version six address, but not both at the same time. That property of IP addresses makes the enum data structure appropriate because an enum value can only be one of its variants.

We can express this concept in code by defining an IpAddrKind enumeration and listing the possible kinds an IP address can be, V4 and V6. These are the variants of the enum:

enum IpAddrKind {

Enum Values

We can create instances of each of the two variants of IpAddrKind like this:

let four = IpAddrKind::V4;
let six = IpAddrKind::V6;

Note that the variants of the enum are namespaced under its identifier, and we use a double colon to separate the two. This is useful because now both values IpAddrKind::V4 and IpAddrKind::V6 are of the same type: IpAddrKind. We can then, for instance, define a function that takes any IpAddrKind:

fn route(ip_kind: IpAddrKind) {}

And we can call this function with either variant:


Rather than an enum inside a struct, we can put data directly into each enum variant. This new definition of the IpAddr enum says that both V4 and V6 variants will have associated String values:

enum IpAddr {

let home = IpAddr::V4(String::from(""));

let loopback = IpAddr::V6(String::from("::1"));

The name of each enum variant that we define also becomes a function that constructs an instance of the enum.

There’s another advantage to using an enum rather than a struct: each variant can have different types and amounts of associated data.

enum IpAddr {
    V4(u8, u8, u8, u8),

let home = IpAddr::V4(127, 0, 0, 1);

let loopback = IpAddr::V6(String::from("::1"));

Let’s look at how the standard library defines IpAddr: it has the exact enum and variants that we’ve defined and used, but it embeds the address data inside the variants in the form of two different structs, which are defined differently for each variant:

struct Ipv4Addr {
    // --snip--

struct Ipv6Addr {
    // --snip--

enum IpAddr {

You can put any kind of data inside an enum variant: strings, numeric types, or structs, for example. You can even include another enum.

Let’s look at another example of an enum in the following listing: this one has a wide variety of types embedded in its variants.

enum Message {
    Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
    ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),

Defining an enum with variants is similar to defining different kinds of struct definitions, except the enum doesn’t use the struct keyword and all the variants are grouped together under the Message type. The following structs could hold the same data that the preceding enum variants hold:

struct QuitMessage; // unit struct
struct MoveMessage {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
struct WriteMessage(String); // tuple struct
struct ChangeColorMessage(i32, i32, i32); // tuple struct

But if we used the different structs, each of which has its own type, we couldn’t as easily define a function to take any of these kinds of messages as we could with the Message enum defined in previous listing, which is a single type.

There is one more similarity between enums and structs: just as we’re able to define methods on structs using impl, we’re also able to define methods on enums. Here’s a method named call that we could define on our Message enum:

impl Message {
    fn call(&self) {
        // method body would be defined here

let m = Message::Write(String::from("hello"));

The Option Enum and Its Advantages Over Null Values

Rust does not have nulls, but it does have an enum that can encode the concept of a value being present or absent. This enum is Option<T>, and it is defined by the standard library as follows:

enum Option<T> {

The Option<T> enum is so useful that it’s even included in the prelude; you don’t need to bring it into scope explicitly. Its variants are also included in the prelude: you can use Some and None directly without the Option:: prefix. The Option<T> enum is still just a regular enum, and Some(T) and None are still variants of type Option<T>.

<T> means that the Some variant of the Option enum can hold one piece of data of any type, and that each concrete type that gets used in place of T makes the overall Option<T> type a different type. Here are some examples of using Option values to hold number types and string types:

let some_number = Some(5);
let some_char = Some('e');

let absent_number: Option<i32> = None;

Option<T> and T (where T can be any type) are different types, the compiler won’t let us use an Option<T> value as if it were definitely a valid value.

You have to convert an Option<T> to a T before you can perform T operations with it. Generally, this helps catch one of the most common issues with null: assuming that something isn’t null when it actually is.

In general, in order to use an Option<T> value, you want to have code that will handle each variant. The match expression is a control flow construct that does just this when used with enums: it will run different code depending on which variant of the enum it has, and that code can use the data inside the matching value.

The Match Control Flow Construct

Rust has an extremely powerful control flow construct called match that allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based on which pattern matches. Patterns can be made up of literal values, variable names, wildcards, and many other things.

We can write a function that takes an unknown US coin and, in a similar way as the counting machine, determines which coin it is and returns its value in cents, as shown in following listing:

enum Coin {

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
    match coin {
        Coin::Penny => {
            println!("Lucky penny!");
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25,

First we list the match keyword followed by an expression, which in this case is the value coin. This seems very similar to a conditional expression used with if, but there’s a big difference: with if, the condition needs to evaluate to a Boolean value, but here it can be any type.

Next are the match arms. An arm has two parts: a pattern and some code.The first arm here has a pattern that is the value Coin::Penny and then the => operator that separates the pattern and the code to run. The code in this case is just the value 1. Each arm is separated from the next with a comma.

When the match expression executes, it compares the resultant value against the pattern of each arm, in order. If a pattern matches the value, the code associated with that pattern is executed. If that pattern doesn’t match the value, execution continues to the next arm. We can have as many arms as we need.

The code associated with each arm is an expression, and the resultant value of the expression in the matching arm is the value that gets returned for the entire match expression.

We don’t typically use curly brackets if the match arm code is short. If you want to run multiple lines of code in a match arm, you must use curly brackets, and the comma following the arm is then optional.

Patterns That Bind to Values

Another useful feature of match arms is that they can bind to the parts of the values that match the pattern. This is how we can extract values out of enum variants.

As an example, let’s change one of our enum variants to hold data inside it. From 1999 through 2008, the United States minted quarters with different designs for each of the 50 states on one side. No other coins got state designs, so only quarters have this extra value. We can add this information to our enum by changing the Quarter variant to include a UsState value stored inside it, which we’ve done in the following listing.

#[derive(Debug)] // so we can inspect the state in a minute
enum UsState {
    // --snip--

enum Coin {

In the match expression for this code, we add a variable called state to the pattern that matches values of the variant Coin::Quarter. When a Coin::Quarter matches, the state variable will bind to the value of that quarter’s state. Then we can use state in the code for that arm, like so:

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
    match coin {
        Coin::Penny => 1,
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter(state) => {
            println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);

Matching with Option<T>

Let’s say we want to write a function that takes an Option<i32> and, if there’s a value inside, adds 1 to that value. If there isn’t a value inside, the function should return the None value and not attempt to perform any operations.

This function is very easy to write, thanks to match, and will look like the following listing.

fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
    match x {
        None => None,
        Some(i) => Some(i + 1),

let five = Some(5);
let six = plus_one(five);
let none = plus_one(None);

Combining match and enums is useful in many situations. You’ll see this pattern a lot in Rust code: match against an enum, bind a variable to the data inside, and then execute code based on it.

Matches Are Exhaustive

There’s one other aspect of match we need to discuss: the arms’ patterns must cover all possibilities. Consider this version of our plus_one function, which has a bug and won’t compile:

fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
    match x {
        Some(i) => Some(i + 1),

Rust knows that we didn’t cover every possible case, and even knows which pattern we forgot! Matches in Rust are exhaustive: we must exhaust every last possibility in order for the code to be valid. Especially in the case of Option<T>, when Rust prevents us from forgetting to explicitly handle the None case, it protects us from assuming that we have a value when we might have null.

Catch-all Patterns and the _ Placeholder

Using enums, we can also take special actions for a few particular values, but for all other values take one default action.

Imagine we’re implementing a game where, if you roll a 3 on a dice roll, your player doesn’t move, but instead gets a new fancy hat. If you roll a 7, your player loses a fancy hat. For all other values, your player moves that number of spaces on the game board. Here’s a match that implements that logic:

let dice_roll = 9;
match dice_roll {
    3 => add_fancy_hat(),
    7 => remove_fancy_hat(),
    other => move_player(other),

fn add_fancy_hat() {}
fn remove_fancy_hat() {}
fn move_player(num_spaces: u8) {}

This code compiles, even though we haven’t listed all the possible values a u8 can have, because the last pattern will match all values not specifically listed. This catch-all pattern meets the requirement that match must be exhaustive.

Note that we have to put the catch-all arm last because the patterns are evaluated in order. If we put the catch-all arm earlier, the other arms would never run, so Rust will warn us if we add arms after a catch-all.

Rust also has a pattern we can use when we want a catch-all but don’t want to use the value in the catch-all pattern: _ is a special pattern that matches any value and does not bind to that value. This tells Rust we aren’t going to use the value, so Rust won’t warn us about an unused variable.

Let’s change the rules of the game: now, if you roll anything other than a 3 or a 7, you must roll again. We no longer need to use the catch-all value, so we can change our code to use _ instead of the variable named other:

let dice_roll = 9;
match dice_roll {
    3 => add_fancy_hat(),
    7 => remove_fancy_hat(),
    _ => reroll(),

fn add_fancy_hat() {}
fn remove_fancy_hat() {}
fn reroll() {}

Finally, we’ll change the rules of the game one more time so that nothing else happens on your turn if you roll anything other than a 3 or a 7. We can express that by using the unit value (the empty tuple type) as the code that goes with the _ arm:

let dice_roll = 9;
match dice_roll {
    3 => add_fancy_hat(),
    7 => remove_fancy_hat(),
    _ => (),

fn add_fancy_hat() {}
fn remove_fancy_hat() {}

Concise Control Flow with if let

The if let syntax lets you combine if and let into a less verbose way to handle values that match one pattern while ignoring the rest.

Consider the program in the following listing that matches on an Option<u8> value in the config_max variable but only wants to execute code if the value is the Some variant.

let config_max = Some(3u8);
match config_max {
    Some(max) => println!("The maximum is configured to be {}", max),
    _ => (),

We don’t want to do anything with the None value. To satisfy the match expression, we have to add _ => () after processing just one variant, which is annoying boilerplate code to add.

Instead, we could write this in a shorter way using if let. The following code behaves the same as the match in the following listing:

let config_max = Some(3u8);
if let Some(max) = config_max {
    println!("The maximum is configured to be {}", max);

Using if let means less typing, less indentation, and less boilerplate code. However, you lose the exhaustive checking that match enforces.

In other words, you can think of if let as syntax sugar for a match that runs code when the value matches one pattern and then ignores all other values.

We can include an else with an if let. The block of code that goes with the else is the same as the block of code that would go with the _ case in the match expression that is equivalent to the if let and else.

Recall the Coin enum definition in the previous listing, where the Quarter variant also held a UsState value. If we wanted to count all non-quarter coins we see while also announcing the state of the quarters, we could do that with a match expression, like this:

let mut count = 0;
match coin {
    Coin::Quarter(state) => println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state),
    _ => count += 1,

Or we could use an if let and else expression, like this:

let mut count = 0;
if let Coin::Quarter(state) = coin {
    println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);
} else {
    count += 1;

Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules

A package can contain multiple binary crates and optionally one library crate.

You can create scopes and change which names are in or out of scope. You can’t have two items with the same name in the same scope; tools are available to resolve name conflicts.

The Rust module system, include:

  • Packages: A Cargo feature that lets you build, test, and share crates.

  • Crates: A tree of modules that produces a library or executable.

  • Modules and use: Let you control the organization, scope, and privacy of paths.

  • Paths: A way of naming an item, such as a struct, function, or module.

Packages and Crates

A crate is the smallest amount of code that the Rust compiler considers at a time. Even if you run rustc rather than cargo and pass a single source code file, the compiler considers that file to be a crate. Crates can contain modules, and the modules may be defined in other files that get compiled with the crate.

A crate can come in one of two forms: a binary crate or a library crate.

  • Binary crates are programs you can compile to an executable that you can run, such as a command-line program or a server. Each must have a function called main that defines what happens when the executable runs.

  • Library crates don’t have a main function, and they don’t compile to an executable. Instead, they define functionality intended to be shared with multiple projects.

  • Most of the time when Rustaceans say “crate”, they mean library crate, and they use “crate” interchangeably with the general programming concept of a “library”.

The crate root is a source file that the Rust compiler starts from and makes up the root module of your crate.

A package is a bundle of one or more crates that provides a set of functionality. A package contains a Cargo.toml file that describes how to build those crates.

A package can contain as many binary crates as you like, but at most only one library crate. A package must contain at least one crate, whether that’s a library or binary crate.

Cargo follows a convention that src/main.rs is the crate root of a binary crate with the same name as the package. Likewise, Cargo knows that if the package directory contains src/lib.rs, the package contains a library crate with the same name as the package, and src/lib.rs is its crate root. Cargo passes the crate root files to rustc to build the library or binary.

A package that only contains src/main.rs, meaning it only contains a binary crate which has the same name as the package. If a package contains src/main.rs and src/lib.rs, it has two crates: a binary and a library, both with the same name as the package. A package can have multiple binary crates by placing files in the src/bin directory: each file will be a separate binary crate.

Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy

Namely paths that allow you to name items; the use keyword that brings a path into scope; and the pub keyword to make items public.

Modules Cheat Sheet

  • Start from the crate root: When compiling a crate, the compiler first looks in the crate root file (usually src/lib.rs for a library crate or src/main.rs for a binary crate) for code to compile.

  • Declaring modules: In the crate root file, you can declare new modules; say, you declare a “garden” module with mod garden;. The compiler will look for the module’s code in these places:

    • Inline, within curly brackets that replace the semicolon following mod garden

    • In the file src/garden.rs

    • In the file src/garden/mod.rs

  • Declaring submodules: In any file other than the crate root, you can declare submodules. For example, you might declare mod vegetables; in src/garden.rs. The compiler will look for the submodule’s code within the directory named for the parent module in these places:

    • Inline, directly following mod vegetables, within curly brackets instead of the semicolon

    • In the file src/garden/vegetables.rs

    • In the file src/garden/vegetables/mod.rs

  • Paths to code in modules: Once a module is part of your crate, you can refer to code in that module from anywhere else in that same crate, as long as the privacy rules allow, using the path to the code. For example, an Asparagus type in the garden vegetables module would be found at crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus.

  • Private vs public: Code within a module is private from its parent modules by default. To make a module public, declare it with pub mod instead of mod. To make items within a public module public as well, use pub before their declarations.

  • The use keyword: Within a scope, the use keyword creates shortcuts to items to reduce repetition of long paths. In any scope that can refer to crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus, you can create a shortcut with use crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus; and from then on you only need to write Asparagus to make use of that type in the scope.

Here we create a binary crate named backyard that illustrates these rules. The crate’s directory, also named backyard, contains these files and directories:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── garden
    │   └── vegetables.rs
    ├── garden.rs
    └── main.rs

The crate root file in this case is src/main.rs, and it contains:

Filename: src/main.rs

use crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus;

pub mod garden;

fn main() {
    let plant = Asparagus {};
    println!("I'm growing {:?}!", plant);

The pub mod garden; line tells the compiler to include the code it finds in src/garden.rs, which is:

Filename: src/garden.rs

pub mod vegetables;

Here, pub mod vegetables; means the code in src/garden/vegetables.rs is included too. That code is:

pub struct Asparagus {}

Modules also allow us to control the privacy of items, because code within a module is private by default. Private items are internal implementation details not available for outside use.

As an example, let’s write a library crate that provides the functionality of a restaurant. We’ll define the signatures of functions but leave their bodies empty to concentrate on the organization of the code, rather than the implementation of a restaurant.

In the restaurant industry, some parts of a restaurant are referred to as front of house and others as back of house. Front of house is where customers are; this encompasses where the hosts seat customers, servers take orders and payment, and bartenders make drinks. Back of house is where the chefs and cooks work in the kitchen, dishwashers clean up, and managers do administrative work.

To structure our crate in this way, we can organize its functions into nested modules. Create a new library named restaurant by running cargo new restaurant --lib; then enter the following code into src/lib.rs to define some modules and function signatures. Here’s the front of house section:

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house {
    mod hosting {
        fn add_to_waitlist() {}

        fn seat_at_table() {}

    mod serving {
        fn take_order() {}

        fn serve_order() {}

        fn take_payment() {}

We define a module with the mod keyword followed by the name of the module (in this case, front_of_house). The body of the module then goes inside curly brackets. Inside modules, we can place other modules, as in this case with the modules hosting and serving. Modules can also hold definitions for other items, such as structs, enums, constants, traits, and functions.

Earlier, we mentioned that src/main.rs and src/lib.rs are called crate roots. The reason for their name is that the contents of either of these two files form a module named crate at the root of the crate’s module structure, known as the module tree.

The following listing shows the module tree for the structure in preceding listing.

 └── front_of_house
     ├── hosting
     │   ├── add_to_waitlist
     │   └── seat_at_table
     └── serving
         ├── take_order
         ├── serve_order
         └── take_payment

Notice that the entire module tree is rooted under the implicit module named crate.

Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree

A path can take two forms:

  • An absolute path is the full path starting from a crate root; for code from an external crate, the absolute path begins with the crate name, and for code from the current crate, it starts with the literal crate.

  • A relative path starts from the current module and uses self, super, or an identifier in the current module.

Both absolute and relative paths are followed by one or more identifiers separated by double colons (::).

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house {
    pub mod hosting {
        pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {
    // Absolute path

    // Relative path

Using the crate name to start from the crate root is like using / to start from the filesystem root in your shell.

Starting with a module name means that the path is relative.

Choosing whether to use a relative or absolute path is a decision you’ll make based on your project, and depends on whether you’re more likely to move item definition code separately from or together with the code that uses the item. Our preference in general is to specify absolute paths because it’s more likely we’ll want to move code definitions and item calls independently of each other.

In Rust, all items (functions, methods, structs, enums, modules, and constants) are private to parent modules by default. If you want to make an item like a function or struct private, you put it in a module.

Items in a parent module can’t use the private items inside child modules, but items in child modules can use the items in their ancestor modules (by using the super keyword). This is because child modules wrap and hide their implementation details, but the child modules can see the context in which they’re defined.

Rust chose to have the module system function this way so that hiding inner implementation details is the default. However, Rust does give you the option to expose inner parts of child modules’ code to outer ancestor modules by using the pub keyword to make an item public.

Exposing Paths with the pub Keyword

The pub keyword on a module only lets code in its ancestor modules refer to it, not access its inner code. Because modules are containers, there’s not much we can do by only making the module public; we need to go further and choose to make one or more of the items within the module public as well.

Best Practices for Packages with a Binary and a Library

The module tree should be defined in src/lib.rs. Then, any public items can be used in the binary crate by starting paths with the name of the package. The binary crate becomes a user of the library crate just like a completely external crate would use the library crate: it can only use the public API.

Starting Relative Paths with super

We can construct relative paths that begin in the parent module, rather than the current module or the crate root, by using super at the start of the path. This is like starting a filesystem path with the .. syntax. Using super allows us to reference an item that we know is in the parent module, which can make rearranging the module tree easier when the module is closely related to the parent, but the parent might be moved elsewhere in the module tree someday.

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn deliver_order() {}

mod back_of_house {
    fn fix_incorrect_order() {

    fn cook_order() {}

The fix_incorrect_order function is in the back_of_house module, so we can use super to go to the parent module of back_of_house, which in this case is crate, the root.

We think the back_of_house module and the deliver_order function are likely to stay in the same relationship to each other and get moved together should we decide to reorganize the crate’s module tree. Therefore, we used super so we’ll have fewer places to update code in the future if this code gets moved to a different module.

Making Structs and Enums Public

We can also use pub to designate structs and enums as public, but there are a few details extra to the usage of pub with structs and enums.

If we use pub before a struct definition, we make the struct public, but the struct’s fields will still be private. We can make each field public or not on a case-by-case basis.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod back_of_house {
    pub struct Breakfast {
        pub toast: String,
        seasonal_fruit: String,

    impl Breakfast {
        pub fn summer(toast: &str) -> Breakfast {
            Breakfast {
                toast: String::from(toast),
                seasonal_fruit: String::from("peaches"),

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {
    // Order a breakfast in the summer with Rye toast
    let mut meal = back_of_house::Breakfast::summer("Rye");
    // Change our mind about what bread we'd like
    meal.toast = String::from("Wheat");
    println!("I'd like {} toast please", meal.toast);

    // The next line won't compile if we uncomment it; we're not allowed to see or modify the seasonal fruit that comes with the meal
    // meal.seasonal_fruit = String::from("blueberries");

Because the toast field in the back_of_house::Breakfast struct is public, in eat_at_restaurant we can write and read to the toast field using dot notation. Notice that we can’t use the seasonal_fruit field in eat_at_restaurant because seasonal_fruit is private.

Also, note that because back_of_house::Breakfast has a private field, the struct needs to provide a public associated function that constructs an instance of Breakfast (we’ve named it summer here). If Breakfast didn’t have such a function, we couldn’t create an instance of Breakfast in eat_at_restaurant because we couldn’t set the value of the private seasonal_fruit field in eat_at_restaurant.

In contrast, if we make an enum public, all of its variants are then public. We only need the pub before the enum keyword.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod back_of_house {
    pub enum Appetizer {

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {
    let order1 = back_of_house::Appetizer::Soup;
    let order2 = back_of_house::Appetizer::Salad;

Enums aren’t very useful unless their variants are public; it would be annoying to have to annotate all enum variants with pub in every case, so the default for enum variants is to be public.

Structs are often useful without their fields being public, so struct fields follow the general rule of everything being private by default unless annotated with pub.

Bringing Paths into Scope with the use Keyword

We can create a shortcut to a path with the use keyword once, and then use the shorter name everywhere else in the scope.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house {
    pub mod hosting {
        pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

use crate::front_of_house::hosting;

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {

Adding use and a path in a scope is similar to creating a symbolic link in the filesystem. Paths brought into scope with use also check privacy, like any other paths.

Note that use only creates the shortcut for the particular scope in which the use occurs. The following listing moves the eat_at_restaurant function into a new child module named customer, which is then a different scope than the use statement, so the function body won’t compile:

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house {
    pub mod hosting {
        pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

use crate::front_of_house::hosting;

mod customer {
    pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {

To fix this problem, move the use within the customer module too, or reference the shortcut in the parent module with super::hosting within the child customer module.

Creating Idiomatic use Paths

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house {
    pub mod hosting {
        pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

use crate::front_of_house::hosting::add_to_waitlist;

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {

Although this listing accomplish the same task, the preceding one is the idiomatic way to bring a function into scope with use.

Bringing the function’s parent module into scope with use means we have to specify the parent module when calling the function. Specifying the parent module when calling the function makes it clear that the function isn’t locally defined while still minimizing repetition of the full path.

On the other hand, when bringing in structs, enums, and other items with use, it’s idiomatic to specify the full path.

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut map = HashMap::new();
    map.insert(1, 2);

There’s no strong reason behind this idiom: it’s just the convention that has emerged, and folks have gotten used to reading and writing Rust code this way.

The exception to this idiom is if we’re bringing two items with the same name into scope with use statements, because Rust doesn’t allow that.

Filename: src/lib.rs

use std::fmt;
use std::io;

fn function1() -> fmt::Result {
    // --snip--

fn function2() -> io::Result<()> {
    // --snip--

As you can see, using the parent modules distinguishes the two Result types. If instead we specified use std::fmt::Result and use std::io::Result, we’d have two Result types in the same scope and Rust wouldn’t know which one we meant when we used Result.

Providing New Names with the as Keyword

There’s another solution to the problem of bringing two types of the same name into the same scope with use: after the path, we can specify as and a new local name, or alias, for the type.

Filename: src/lib.rs

use std::fmt::Result;
use std::io::Result as IoResult;

fn function1() -> Result {
    // --snip--

fn function2() -> IoResult<()> {
    // --snip--

Re-exporting Names with pub use

When we bring a name into scope with the use keyword, the name available in the new scope is private. To enable the code that calls our code to refer to that name as if it had been defined in that code’s scope, we can combine pub and use. This technique is called re-exporting because we’re bringing an item into scope but also making that item available for others to bring into their scope.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house {
    pub mod hosting {
        pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

pub use crate::front_of_house::hosting;

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {

Before this change, external code would have to call the add_to_waitlist function by using the path restaurant::front_of_house::hosting::add_to_waitlist(). Now that this pub use has re-exported the hosting module from the root module, external code can now use the path restaurant::hosting::add_to_waitlist() instead.

Re-exporting is useful when the internal structure of your code is different from how programmers calling your code would think about the domain.

With pub use, we can write our code with one structure but expose a different structure. Doing so makes our library well organized for programmers working on the library and programmers calling the library.

Using External Packages

To use the external package rand in our project, we added this line to Cargo.toml:

Filename: Cargo.toml

rand = "0.8.5"

Adding rand as a dependency in Cargo.toml tells Cargo to download the rand package and any dependencies from crates.io and make rand available to our project.

Then, to bring rand definitions into the scope of our package, we added a use line starting with the name of the crate, rand, and listed the items we wanted to bring into scope. We brought the Rng trait into scope and called the rand::thread_rng function:

use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
    let secret_number = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..=100);

Members of the Rust community have made many packages available at crates.io, and pulling any of them into your package involves these same steps: listing them in your package’s Cargo.toml file and using use to bring items from their crates into scope.

Note that the standard std library is also a crate that’s external to our package. Because the standard library is shipped with the Rust language, we don’t need to change Cargo.toml to include std. But we do need to refer to it with use to bring items from there into our package’s scope.

use std::collections::HashMap;

Using Nested Paths to Clean Up Large use Lists

If we’re using multiple items defined in the same crate or same module, listing each item on its own line can take up a lot of vertical space in our files. Instead, we can use nested paths to bring the same items into scope in one line. We do this by specifying the common part of the path, followed by two colons, and then curly brackets around a list of the parts of the paths that differ.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::io;

// Nested
use std::{cmp::Ordering, io};

To merge a complete path and its sub path into one use statement, we can use self in the nested path.

Filename: src/lib.rs

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

// Nested
use std::io::{self, Write};
// This line brings std::io and std::io::Write into scope.

The Glob Operator

If we want to bring all public items defined in a path into scope, we can specify that path followed by the * glob operator.

use std::collections::*;

This use statement brings all public items defined in std::collections into the current scope.

Be careful when using the glob operator! Glob can make it harder to tell what names are in scope and where a name used in your program was defined.

The glob operator is often used when testing to bring everything under test into the tests module. The glob operator is also sometimes used as part of the prelude pattern.

Separating Modules into Different Files

For example, let’s start from the code in previous listing that had multiple restaurant modules. We’ll extract modules into files instead of having all the modules defined in the crate root file.

First, we’ll extract front_of_house module to its own file. Remove the code inside the curly brackets for the front_of_house module, leaving only the mod front_of_house; declaration, so that src/lib.rs contains the code shown in following list.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod front_of_house;

pub use crate::front_of_house::hosting;

pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {

Next, place the code that was in the curly brackets into a new file named src/front_of_house.rs, as shown in the following listing. The compiler knows to look in this file because it came across the module declaration in the crate root with the name front_of_house.

Filename: src/front_of_house.rs

pub mod hosting {
    pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

Note that you only need to load a file using a mod declaration once in your module tree. Once the compiler knows the file is part of the project (and knows where in the module tree the code resides because of where you’ve put the mod statement), other files in your project should refer to the loaded file’s code using a path to where it was declared. In other words, mod is not an “include” operation that you may have seen in other programming languages.

Next, we’ll extract the hosting module to its own file. The process is a bit different because hosting is a child module of front_of_house, not of the root module. We’ll place the file for hosting in a new directory that will be named for its ancestors in the module tree, in this case src/front_of_house/.

To start moving hosting, we change src/front_of_house.rs to contain only the declaration of the hosting module:

Filename: src/front_of_house.rs

pub mod hosting;

Then we create a src/front_of_house directory and a file hosting.rs to contain the definitions made in the hosting module:

Filename: src/front_of_house/hosting.rs

pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}

The compiler’s rules for which files to check for which modules’ code means the directories and files more closely match the module tree.

Alternate File Paths

So far we’ve covered the most idiomatic file paths the Rust compiler uses, but Rust also supports an older style of file path. For a module named front_of_house declared in the crate root, the compiler will look for the module’s code in:

  • src/front_of_house.rs (what we covered)

  • src/front_of_house/mod.rs (older style, still supported path)

For a module named hosting that is a submodule of front_of_house, the compiler will look for the module’s code in:

  • src/front_of_house/hosting.rs (what we covered)

  • src/front_of_house/hosting/mod.rs (older style, still supported path)

If you use both styles for the same module, you’ll get a compiler error. Using a mix of both styles for different modules in the same project is allowed, but might be confusing for people navigating your project.

The main downside to the style that uses files named mod.rs is that your project can end up with many files named mod.rs, which can get confusing when you have them open in your editor at the same time.

The mod keyword declares modules, and Rust looks in a file with the same name as the module for the code that goes into that module.

Common Collections

Most other data types represent one specific value, but collections can contain multiple values. Unlike the built-in array and tuple types, the data these collections point to is stored on the heap, which means the amount of data does not need to be known at compile time and can grow or shrink as the program runs.

In this chapter, we’ll discuss three collections that are used very often in Rust programs:

  • A vector allows you to store a variable number of values next to each other.

  • A string is a collection of characters. We’ve mentioned the String type previously, but in this chapter we’ll talk about it in depth.

  • A hash map allows you to associate a value with a particular key. It’s a particular implementation of the more general data structure called a map.

Storing Lists of Values with Vectors

The first collection type we’ll look at is Vec<T>, also known as a vector. Vectors allow you to store more than one value in a single data structure that puts all the values next to each other in memory. Vectors can only store values of the same type.

Creating a New Vector

To create a new empty vector, we call the Vec::new function.

let v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();

Note that we added a type annotation here. Because we aren’t inserting any values into this vector, Rust doesn’t know what kind of elements we intend to store. This is an important point. Vectors are implemented using generics.

More often, you’ll create a Vec<T> with initial values and Rust will infer the type of value you want to store, so you rarely need to do this type annotation. Rust conveniently provides the vec! macro, which will create a new vector that holds the values you give it.

let v = vec![1, 2, 3];

Updating a Vector

To create a vector and then add elements to it, we can use the push method.

let mut v = Vec::new();


As with any variable, if we want to be able to change its value, we need to make it mutable using the mut keyword. The numbers we place inside are all of type i32, and Rust infers this from the data, so we don’t need the Vec<i32> annotation.

Reading Elements of Vectors

There are two ways to reference a value stored in a vector: via indexing or using the get method.

let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let third: &i32 = &v[2];
println!("The third element is {third}");

let third: Option<&i32> = v.get(2);
match third {
    Some(third) => println!("The third element is {third}"),
    None => println!("There is no third element."),

Using & and [] gives us a reference to the element at the index value. When we use the get method with the index passed as an argument, we get an Option<&T> that we can use with match.

The reason Rust provides these two ways to reference an element is so you can choose how the program behaves when you try to use an index value outside the range of existing elements.

let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let does_not_exist = &v[100];
let does_not_exist = v.get(100);

When we run this code, the first [] method will cause the program to panic because it references a nonexistent element. This method is best used when you want your program to crash if there’s an attempt to access an element past the end of the vector.

When the get method is passed an index that is outside the vector, it returns None without panicking. You would use this method if accessing an element beyond the range of the vector may happen occasionally under normal circumstances. Your code will then have logic to handle having either Some(&element) or None.

When the program has a valid reference, the borrow checker enforces the ownership and borrowing rules to ensure this reference and any other references to the contents of the vector remain valid.

Recall the rule that states you can’t have mutable and immutable references in the same scope. That rule applies that we hold an immutable reference to the first element in a vector and try to add an element to the end.

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let first = &v[0];


println!("The first element is: {first}");

The code might look like it should work: why should a reference to the first element care about changes at the end of the vector? This error is due to the way vectors work: because vectors put the values next to each other in memory, adding a new element onto the end of the vector might require allocating new memory and copying the old elements to the new space, if there isn’t enough room to put all the elements next to each other where the vector is currently stored. In that case, the reference to the first element would be pointing to deallocated memory. The borrowing rules prevent programs from ending up in that situation.

Iterating over the Values in a Vector

To access each element in a vector in turn, we would iterate through all of the elements rather than use indices to access one at a time. You can use a for loop to get immutable references to each element in a vector and print them.

let v = vec![100, 32, 57];
for i in &v {

We can also iterate over mutable references to each element in a mutable vector in order to make changes to all the elements.

let mut v = vec![100, 32, 57];
for i in &mut v {
    *i += 50;

To change the value that the mutable reference refers to, we have to use the * dereference operator to get to the value in i before we can change it.

Iterating over a vector, whether immutably or mutably, is safe because of the borrow checker’s rules. If we attempted to insert or remove items in the for loop bodies, we would get a compiler error. The reference to the vector that the for loop holds prevents simultaneous modification of the whole vector.

Using an Enum to Store Multiple Types

Vectors can only store values that are the same type. Fortunately, the variants of an enum are defined under the same enum type, so when we need one type to represent elements of different types, we can define and use an enum.

We can define an enum whose variants will hold the different value types, and all the enum variants will be considered the same type: that of the enum. Then we can create a vector to hold that enum and so, ultimately, holds different types.

enum SpreadsheetCell {

let row = vec![

Rust needs to know what types will be in the vector at compile time so it knows exactly how much memory on the heap will be needed to store each element. We must also be explicit about what types are allowed in this vector. If Rust allowed a vector to hold any type, there would be a chance that one or more of the types would cause errors with the operations performed on the elements of the vector. Using an enum plus a match expression means that Rust will ensure at compile time that every possible case is handled.

If you don’t know the exhaustive set of types a program will get at runtime to store in a vector, the enum technique won’t work. Instead, you can use a trait object.

Dropping a Vector Drops Its Elements

Like any other struct, a vector is freed when it goes out of scope.

When the vector gets dropped, all of its contents are also dropped, meaning the integers it holds will be cleaned up. The borrow checker ensures that any references to contents of a vector are only used while the vector itself is valid.

Storing UTF-8 Encoded Text with Strings

New Rustaceans commonly get stuck on strings for a combination of three reasons: Rust’s propensity for exposing possible errors, strings being a more complicated data structure than many programmers give them credit for, and UTF-8.

What Is a String?

Rust has only one string type in the core language, which is the string slice str that is usually seen in its borrowed form &str.

The String type, which is provided by Rust’s standard library rather than coded into the core language, is a growable, mutable, owned, UTF-8 encoded string type.

Both String and string slices are UTF-8 encoded.

Creating a New String

Many of the same operations available with Vec<T> are available with String as well, because String is actually implemented as a wrapper around a vector of bytes with some extra guarantees, restrictions, and capabilities.

let mut s = String::new();

Often, we’ll have some initial data that we want to start the string with. For that, we use the to_string method, which is available on any type that implements the Display trait, as string literals do.

let data = "initial contents";

let s = data.to_string();

// the method also works on a literal directly:
let s = "initial contents".to_string();

We can also use the function String::from to create a String from a string literal.

let s = String::from("initial contents");

In this case, String::from and to_string do the same thing, so which you choose is a matter of style and readability.

Updating a String

A String can grow in size and its contents can change, just like the contents of a Vec<T>, if you push more data into it. In addition, you can conveniently use the + operator or the format! macro to concatenate String values.

  • Appending to a String with push_str and push

    let mut s = String::from("foo");

    The push_str method takes a string slice because we don’t necessarily want to take ownership of the parameter.

    let mut s1 = String::from("foo");
    let s2 = "bar";
    println!("s2 is {s2}");

    The push method takes a single character as a parameter and adds it to the String.

    let mut s = String::from("lo");
  • Concatenation with the + Operator or the format! Macro

    let s1 = String::from("Hello, ");
    let s2 = String::from("world!");
    let s3 = s1 + &s2; // note s1 has been moved here and can no longer be used

    The reason s1 is no longer valid after the addition, and the reason we used a reference to s2, has to do with the signature of the method that’s called when we use the + operator. The + operator uses the add method, whose signature looks something like this:

    fn add(self, s: &str) -> String {

    In the standard library, you’ll see add defined using generics and associated types. Here, we’ve substituted in concrete types, which is what happens when we call this method with String values. This signature gives us the clues we need to understand the tricky bits of the + operator.

    First, s2 has an &, meaning that we’re adding a reference of the second string to the first string. This is because of the s parameter in the add function: we can only add a &str to a String; we can’t add two String values together. But wait —— the type of &s2 is &String, not &str, as specified in the second parameter to add.

    The reason we’re able to use &s2 in the call to add is that the compiler can coerce the &String argument into a &str. When we call the add method, Rust uses a deref coercion, which here turns &s2 into &s2[..]. Because add does not take ownership of the s parameter, s2 will still be a valid String after this operation.

    Second, we can see in the signature that add takes ownership of self, because self does not have an &. This means s1 will be moved into the add call and will no longer be valid after that. So although let s3 = s1 + &s2; looks like it will copy both strings and create a new one, this statement actually takes ownership of s1, appends a copy of the contents of s2, and then returns ownership of the result. In other words, it looks like it’s making a lot of copies but isn’t; the implementation is more efficient than copying.

    If we need to concatenate multiple strings, the behavior of the + operator gets unwieldy:

    let s1 = String::from("tic");
    let s2 = String::from("tac");
    let s3 = String::from("toe");
    let s = s1 + "-" + &s2 + "-" + &s3;

    For more complicated string combining, we can instead use the format! macro:

    let s1 = String::from("tic");
    let s2 = String::from("tac");
    let s3 = String::from("toe");
    let s = format!("{s1}-{s2}-{s3}");

    The format! macro works like println!, but instead of printing the output to the screen, it returns a String with the contents. The version of the code using format! is much easier to read, and the code generated by the format! macro uses references so that this call doesn’t take ownership of any of its parameters.

Indexing into Strings

In many other programming languages, accessing individual characters in a string by referencing them by index is a valid and common operation. However, if you try to access parts of a String using indexing syntax in Rust, you’ll get an error. Rust strings don’t support indexing.

  • Internal Representation

    A String is a wrapper over a Vec<u8>.

    let hello = String::from("Hola");
    // In this case, len will be 4, which means the vector storing the string "Hola" is 4 bytes long. Each of these letters takes 1 byte when encoded in UTF-8.
    let hello = String::from("Здравствуйте");
    // In this case, len will be 24, not 12. That's the number of bytes it takes to encode "Здравствуйте" in UTF-8, because each Unicode scalar value in that string takes 2 bytes of storage.

    Different Unicode scalar value takes different bytes of storage. Therefore, an index into the string’s bytes will not always correlate to a valid Unicode scalar value.

    let hello = "hello";
    let answer = &hello[0];
    // If &"hello"[0] were valid code that returned the byte value, it would return 104, not h.

    Another Reason is that when encoded in UTF-8, indexing into a string will return a byte value instead of the character on its own.

    The answer, then, is that to avoid returning an unexpected value and causing bugs that might not be discovered immediately, Rust doesn’t compile this code at all and prevents misunderstandings early in the development process.

  • Bytes and Scalar Values and Grapheme Clusters! Oh My!

    Another point about UTF-8 is that there are actually three relevant ways to look at strings from Rust’s perspective: as bytes (how computers ultimately store this data), scalar values (what Rust’s char type is), and grapheme clusters (the closest thing to what we would call letters).

    If we look at the Hindi word “नमस्ते” written in the Devanagari script, it is stored as a vector of u8 values that looks like this:

    [224, 164, 168, 224, 164, 174, 224, 164, 184, 224, 165, 141, 224, 164, 164, 224, 165, 135]

    That’s 18 bytes and is how computers ultimately store this data. If we look at them as Unicode scalar values, which are what Rust’s char type is, those bytes look like this:

    ['न', 'म', 'स', '्', 'त', 'े']

    There are six char values here, but the fourth and sixth are not letters: they’re diacritics that don’t make sense on their own. Finally, if we look at them as grapheme clusters, we’d get what a person would call the four letters that make up the Hindi word:

    ["न", "म", "स्", "ते"]

    Rust provides different ways of interpreting the raw string data that computers store so that each program can choose the interpretation it needs, no matter what human language the data is in.

    A final reason Rust doesn’t allow us to index into a String to get a character is that indexing operations are expected to always take constant time (O(1)). But it isn’t possible to guarantee that performance with a String, because Rust would have to walk through the contents from the beginning to the index to determine how many valid characters there were.

Slicing Strings

Indexing into a string is often a bad idea because it’s not clear what the return type of the string-indexing operation should be: a byte value, a character, a grapheme cluster, or a string slice.

Rather than indexing using [] with a single number, you can use [] with a range to create a string slice containing particular bytes.

let hello = "Здравствуйте";

let s = &hello[0..4];

If we were to try to slice only part of a character’s bytes with something like &hello[0..1], Rust would panic at runtime because index 0 is not a char boundary. Each char has 2 bytes in this case.

Methods for Iterating Over Strings

The best way to operate on pieces of strings is to be explicit about whether you want characters or bytes. For individual Unicode scalar values, use the chars method. Alternatively, the bytes method returns each raw byte.

for c in "Зд".chars() {
// This code will print the following:
// З
// д
for b in "Зд".bytes() {
// This code will print the four bytes that make up this string:
// 208
// 151
// 208
// 180

But be sure to remember that valid Unicode scalar values may be made up of more than 1 byte.

Getting grapheme clusters from strings as with the Devanagari script is complex, so this functionality is not provided by the standard library.

Strings Are Not So Simple

Rust has chosen to make the correct handling of String data the default behavior for all Rust programs, which means programmers have to put more thought into handling UTF-8 data upfront. This trade-off exposes more of the complexity of strings than is apparent in other programming languages, but it prevents you from having to handle errors involving non-ASCII characters later in your development life cycle.

Storing Keys with Associated Values in Hash Maps

The type HashMap<K, V> stores a mapping of keys of type K to values of type V using a hashing function, which determines how it places these keys and values into memory.

Many programming languages support this kind of data structure, but they often use a different name, such as hash, map, object, hash table, dictionary, or associative array, just to name a few.

Hash maps are useful when you want to look up data not by using an index, as you can with vectors, but by using a key that can be of any type.

Creating a New Hash Map

One way to create an empty hash map is using new and adding elements with insert.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut scores = HashMap::new();

scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow"), 50);

Note that we need to first use the HashMap from the collections portion of the standard library. Of our three common collections, this one is the least often used, so it’s not included in the features brought into scope automatically in the prelude. Hash maps also have less support from the standard library; there’s no built-in macro to construct them, for example.

Just like vectors, hash maps store their data on the heap. Like vectors, hash maps are homogeneous: all of the keys must have the same type as each other, and all of the values must have the same type.

Accessing Values in a Hash Map

We can get a value out of the hash map by providing its key to the get method.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut scores = HashMap::new();

scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow"), 50);

let team_name = String::from("Blue");
let score = scores.get(&team_name).copied().unwrap_or(0);

The get method returns an Option<&V>; if there’s no value for that key in the hash map, get will return None. This program handles the Option by calling copied to get an Option<i32> rather than an Option<&i32>, then unwrap_or to set score to zero if scores doesn’t have an entry for the key.

We can iterate over each key/value pair in a hash map in a similar manner as we do with vectors, using a for loop.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut scores = HashMap::new();

scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow"), 50);

for (key, value) in &scores {
    println!("{key}: {value}");

Hash Maps and Ownership

For types that implement the Copy trait, like i32, the values are copied into the hash map. For owned values like String, the values will be moved and the hash map will be the owner of those values.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let field_name = String::from("Favorite color");
let field_value = String::from("Blue");

let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert(field_name, field_value);
// field_name and field_value are invalid at this point, try using them and see what compiler error you get!

If we insert references to values into the hash map, the values won’t be moved into the hash map. The values that the references point to must be valid for at least as long as the hash map is valid.

Updating a Hash Map

Although the number of key and value pairs is growable, each unique key can only have one value associated with it at a time, but not vice versa.

When you want to change the data in a hash map, you have to decide how to handle the case when a key already has a value assigned. You could replace the old value with the new value, completely disregarding the old value. You could keep the old value and ignore the new value, only adding the new value if the key doesn’t already have a value. Or you could combine the old value and the new value.

  • Overwriting a Value

    If we insert a key and a value into a hash map and then insert that same key with a different value, the value associated with that key will be replaced.

    use std::collections::HashMap;
    let mut scores = HashMap::new();
    scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
    scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 25);
    println!("{:?}", scores); // {"Blue": 25}
  • Adding a Key and Value Only If a Key Isn’t Present

    It’s common to check whether a particular key already exists in the hash map with a value then take the following actions: if the key does exist in the hash map, the existing value should remain the way it is. If the key doesn’t exist, insert it and a value for it.

    Hash maps have a special API for this called entry that takes the key you want to check as a parameter. The return value of the entry method is an enum called Entry that represents a value that might or might not exist.

    use std::collections::HashMap;
    let mut scores = HashMap::new();
    scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
    println!("{:?}", scores); // {"Yellow": 50, "Blue": 10}

    The or_insert method on Entry is defined to return a mutable reference to the value for the corresponding Entry key if that key exists, and if not, inserts the parameter as the new value for this key and returns a mutable reference to the new value.

  • Updating a Value Based on the Old Value

    Another common use case for hash maps is to look up a key’s value and then update it based on the old value.

    use std::collections::HashMap;
    let text = "hello world wonderful world";
    let mut map = HashMap::new();
    for word in text.split_whitespace() {
        let count = map.entry(word).or_insert(0);
        *count += 1;
    println!("{:?}", map); // {"world": 2, "hello": 1, "wonderful": 1}

    The split_whitespace method returns an iterator over sub-slices, separated by whitespace, of the value in text. The or_insert method returns a mutable reference (&mut V) to the value for the specified key. Here we store that mutable reference in the count variable, so in order to assign to that value, we must first dereference count using the asterisk (*). The mutable reference goes out of scope at the end of the for loop, so all of these changes are safe and allowed by the borrowing rules.

Hashing Functions

By default, HashMap uses a hashing function called SipHash that can provide resistance to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks involving hash tables. This is not the fastest hashing algorithm available, but the trade-off for better security that comes with the drop in performance is worth it.

If you profile your code and find that the default hash function is too slow for your purposes, you can switch to another function by specifying a different hasher. A hasher is a type that implements the BuildHasher trait.

Error Handling

Rust groups errors into two major categories: recoverable and unrecoverable errors.

  • For a recoverable error, such as a file not found error, we most likely just want to report the problem to the user and retry the operation.

  • Unrecoverable errors are always symptoms of bugs, like trying to access a location beyond the end of an array, and so we want to immediately stop the program.

Unrecoverable Errors with panic!

Sometimes, bad things happen in your code, and there’s nothing you can do about it. In these cases, Rust has the panic! macro.

There are two ways to cause a panic in practice: by taking an action that causes our code to panic (such as accessing an array past the end) or by explicitly calling the panic! macro. In both cases, we cause a panic in our program.

By default, these panics will print a failure message, unwind, clean up the stack, and quit. Via an environment variable, you can also have Rust display the call stack when a panic occurs to make it easier to track down the source of the panic.

The call to panic! causes the error message contained in the last two lines. The first line shows our panic message and the place in our source code where the panic occurred: src/main.rs:2:5 indicates that it’s the second line, fifth character of our src/main.rs file.

In other cases, the panic! call might be in code that our code calls, and the filename and line number reported by the error message will be someone else’s code where the panic! macro is called, not the line of our code that eventually led to the panic! call. We can use the backtrace of the functions the panic! call came from to figure out the part of our code that is causing the problem.

Unwinding the Stack or Aborting in Response to a Panic

By default, when a panic occurs, the program starts unwinding, which means Rust walks back up the stack and cleans up the data from each function it encounters. However, this walking back and cleanup is a lot of work. Rust, therefore, allows you to choose the alternative of immediately aborting, which ends the program without cleaning up.

Memory that the program was using will then need to be cleaned up by the operating system. If in your project you need to make the resulting binary as small as possible, you can switch from unwinding to aborting upon a panic by adding panic = 'abort' to the appropriate [profile] sections in your Cargo.toml file. For example, if you want to abort on panic in release mode, add this:

panic = 'abort'

Using a panic! Backtrace

In C, attempting to read beyond the end of a data structure is undefined behavior. You might get whatever is at the location in memory that would correspond to that element in the data structure, even though the memory doesn’t belong to that structure. This is called a buffer overread and can lead to security vulnerabilities if an attacker is able to manipulate the index in such a way as to read data they shouldn’t be allowed to that is stored after the data structure.

To protect your program from this sort of vulnerability, if you try to read an element at an index that doesn’t exist, Rust will stop execution and refuse to continue.

We can set the RUST_BACKTRACE environment variable to any value except 0 to get a backtrace of exactly what happened to cause the error. A backtrace is a list of all the functions that have been called to get to this point. Backtraces in Rust work as they do in other languages: the key to reading the backtrace is to start from the top and read until you see files you wrote. That’s the spot where the problem originated. The lines above that spot are code that your code has called; the lines below are code that called your code. These before-and-after lines might include core Rust code, standard library code, or crates that you’re using.

In order to get backtraces with this information, debug symbols must be enabled. Debug symbols are enabled by default when using cargo build or cargo run without the --release flag, as we have here.

Recoverable Errors with Result

The Result enum is defined as having two variants, Ok and Err, as follows:

enum Result<T, E> {

T represents the type of the value that will be returned in a success case within the Ok variant, and E represents the type of the error that will be returned in a failure case within the Err variant. Because Result has these generic type parameters, we can use the Result type and the functions defined on it in many different situations where the successful value and error value we want to return may differ.

use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file_result = File::open("hello.txt");

The return type of File::open is a Result<T, E>. The generic parameter T has been filled in by the implementation of File::open with the type of the success value, std::fs::File, which is a file handle. The type of E used in the error value is std::io::Error.

We need to add to the code to take different actions depending on the value File::open returns.

use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file_result = File::open("hello.txt");

    let greeting_file = match greeting_file_result {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(error) => panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", error),

Note that, like the Option enum, the Result enum and its variants have been brought into scope by the prelude, so we don’t need to specify Result:: before the Ok and Err variants in the match arms.

Matching on Different Errors

The preceding code will panic! no matter why File::open failed. However, we want to take different actions for different failure reasons: if File::open failed because the file doesn’t exist, we want to create the file and return the handle to the new file. If File::open failed for any other reason—for example, because we didn’t have permission to open the file - we still want the code to panic!.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::ErrorKind;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file_result = File::open("hello.txt");

    let greeting_file = match greeting_file_result {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(error) => match error.kind() {
            ErrorKind::NotFound => match File::create("hello.txt") {
                Ok(fc) => fc,
                Err(e) => panic!("Problem creating the file: {:?}", e),
            other_error => {
                panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", other_error);

The type of the value that File::open returns inside the Err variant is io::Error, which is a struct provided by the standard library. This struct has a method kind that we can call to get an io::ErrorKind value. The enum io::ErrorKind is provided by the standard library and has variants representing the different kinds of errors that might result from an io operation. The variant we want to use is ErrorKind::NotFound, which indicates the file we’re trying to open doesn’t exist yet. So we match on greeting_file_result, but we also have an inner match on error.kind().

The condition we want to check in the inner match is whether the value returned by error.kind() is the NotFound variant of the ErrorKind enum. If it is, we try to create the file with File::create. However, because File::create could also fail, we need a second arm in the inner match expression. When the file can’t be created, a different error message is printed. The second arm of the outer match stays the same, so the program panics on any error besides the missing file error.

Alternatives to Using match with Result<T, E>

That’s a lot of match! The match expression is very useful but also very much a primitive. Closures are used with many of the methods defined on Result<T, E>. These methods can be more concise than using match when handling Result<T, E> values in your code.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::ErrorKind;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file = File::open("hello.txt").unwrap_or_else(|error| {
        if error.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound {
            File::create("hello.txt").unwrap_or_else(|error| {
                panic!("Problem creating the file: {:?}", error);
        } else {
            panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", error);

Many more of these methods can clean up huge nested match expressions when you’re dealing with errors.

Shortcuts for Panic on Error: unwrap and expect

The unwrap method is a shortcut method implemented just like the match expression. If the Result value is the Ok variant, unwrap will return the value inside the Ok. If the Result is the Err variant, unwrap will call the panic! macro for us.

use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file = File::open("hello.txt").unwrap();

Similarly, the expect method lets us also choose the panic! error message. Using expect instead of unwrap and providing good error messages can convey your intent and make tracking down the source of a panic easier.

use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file = File::open("hello.txt")
        .expect("hello.txt should be included in this project");

The error message used by expect in its call to panic! will be the parameter that we pass to expect, rather than the default panic! message that unwrap uses.

Propagating Errors

When a function’s implementation calls something that might fail, instead of handling the error within the function itself, you can return the error to the calling code so that it can decide what to do. This is known as propagating the error and gives more control to the calling code, where there might be more information or logic that dictates how the error should be handled than what you have available in the context of your code.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Read};

fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let username_file_result = File::open("hello.txt");

    let mut username_file = match username_file_result {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    let mut username = String::new();

    match username_file.read_to_string(&mut username) {
        Ok(_) => Ok(username),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

This function can be written in a much shorter way, but we’re going to start by doing a lot of it manually in order to explore error handling; at the end, we’ll show the shorter way. Let’s look at the return type of the function first: Result<String, io::Error>. This means the function is returning a value of the type Result<T, E> where the generic parameter T has been filled in with the concrete type String, and the generic type E has been filled in with the concrete type io::Error.

We chose io::Error as the return type of this function because that happens to be the type of the error value returned from both of the operations we’re calling in this function’s body that might fail: the File::open function and the read_to_string method.

If File::open succeeds, the file handle in the pattern variable file becomes the value in the mutable variable username_file and the function continues. In the Err case, instead of calling panic!, we use the return keyword to return early out of the function entirely and pass the error value from File::open, now in the pattern variable e, back to the calling code as this function’s error value.

The read_to_string method also returns a Result because it might fail, even though File::open succeeded. So we need another match to handle that Result: if read_to_string succeeds, then our function has succeeded, and we return the username from the file that’s now in username wrapped in an Ok. If read_to_string fails, we return the error value in the same way that we returned the error value in the match that handled the return value of File::open. However, we don’t need to explicitly say return, because this is the last expression in the function.

This pattern of propagating errors is so common in Rust that Rust provides the question mark operator ? to make this easier.

A Shortcut for Propagating Errors: the ? Operator

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Read};

fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut username_file = File::open("hello.txt")?;
    let mut username = String::new();
    username_file.read_to_string(&mut username)?;

The ? placed after a Result value is defined to work in almost the same way as the match expressions we defined to handle the Result values. If the value of the Result is an Ok, the value inside the Ok will get returned from this expression, and the program will continue. If the value is an Err, the Err will be returned from the whole function as if we had used the return keyword so the error value gets propagated to the calling code.

There is a difference between what the match expression does and what the ? operator does: error values that have the ? operator called on them go through the from function, defined in the From trait in the standard library, which is used to convert values from one type into another. When the ? operator calls the from function, the error type received is converted into the error type defined in the return type of the current function. This is useful when a function returns one error type to represent all the ways a function might fail, even if parts might fail for many different reasons.

For example, we could change the read_username_from_file function to return a custom error type named OurError that we define. If we also define impl From<io::Error> for OurError to construct an instance of OurError from an io::Error, then the ? operator calls in the body of read_username_from_file will call from and convert the error types without needing to add any more code to the function.

The ? at the end of the File::open call will return the value inside an Ok to the variable username_file. If an error occurs, the ? operator will return early out of the whole function and give any Err value to the calling code. The same thing applies to the ? at the end of the read_to_string call.

The ? operator eliminates a lot of boilerplate and makes this function’s implementation simpler. We could even shorten this code further by chaining method calls immediately after the ?.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Read};

fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut username = String::new();

    File::open("hello.txt")?.read_to_string(&mut username)?;


Instead of creating a variable username_file, we’ve chained the call to read_to_string directly onto the result of File::open("hello.txt")?. We still have a ? at the end of the read_to_string call, and we still return an Ok value containing username when both File::open and read_to_string succeed rather than returning errors.

use std::fs;
use std::io;

fn read_username_from_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {

Reading a file into a string is a fairly common operation, so the standard library provides the convenient fs::read_to_string function that opens the file, creates a new String, reads the contents of the file, puts the contents into that String, and returns it. Of course, using fs::read_to_string doesn’t give us the opportunity to explain all the error handling, so we did it the longer way first.

Where The ? Operator Can Be Used

The ? operator can only be used in functions whose return type is compatible with the value the ? is used on. This is because the ? operator is defined to perform an early return of a value out of the function.

Let’s look at the error we’ll get if we use the ? operator in a main function with a return type incompatible with the type of the value we use ? on:

use std::fs::File;

fn main() {
    let greeting_file = File::open("hello.txt")?;

This code opens a file, which might fail. The ? operator follows the Result value returned by File::open, but this main function has the return type of (), not Result.

This error points out that we’re only allowed to use the ? operator in a function that returns Result, Option, or another type that implements FromResidual.

To fix the error, you have two choices. One choice is to change the return type of your function to be compatible with the value you’re using the ? operator on as long as you have no restrictions preventing that. The other technique is to use a match or one of the Result<T, E> methods to handle the Result<T, E> in whatever way is appropriate.

The error message also mentioned that ? can be used with Option<T> values as well. As with using ? on Result, you can only use ? on Option in a function that returns an Option. If the value is None, the None will be returned early from the function at that point. If the value is Some, the value inside the Some is the resulting value of the expression and the function continues.

fn last_char_of_first_line(text: &str) -> Option<char> {

This function returns Option<char> because it’s possible that there is a character there, but it’s also possible that there isn’t. This code takes the text string slice argument and calls the lines method on it, which returns an iterator over the lines in the string. Because this function wants to examine the first line, it calls next on the iterator to get the first value from the iterator. If text is the empty string, this call to next will return None, in which case we use ? to stop and return None from last_char_of_first_line. If text is not the empty string, next will return a Some value containing a string slice of the first line in text.

The ? extracts the string slice, and we can call chars on that string slice to get an iterator of its characters. We’re interested in the last character in this first line, so we call last to return the last item in the iterator. This is an Option because it’s possible that the first line is the empty string, for example if text starts with a blank line but has characters on other lines, as in “\nhi”. However, if there is a last character on the first line, it will be returned in the Some variant.

Note that you can use the ? operator on a Result in a function that returns Result, and you can use the ? operator on an Option in a function that returns Option, but you can’t mix and match. The ? operator won’t automatically convert a Result to an Option or vice versa; in those cases, you can use methods like the ok method on Result or the ok_or method on Option to do the conversion explicitly.

So far, all the main functions we’ve used return (). The main function is special because it’s the entry and exit point of executable programs, and there are restrictions on what its return type can be for the programs to behave as expected.

Luckily, main can also return a Result<(), E>. We’ve changed the return type of main to be Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> and added a return value Ok(()) to the end. This code will now compile:

use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let greeting_file = File::open("hello.txt")?;


The Box<dyn Error> type is a trait object, which we’ll talk about in Chapter 17. For now, you can read Box<dyn Error> to mean “any kind of error.” Using ? on a Result value in a main function with the error type Box<dyn Error> is allowed, because it allows any Err value to be returned early.

When a main function returns a Result<(), E>, the executable will exit with a value of 0 if main returns Ok(()) and will exit with a nonzero value if main returns an Err value.

The main function may return any types that implement the std::process::Termination trait, which contains a function report that returns an ExitCode.

To panic! or Not to panic!

When you choose to return a Result value, you give the calling code options. The calling code could choose to attempt to recover in a way that’s appropriate for its situation, or it could decide that an Err value in this case is unrecoverable, so it can call panic! and turn your recoverable error into an unrecoverable one. Therefore, returning Result is a good default choice when you’re defining a function that might fail.

In situations such as examples, prototype code, and tests, it’s more appropriate to write code that panics instead of returning a Result.

Examples, Prototype Code, and Tests

When you’re writing an example to illustrate some concept, also including robust error-handling code can make the example less clear. In examples, it’s understood that a call to a method like unwrap that could panic is meant as a placeholder for the way you’d want your application to handle errors, which can differ based on what the rest of your code is doing.

Similarly, the unwrap and expect methods are very handy when prototyping, before you’re ready to decide how to handle errors. They leave clear markers in your code for when you’re ready to make your program more robust.

If a method call fails in a test, you’d want the whole test to fail, even if that method isn’t the functionality under test. Because panic! is how a test is marked as a failure, calling unwrap or expect is exactly what should happen.

Cases in Which You Have More Information Than the Compiler

It would also be appropriate to call unwrap or expect when you have some other logic that ensures the Result will have an Ok value, but the logic isn’t something the compiler understands. If you can ensure by manually inspecting the code that you’ll never have an Err variant, it’s perfectly acceptable to call unwrap, and even better to document the reason you think you’ll never have an Err variant in the expect text. Here’s an example:

use std::net::IpAddr;

let home: IpAddr = ""
    .expect("Hardcoded IP address should be valid");

However, having a hardcoded, valid string doesn’t change the return type of the parse method: we still get a Result value, and the compiler will still make us handle the Result as if the Err variant is a possibility because the compiler isn’t smart enough to see that this string is always a valid IP address. If the IP address string came from a user rather than being hardcoded into the program and therefore did have a possibility of failure, we’d definitely want to handle the Result in a more robust way instead. Mentioning the assumption that this IP address is hardcoded will prompt us to change expect to better error handling code if in the future, we need to get the IP address from some other source instead.

Guidelines for Error Handling

It’s advisable to have your code panic when it’s possible that your code could end up in a bad state. In this context, a bad state is when some assumption, guarantee, contract, or invariant has been broken, such as when invalid values, contradictory values, or missing values are passed to your code—plus one or more of the following:

  • The bad state is something that is unexpected, as opposed to something that will likely happen occasionally, like a user entering data in the wrong format.

  • Your code after this point needs to rely on not being in this bad state, rather than checking for the problem at every step.

  • There’s not a good way to encode this information in the types you use.

If someone calls your code and passes in values that don’t make sense, it’s best to return an error if you can so the user of the library can decide what they want to do in that case. However, in cases where continuing could be insecure or harmful, the best choice might be to call panic! and alert the person using your library to the bug in their code so they can fix it during development. Similarly, panic! is often appropriate if you’re calling external code that is out of your control and it returns an invalid state that you have no way of fixing.

However, when failure is expected, it’s more appropriate to return a Result than to make a panic! call.

When your code performs an operation that could put a user at risk if it’s called using invalid values, your code should verify the values are valid first and panic if the values aren’t valid. This is mostly for safety reasons: attempting to operate on invalid data can expose your code to vulnerabilities. This is the main reason the standard library will call panic! if you attempt an out-of-bounds memory access: trying to access memory that doesn’t belong to the current data structure is a common security problem. Functions often have contracts: their behavior is only guaranteed if the inputs meet particular requirements. Panicking when the contract is violated makes sense because a contract violation always indicates a caller-side bug and it’s not a kind of error you want the calling code to have to explicitly handle. In fact, there’s no reasonable way for calling code to recover; the calling programmers need to fix the code. Contracts for a function, especially when a violation will cause a panic, should be explained in the API documentation for the function.

However, having lots of error checks in all of your functions would be verbose and annoying. Fortunately, you can use Rust’s type system (and thus the type checking done by the compiler) to do many of the checks for you. If your function has a particular type as a parameter, you can proceed with your code’s logic knowing that the compiler has already ensured you have a valid value. For example, if you have a type rather than an Option, your program expects to have something rather than nothing. Your code then doesn’t have to handle two cases for the Some and None variants: it will only have one case for definitely having a value. Code trying to pass nothing to your function won’t even compile, so your function doesn’t have to check for that case at runtime. Another example is using an unsigned integer type such as u32, which ensures the parameter is never negative.

Creating Custom Types for Validation

Recall the guessing game in Chapter 2 in which our code asked the user to guess a number between 1 and 100. We never validated that the user’s guess was between those numbers before checking it against our secret number; we only validated that the guess was positive. But it would be a useful enhancement to guide the user toward valid guesses and have different behavior when a user guesses a number that’s out of range versus when a user types, for example, letters instead.

One way to do this would be to parse the guess as an i32 instead of only a u32 to allow potentially negative numbers, and then add a check for the number being in range, like so:

loop {
    // --snip--

    let guess: i32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
        Ok(num) => num,
        Err(_) => continue,

    if guess < 1 || guess > 100 {
        println!("The secret number will be between 1 and 100.");

    match guess.cmp(&secret_number) {
        // --snip--

However, this is not an ideal solution: if it was absolutely critical that the program only operated on values between 1 and 100, and it had many functions with this requirement, having a check like this in every function would be tedious (and might impact performance).

Instead, we can make a new type and put the validations in a function to create an instance of the type rather than repeating the validations everywhere. That way, it’s safe for functions to use the new type in their signatures and confidently use the values they receive. The following example shows one way to define a Guess type that will only create an instance of Guess if the new function receives a value between 1 and 100.

pub struct Guess {
    value: i32,

impl Guess {
    pub fn new(value: i32) -> Guess {
        if value < 1 || value > 100 {
            panic!("Guess value must be between 1 and 100, got {}.", value);

        Guess { value }

    pub fn value(&self) -> i32 {

The code in the body of the new function tests value to make sure it’s between 1 and 100.

The public method value is necessary because the value field of the Guess struct is private. It’s important that the value field be private so code using the Guess struct is not allowed to set value directly: code outside the module must use the Guess::new function to create an instance of Guess, thereby ensuring there’s no way for a Guess to have a value that hasn’t been checked by the conditions in the Guess::new function.

Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes

Generics: abstract stand-ins for concrete types or other properties. We can express the behavior of generics or how they relate to other generics without knowing what will be in their place when compiling and running the code.

Generics allow us to replace specific types with a placeholder that represents multiple types to remove code duplication.

Generic Data Types

In Function Definitions

To parameterize the types in a new single function, we need to name the type parameter, just as we do for the value parameters to a function. You can use any identifier as a type parameter name. But we’ll use T because, by convention, type parameter names in Rust are short, often just a letter, and Rust’s type-naming convention is UpperCamelCase. Short for “type”, T is the default choice of most Rust programmers.

When we use a type parameter name in a function signature, we have to declare the type parameter name before we use it. To define the generic largest function, place type name declarations inside angle brackets, <>, between the name of the function and the parameter list, like this:

fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> &T {

The listing also shows how we can call the function with either a slice of i32 values or char values. Note that this code won’t compile yet, but we’ll fix it later.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> &T {
    let mut largest = &list[0];

    for item in list {
        if item > largest {
            largest = item;


fn main() {
    let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];

    let result = largest(&number_list);
    println!("The largest number is {}", result);

    let char_list = vec!['y', 'm', 'a', 'q'];

    let result = largest(&char_list);
    println!("The largest char is {}", result);

// If we compile this code right now, we'll get this error:
// binary operation `>` cannot be applied to type `&T`
// consider restricting type prarameter `T`: fn largest<T: std::cmp::PartialOrd>(list: &[T]) -> &T {

The help text mentions std::cmp::PartialOrd, which is a trait, and we’re going to talk about traits in the next section. For now, know that this error states that the body of largest won’t work for all possible types that T could be. Because we want to compare values of type T in the body, we can only use types whose values can be ordered. To enable comparisons, the standard library has the std::cmp::PartialOrd trait that you can implement on types. By following the help text’s suggestion, we restrict the types valid for T to only those that implement PartialOrd and this example will compile, because the standard library implements PartialOrd on both i32 and char.

In struct Definitions

We can also define structs to use a generic type parameter in one or more fields using the <> syntax.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Point<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,

fn main() {
    let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
    let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
    // won't compile, `x` and `y` must be the same type
    let wont_work = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };

To define a Point struct where x and y are both generics but could have different types, we can use multiple generic type parameters.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Point<T, U> {
    x: T,
    y: U,

fn main() {
    let both_integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
    let both_float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
    let integer_and_float = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };

If you’re finding you need lots of generic types in your code, it could indicate that your code needs restructuring into smaller pieces.

In Enum Definitions

As we did with structs, we can define enums to hold generic data types in their variants.

enum Option<T> {

By using the Option<T> enum, we can express the abstract concept of an optional value, and because Option<T> is generic, we can use this abstraction no matter what the type of the optional value is.

Enums can use multiple generic types as well. The definition of the Result enum is one example:

enum Result<T, E> {

This definition makes it convenient to use the Result enum anywhere we have an operation that might succeed (return a value of some type T) or fail (return an error of some type E).

In Method Definitions

We can implement methods on structs and enums and use generic types in their definitions, too.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Point<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,

impl<T> Point<T> {
    fn x(&self) -> &T {

fn main() {
    let p = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };

    println!("p.x = {}", p.x());

Note that we have to declare T just after impl so we can use T to specify that we’re implementing methods on the type Point<T>. By declaring T as a generic type after impl, Rust can identify that the type in the angle brackets in Point is a generic type rather than a concrete type. We could have chosen a different name for this generic parameter than the generic parameter declared in the struct definition, but using the same name is conventional. Methods written within an impl that declares the generic type will be defined on any instance of the type, no matter what concrete type ends up substituting for the generic type.

We can also specify constraints on generic types when defining methods on the type. We could, for example, implement methods only on Point<f32> instances rather than on Point<T> instances with any generic type.

Filename: src/main.rs

impl Point<f32> {
    fn distance_from_origin(&self) -> f32 {
        (self.x.powi(2) + self.y.powi(2)).sqrt()

This code means the type Point<f32> will have a distance_from_origin method; other instances of Point<T> where T is not of type f32 will not have this method defined. The method measures how far our point is from the point at coordinates (0.0, 0.0) and uses mathematical operations that are available only for floating point types.

Generic type parameters in a struct definition aren’t always the same as those you use in that same struct’s method signatures.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Point<X1, Y1> {
    x: X1,
    y: Y1,

impl<X1, Y1> Point<X1, Y1> {
    fn mixup<X2, Y2>(self, other: Point<X2, Y2>) -> Point<X1, Y2> {
        Point {
            x: self.x,
            y: other.y,

fn main() {
    let p1 = Point { x: 5, y: 10.4 };
    let p2 = Point { x: "Hello", y: 'c' };

    let p3 = p1.mixup(p2);

    println!("p3.x = {}, p3.y = {}", p3.x, p3.y);

// p3.x = 5, p3.y = c

Performance of Code Using Generics

You might be wondering whether there is a runtime cost when using generic type parameters. The good news is that using generic types won’t make your program run any slower than it would with concrete types.

Rust accomplishes this by performing monomorphization of the code using generics at compile time. Monomorphization is the process of turning generic code into specific code by filling in the concrete types that are used when compiled. In this process, the compiler does the opposite of the steps we used to create the generic function: the compiler looks at all the places where generic code is called and generates code for the concrete types the generic code is called with.

Let’s look at how this works by using the standard library’s generic Option<T> enum:

let integer = Some(5);
let float = Some(5.0);

The monomorphized version of the code looks similar to the following (the compiler uses different names than what we’re using here for illustration):

Filename: src/main.rs

enum Option_i32 {

enum Option_f64 {

fn main() {
    let integer = Option_i32::Some(5);
    let float = Option_f64::Some(5.0);

The generic Option<T> is replaced with the specific definitions created by the compiler. Because Rust compiles generic code into code that specifies the type in each instance, we pay no runtime cost for using generics. When the code runs, it performs just as it would if we had duplicated each definition by hand. The process of monomorphization makes Rust’s generics extremely efficient at runtime.

Traits: Defining Shared Behavior

A trait defines functionality a particular type has and can share with other types. We can use traits to define shared behavior in an abstract way. We can use trait bounds to specify that a generic type can be any type that has certain behavior.

Note: Traits are similar to a feature often called interfaces in other languages, although with some differences.

Defining a Trait

Trait definitions are a way to group method signatures together to define a set of behaviors necessary to accomplish some purpose.

For example, let’s say we have multiple structs that hold various kinds and amounts of text: a NewsArticle struct that holds a news story filed in a particular location and a Tweet that can have at most 280 characters along with metadata that indicates whether it was a new tweet, a retweet, or a reply to another tweet.

We want to make a media aggregator library crate named aggregator that can display summaries of data that might be stored in a NewsArticle or Tweet instance. To do this, we need a summary from each type, and we’ll request that summary by calling a summarize method on an instance. The following listing shows the definition of a public Summary trait that expresses this behavior.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub trait Summary {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String;

After the method signature, instead of providing an implementation within curly brackets, we use a semicolon. Each type implementing this trait must provide its own custom behavior for the body of the method. The compiler will enforce that any type that has the Summary trait will have the method summarize defined with this signature exactly.

A trait can have multiple methods in its body: the method signatures are listed one per line and each line ends in a semicolon.

Implementing a Trait on a Type

Now that we’ve defined the desired signatures of the Summary trait’s methods, we can implement it on the types in our media aggregator.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub struct NewsArticle {
    pub headline: String,
    pub location: String,
    pub author: String,
    pub content: String,

impl Summary for NewsArticle {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}, by {} ({})", self.headline, self.author, self.location)

pub struct Tweet {
    pub username: String,
    pub content: String,
    pub reply: bool,
    pub retweet: bool,

impl Summary for Tweet {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("{}: {}", self.username, self.content)

Now that the library has implemented the Summary trait on NewsArticle and Tweet, users of the crate can call the trait methods on instances of NewsArticle and Tweet in the same way we call regular methods. The only difference is that the user must bring the trait into scope as well as the types. Here’s an example of how a binary crate could use our aggregator library crate:

use aggregator::{Summary, Tweet};

fn main() {
    let tweet = Tweet {
        username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
        content: String::from(
            "of course, as you probably already know, people",
        reply: false,
        retweet: false,

    println!("1 new tweet: {}", tweet.summarize());

// 1 new tweet: horse_ebooks: of course, as you probably already know, people

Other crates that depend on the aggregator crate can also bring the Summary trait into scope to implement Summary on their own types. One restriction to note is that we can implement a trait on a type only if at least one of the trait or the type is local to our crate. For example, we can implement standard library traits like Display on a custom type like Tweet as part of our aggregator crate functionality, because the type Tweet is local to our aggregator crate. We can also implement Summary on Vec<T> in our aggregator crate, because the trait Summary is local to our aggregator crate.

But we can’t implement external traits on external types. For example, we can’t implement the Display trait on Vec<T> within our aggregator crate, because Display and Vec<T> are both defined in the standard library and aren’t local to our aggregator crate. This restriction is part of a property called coherence, and more specifically the orphan rule, so named because the parent type is not present. This rule ensures that other people’s code can’t break your code and vice versa. Without the rule, two crates could implement the same trait for the same type, and Rust wouldn’t know which implementation to use.

Default Implementations

Sometimes it’s useful to have default behavior for some or all of the methods in a trait instead of requiring implementations for all methods on every type. Then, as we implement the trait on a particular type, we can keep or override each method’s default behavior.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub trait Summary {
    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        String::from("(Read more...)")

To use a default implementation to summarize instances of NewsArticle, we specify an empty impl block with impl Summary for NewsArticle {}.

let article = NewsArticle {
    headline: String::from("Penguins win the Stanley Cup Championship!"),
    location: String::from("Pittsburgh, PA, USA"),
    author: String::from("Iceburgh"),
    content: String::from(
        "The Pittsburgh Penguins once again are the best \
         hockey team in the NHL.",

println!("New article available! {}", article.summarize());

// New article available! (Read more...)

The syntax for overriding a default implementation is the same as the syntax for implementing a trait method that doesn’t have a default implementation.

Default implementations can call other methods in the same trait, even if those other methods don’t have a default implementation.

pub trait Summary {
    fn summarize_author(&self) -> String;

    fn summarize(&self) -> String {
        format!("(Read more from {}...)", self.summarize_author())

To use this version of Summary, we only need to define summarize_author when we implement the trait on a type:

impl Summary for Tweet {
    fn summarize_author(&self) -> String {
        format!("@{}", self.username)
let tweet = Tweet {
    username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
    content: String::from(
        "of course, as you probably already know, people",
    reply: false,
    retweet: false,

println!("1 new tweet: {}", tweet.summarize());

// 1 new tweet: (Read more from @horse_ebooks...)

Note that it isn’t possible to call the default implementation from an overriding implementation of that same method.

Traits as Parameters

Now that you know how to define and implement traits, we can explore how to use traits to define functions that accept many different types. To do this, we use the impl Trait syntax, like this:

pub fn notify(item: &impl Summary) {
    println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());

Instead of a concrete type for the item parameter, we specify the impl keyword and the trait name. This parameter accepts any type that implements the specified trait.

Trait Bound Syntax

The impl Trait syntax works for straightforward cases but is actually syntax sugar for a longer form known as a trait bound; it looks like this:

pub fn notify<T: Summary>(item: &T) {
    println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize());

The impl Trait syntax is convenient and makes for more concise code in simple cases, while the fuller trait bound syntax can express more complexity in other cases. For example, we can have two parameters that implement Summary. Doing so with the impl Trait syntax looks like this:

pub fn notify(item1: &impl Summary, item2: &impl Summary) {

Using impl Trait is appropriate if we want this function to allow item1 and item2 to have different types (as long as both types implement Summary). If we want to force both parameters to have the same type, however, we must use a trait bound, like this:

pub fn notify<T: Summary>(item1: &T, item2: &T) {
Specifying Multiple Trait Bounds with the + Syntax

We can also specify more than one trait bound. We specify in the notify definition that item must implement both Display and Summary. We can do so using the + syntax:

pub fn notify(item: &(impl Summary + Display)) {

The + syntax is also valid with trait bounds on generic types:

pub fn notify<T: Summary + Display>(item: &T) {
Clearer Trait Bounds with where Clauses

Using too many trait bounds has its downsides. Each generic has its own trait bounds, so functions with multiple generic type parameters can contain lots of trait bound information between the function’s name and its parameter list, making the function signature hard to read. For this reason, Rust has alternate syntax for specifying trait bounds inside a where clause after the function signature. So instead of writing this:

fn some_function<T: Display + Clone, U: Clone + Debug>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32 {

we can use a where clause, like this:

fn some_function<T, U>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32
    T: Display + Clone,
    U: Clone + Debug,

Returning Types that Implement Traits

We can also use the impl Trait syntax in the return position to return a value of some type that implements a trait, as shown here:

fn returns_summarizable() -> impl Summary {
    Tweet {
        username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
        content: String::from(
            "of course, as you probably already know, people",
        reply: false,
        retweet: false,

The ability to specify a return type only by the trait it implements is especially useful in the context of closures and iterators. Closures and iterators create types that only the compiler knows or types that are very long to specify. The impl Trait syntax lets you concisely specify that a function returns some type that implements the Iterator trait without needing to write out a very long type.

However, you can only use impl Trait if you’re returning a single type. For example, this code that returns either a NewsArticle or a Tweet with the return type specified as impl Summary wouldn’t work:

// wouldn't work
fn returns_summarizable(switch: bool) -> impl Summary {
    if switch {
        NewsArticle {
            headline: String::from(
                "Penguins win the Stanley Cup Championship!",
            location: String::from("Pittsburgh, PA, USA"),
            author: String::from("Iceburgh"),
            content: String::from(
                "The Pittsburgh Penguins once again are the best \
                 hockey team in the NHL.",
    } else {
        Tweet {
            username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
            content: String::from(
                "of course, as you probably already know, people",
            reply: false,
            retweet: false,

Using Trait Bounds to Conditionally Implement Methods

By using a trait bound with an impl block that uses generic type parameters, we can implement methods conditionally for types that implement the specified traits. For example, the type Pair<T> in the following listing always implements the new function to return a new instance of Pair<T>. But in the next impl block, Pair<T> only implements the cmp_display method if its inner type T implements the PartialOrd trait that enables comparison and the Display trait that enables printing.

Filename: src/lib.rs

use std::fmt::Display;

struct Pair<T> {
    x: T,
    y: T,

impl<T> Pair<T> {
    fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

impl<T: Display + PartialOrd> Pair<T> {
    fn cmp_display(&self) {
        if self.x >= self.y {
            println!("The largest member is x = {}", self.x);
        } else {
            println!("The largest member is y = {}", self.y);

We can also conditionally implement a trait for any type that implements another trait. Implementations of a trait on any type that satisfies the trait bounds are called blanket implementations and are extensively used in the Rust standard library. For example, the standard library implements the ToString trait on any type that implements the Display trait. The impl block in the standard library looks similar to this code:

impl<T: Display> ToString for T {
    // --snip--

Because the standard library has this blanket implementation, we can call the to_string method defined by the ToString trait on any type that implements the Display trait. For example, we can turn integers into their corresponding String values like this because integers implement Display:

let s = 3.to_string();

Validating References with Lifetimes

Rather than ensuring that a type has the behavior we want, lifetimes ensure that references are valid as long as we need them to be.

Most of the time, lifetimes are implicit and inferred, just like most of the time, types are inferred. We must only annotate types when multiple types are possible. In a similar way, we must annotate lifetimes when the lifetimes of references could be related in a few different ways. Rust requires us to annotate the relationships using generic lifetime parameters to ensure the actual references used at runtime will definitely be valid.

Preventing Dangling References with Lifetimes

The main aim of lifetimes is to prevent dangling references, which cause a program to reference data other than the data it’s intended to reference. Consider the program in the following listing, which has an outer scope and an inner scope.

fn main() {
    let r;

        let x = 5;
        r = &x;  // error! borrowed value does not live long enough
    }  // `x` dropped here while still borrowed

    println!("r: {}", r);  // borrow later used here

The Borrow Checker

The Rust compiler has a borrow checker that compares scopes to determine whether all borrows are valid.

fn main() {
    let r;                // ---------+-- 'a
                          //          |
    {                     //          |
        let x = 5;        // -+-- 'b  |
        r = &x;           //  |       |
    }                     // -+       |
                          //          |
    println!("r: {}", r); //          |
}                         // ---------+

Here, we’ve annotated the lifetime of r with 'a and the lifetime of x with 'b. As you can see, the inner 'b block is much smaller than the outer 'a lifetime block. At compile time, Rust compares the size of the two lifetimes and sees that r has a lifetime of 'a but that it refers to memory with a lifetime of 'b. The program is rejected because 'b is shorter than 'a: the subject of the reference doesn’t live as long as the reference.

The following listing fixes the code so it doesn’t have a dangling reference and compiles without any errors.

fn main() {
    let x = 5;            // ----------+-- 'b
                          //           |
    let r = &x;           // --+-- 'a  |
                          //   |       |
    println!("r: {}", r); //   |       |
                          // --+       |
}                         // ----------+

Here, x has the lifetime 'b, which in this case is larger than 'a. This means r can reference x because Rust knows that the reference in r will always be valid while x is valid.

Generic Lifetimes in Functions

We’ll write a function that returns the longer of two string slices. This function will take two string slices and return a single string slice. After we’ve implemented the longest function, the code in the following listing should print The longest string is abcd.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let string1 = String::from("abcd");
    let string2 = "xyz";

    let result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2);
    println!("The longest string is {}", result);

Note that we want the function to take string slices, which are references, rather than strings, because we don’t want the longest function to take ownership of its parameters.

If we try to implement the longest function as shown in the following listing, it won’t compile.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {  // error! expected named lifetime parameter on return type
    if x.len() > y.len() {
    } else {

The help text reveals that the return type needs a generic lifetime parameter on it because Rust can’t tell whether the reference being returned refers to x or y. Actually, we don’t know either, because the if block in the body of this function returns a reference to x and the else block returns a reference to y!

Lifetime Annotation Syntax

Lifetime annotations don’t change how long any of the references live. Rather, they describe the relationships of the lifetimes of multiple references to each other without affecting the lifetimes. Just as functions can accept any type when the signature specifies a generic type parameter, functions can accept references with any lifetime by specifying a generic lifetime parameter.

Lifetime annotations have a slightly unusual syntax: the names of lifetime parameters must start with an apostrophe (') and are usually all lowercase and very short, like generic types. Most people use the name 'a for the first lifetime annotation. We place lifetime parameter annotations after the & of a reference, using a space to separate the annotation from the reference’s type.

Here are some examples:

&i32        // a reference
&'a i32     // a reference with an explicit lifetime
&'a mut i32 // a mutable reference with an explicit lifetime

Lifetime Annotations in Function Signatures

We want the signature to express the following constraint: the returned reference will be valid as long as both the parameters are valid. We’ll name the lifetime 'a and then add it to each reference, as shown in the following listing.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    if x.len() > y.len() {
    } else {

In practice, it means that the lifetime of the reference returned by the longest function is the same as the smaller of the lifetimes of the values referred to by the function arguments.

Remember, when we specify the lifetime parameters in this function signature, we’re not changing the lifetimes of any values passed in or returned. Rather, we’re specifying that the borrow checker should reject any values that don’t adhere to these constraints. Note that the longest function doesn’t need to know exactly how long x and y will live, only that some scope can be substituted for 'a that will satisfy this signature.

When we pass concrete references to longest, the concrete lifetime that is substituted for 'a is the part of the scope of x that overlaps with the scope of y. In other words, the generic lifetime 'a will get the concrete lifetime that is equal to the smaller of the lifetimes of x and y.

Let’s look at how the lifetime annotations restrict the longest function by passing in references that have different concrete lifetimes. The following listing is a straightforward example.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let string1 = String::from("long string is long");

        let string2 = String::from("xyz");
        let result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2.as_str());
        println!("The longest string is {}", result);

Next, let’s try an example that shows that the lifetime of the reference in result must be the smaller lifetime of the two arguments. The code in the following listing will not compile.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let string1 = String::from("long string is long");
    let result;
        let string2 = String::from("xyz");
        result = longest(string1.as_str(), string2.as_str());  // error! `string2` does not live long enough
    }  // `string2` dropped here while still borrowed
    println!("The longest string is {}", result);  // borrow later used here

Thinking in Terms of Lifetimes

The way in which you need to specify lifetime parameters depends on what your function is doing. For example, if we changed the implementation of the longest function to always return the first parameter rather than the longest string slice, we wouldn’t need to specify a lifetime on the y parameter. The following code will compile:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &str) -> &'a str {

When returning a reference from a function, the lifetime parameter for the return type needs to match the lifetime parameter for one of the parameters. If the reference returned does not refer to one of the parameters, it must refer to a value created within this function. However, this would be a dangling reference because the value will go out of scope at the end of the function. Consider this attempted implementation of the longest function that won’t compile:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn longest<'a>(x: &str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
    let result = String::from("really long string");
    result.as_str()  // error! cannot return reference to local variable `result`

Ultimately, lifetime syntax is about connecting the lifetimes of various parameters and return values of functions. Once they’re connected, Rust has enough information to allow memory-safe operations and disallow operations that would create dangling pointers or otherwise violate memory safety.

Lifetime Annotations in Struct Definitions

We can define structs to hold references, but in that case we would need to add a lifetime annotation on every reference in the struct’s definition. The following listing has a struct named ImportantExcerpt that holds a string slice.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
    part: &'a str,

fn main() {
    let novel = String::from("Call me Ishmael. Some years ago...");
    let first_sentence = novel.split('.').next().expect("Could not find a '.'");
    let i = ImportantExcerpt {
        part: first_sentence,

This annotation means an instance of ImportantExcerpt can’t outlive the reference it holds in its part field.

Lifetime Elision

You’ve learned that every reference has a lifetime and that you need to specify lifetime parameters for functions or structs that use references. However, in earlier chapter we had a function shown again in the following listing, that compiled without lifetime annotations.

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn first_word(s: &str) -> &str {
    let bytes = s.as_bytes();

    for (i, &item) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
        if item == b' ' {
            return &s[0..i];


The patterns programmed into Rust’s analysis of references are called the lifetime elision rules. These aren’t rules for programmers to follow; they’re a set of particular cases that the compiler will consider, and if your code fits these cases, you don’t need to write the lifetimes explicitly.

Lifetimes on function or method parameters are called input lifetimes, and lifetimes on return values are called output lifetimes.

The compiler uses three rules to figure out the lifetimes of the references when there aren’t explicit annotations. The first rule applies to input lifetimes, and the second and third rules apply to output lifetimes. If the compiler gets to the end of the three rules and there are still references for which it can’t figure out lifetimes, the compiler will stop with an error. These rules apply to fn definitions as well as impl blocks.

The first rule is that the compiler assigns a lifetime parameter to each parameter that’s a reference. In other words, a function with one parameter gets one lifetime parameter: fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32); a function with two parameters gets two separate lifetime parameters: fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32); and so on.

The second rule is that, if there is exactly one input lifetime parameter, that lifetime is assigned to all output lifetime parameters: fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> &'a i32.

The third rule is that, if there are multiple input lifetime parameters, but one of them is &self or &mut self because this is a method, the lifetime of self is assigned to all output lifetime parameters. This third rule makes methods much nicer to read and write because fewer symbols are necessary.

Lifetime Annotations in Method Definitions

impl<'a> ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
    fn level(&self) -> i32 {

The lifetime parameter declaration after impl and its use after the type name are required, but we’re not required to annotate the lifetime of the reference to self because of the first elision rule.

Here is an example where the first and the third lifetime elision rule applies:

impl<'a> ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
    fn announce_and_return_part(&self, announcement: &str) -> &str {
        println!("Attention please: {}", announcement);

The Static Lifetime

One special lifetime we need to discuss is 'static, which denotes that the affected reference can live for the entire duration of the program. All string literals have the 'static lifetime, which we can annotate as follows:

let s: &'static str = "I have a static lifetime.";

The text of this string is stored directly in the program’s binary, which is always available. Therefore, the lifetime of all string literals is 'static.

Generic Type Parameters, Trait Bounds, and Lifetimes Together

use std::fmt::Display;

fn longest_with_an_announcement<'a, T>(
    x: &'a str,
    y: &'a str,
    ann: T,
) -> &'a str
    T: Display,
    println!("Announcement! {}", ann);
    if x.len() > y.len() {
    } else {

Writing Automated Tests

How to Write Tests

Tests are Rust functions that verify that the non-test code is functioning in the expected manner. The bodies of test functions typically perform these three actions:

  1. Set up any needed data or state.

  2. Run the code you want to test.

  3. Assert the results are what you expect.

The Anatomy of a Test Function

Attributes are metadata about pieces of Rust code. A Test in Rust is a function that’s annotated with the test attribute.

To change a function into a test function, add #[test] on the line before fn. When you run your tests with the cargo test command, Rust builds a test runner binary that runs the annotated functions and reports on whether each test function passes or fails.

Whenever we make a new library project with Cargo, a test module with a test function in it is automatically generated for us.

Let’s create a new library project called adder that will add two numbers:

$ cargo new adder --lib
     Created library `adder` project
$ cd adder

The contents of the src/lib.rs file in your adder library should look like the following listing.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod tests {
    fn it_works() {
        let result = 2 + 2;
        assert_eq!(result, 4);

For now, let’s ignore the top two lines and focus on the function. Note the #[test] annotation: this attribute indicates this is a test function, so the test runner knows to treat this function as a test. We might also have non-test functions in the tests module to help set up common scenarios or perform common operations, so we always need to indicate which functions are tests.

The cargo test command runs all tests in our project, as shown in the following listing.

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.57s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Cargo compiled and ran the test. We see the line running 1 test. The next line shows the name of the generated test function, called it_works, and that the result of running that test is ok. The overall summary test result: ok. means that all the tests passed, and the portion that reads 1 passed; 0 failed totals the number of tests that passed or failed.

It’s possible to mark a test as ignored so it doesn’t run in a particular instance. Because we haven’t done that here, the summary shows 0 ignored. We can also pass an argument to the cargo test command to run only tests whose name matches a string; this is called filtering. We also haven’t filtered the tests being run, so the end of the summary shows 0 filtered out.

The 0 measured statistic is for benchmark tests that measure performance. Benchmark tests are, as of this writing, only available in nightly Rust.

The next part of the test output starting at Doc-tests adder is for the results of any documentation tests. We don’t have any documentation tests yet, but Rust can compile any code examples that appear in our API documentation. This feature helps keep your docs and your code in sync! For now, we’ll ignore the Doc-tests output.

Let’s start to customize the test to our own needs. First change the name of the it_works function to a different name, such as exploration. Then we’ll add another test, but this time we’ll make a test that fails! Tests fail when something in the test function panics. Each test is run in a new thread, and when the main thread sees that a test thread has died, the test is marked as failed. Enter the new test as a function named another, so your src/lib.rs file looks like the following listing.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod tests {
    fn exploration() {
        assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);

    fn another() {
        panic!("Make this test fail");

Run the tests again using cargo test. The output should look like the following listing, which shows that our exploration test passed and another failed.

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.72s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 2 tests
test tests::another ... FAILED
test tests::exploration ... ok


---- tests::another stdout ----
thread 'tests::another' panicked at 'Make this test fail', src/lib.rs:10:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Instead of ok, the line test tests::another shows FAILED. Two new sections appear between the individual results and the summary: the first displays the detailed reason for each test failure. In this case, we get the details that another failed because it panicked at 'Make this test fail' on line 10 in the src/lib.rs file. The next section lists just the names of all the failing tests, which is useful when there are lots of tests and lots of detailed failing test output. We can use the name of a failing test to run just that test to more easily debug it.

The summary line displays at the end: overall, our test result is FAILED. We had one test pass and one test fail.

Checking Results with the assert! Macro

The assert! macro, provided by the standard library, is useful when you want to ensure that some condition in a test evaluates to true. We give the assert! macro an argument that evaluates to a Boolean.

In the preceding listing, we used a Rectangle struct and a can_hold method, which are repeated here. Let’s put this code in the src/lib.rs file, then write some tests for it using the assert! macro.

Filename: src/lib.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

impl Rectangle {
    fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
        self.width > other.width && self.height > other.height

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn larger_can_hold_smaller() {
        let larger = Rectangle {
            width: 8,
            height: 7,
        let smaller = Rectangle {
            width: 5,
            height: 1,


    fn smaller_cannot_hold_larger() {
        let larger = Rectangle {
            width: 8,
            height: 7,
        let smaller = Rectangle {
            width: 5,
            height: 1,


Note that we’ve added a new line inside the tests module: use super::*;. The tests module is a regular module that follows the usual visibility rules. Because the tests module is an inner module, we need to bring the code under test in the outer module into the scope of the inner module. We use a glob here so anything we define in the outer module is available to this tests module.

$ cargo test
   Compiling rectangle v0.1.0 (file:///projects/rectangle)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.66s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/rectangle-6584c4561e48942e)

running 2 tests
test tests::larger_can_hold_smaller ... ok
test tests::smaller_cannot_hold_larger ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests rectangle

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Two tests that pass! Now let’s see what happens to our test results when we introduce a bug in our code. We’ll change the implementation of the can_hold method by replacing the greater-than sign with a less-than sign when it compares the widths:

// --snip--
impl Rectangle {
    fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
        self.width < other.width && self.height > other.height

Running the tests now produces the following:

$ cargo test
   Compiling rectangle v0.1.0 (file:///projects/rectangle)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.66s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/rectangle-6584c4561e48942e)

running 2 tests
test tests::larger_can_hold_smaller ... FAILED
test tests::smaller_cannot_hold_larger ... ok


---- tests::larger_can_hold_smaller stdout ----
thread 'tests::larger_can_hold_smaller' panicked at 'assertion failed: larger.can_hold(&smaller)', src/lib.rs:28:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Our tests caught the bug!

Testing Equality with the assert_eq! and assert_ne! Macros

A common way to verify functionality is to test for equality between the result of the code under test and the value you expect the code to return. However, this is such a common test that the standard library provides a pair of macros—assert_eq! and assert_ne!—to perform this test more conveniently. These macros compare two arguments for equality or inequality, respectively. They’ll also print the two values if the assertion fails, which makes it easier to see why the test failed; conversely, the assert! macro only indicates that it got a false value for the == expression, without printing the values that led to the false value.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
    a + 3

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn it_adds_two() {
        assert_eq!(4, add_two(2));

Run the tests:

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.61s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 1 test
test tests::it_adds_two ... FAILED


---- tests::it_adds_two stdout ----
thread 'tests::it_adds_two' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `4`,
 right: `5`', src/lib.rs:11:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Note that in some languages and test frameworks, the parameters to equality assertion functions are called expected and actual, and the order in which we specify the arguments matters. However, in Rust, they’re called left and right, and the order in which we specify the value we expect and the value the code produces doesn’t matter.

The assert_ne! macro will pass if the two values we give it are not equal and fail if they’re equal. This macro is most useful for cases when we’re not sure what a value will be, but we know what the value definitely shouldn’t be.

Under the surface, the assert_eq! and assert_ne! macros use the operators == and !=, respectively. When the assertions fail, these macros print their arguments using debug formatting, which means the values being compared must implement the PartialEq and Debug traits. All primitive types and most of the standard library types implement these traits. For structs and enums that you define yourself, you’ll need to implement PartialEq to assert equality of those types. You’ll also need to implement Debug to print the values when the assertion fails. Because both traits are derivable traits, this is usually as straightforward as adding the #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] annotation to your struct or enum definition.

Adding Custom Failure Messages

You can also add a custom message to be printed with the failure message as optional arguments to the assert!, assert_eq!, and assert_ne! macros. Any arguments specified after the required arguments are passed along to the format! macro, so you can pass a format string that contains {} placeholders and values to go in those placeholders. Custom messages are useful for documenting what an assertion means; when a test fails, you’ll have a better idea of what the problem is with the code.

For example, let’s say we have a function that greets people by name and we want to test that the name we pass into the function appears in the output:

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn greeting(name: &str) -> String {
    format!("Hello {}!", name)

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn greeting_contains_name() {
        let result = greeting("Carol");

Now let’s introduce a bug into this code by changing greeting to exclude name to see what the default test failure looks like:

pub fn greeting(name: &str) -> String {

Running this test produces the following:

$ cargo test
   Compiling greeter v0.1.0 (file:///projects/greeter)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.91s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/greeter-170b942eb5bf5e3a)

running 1 test
test tests::greeting_contains_name ... FAILED


---- tests::greeting_contains_name stdout ----
thread 'tests::greeting_contains_name' panicked at 'assertion failed: result.contains(\"Carol\")', src/lib.rs:12:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

This result just indicates that the assertion failed and which line the assertion is on. A more useful failure message would print the value from the greeting function. Let’s add a custom failure message composed of a format string with a placeholder filled in with the actual value we got from the greeting function:

fn greeting_contains_name() {
    let result = greeting("Carol");
        "Greeting did not contain name, value was `{}`",

Now when we run the test, we’ll get a more informative error message:

$ cargo test
   Compiling greeter v0.1.0 (file:///projects/greeter)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.93s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/greeter-170b942eb5bf5e3a)

running 1 test
test tests::greeting_contains_name ... FAILED


---- tests::greeting_contains_name stdout ----
thread 'tests::greeting_contains_name' panicked at 'Greeting did not contain name, value was `Hello!`', src/lib.rs:12:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Checking for Panics with should_panic

In addition to checking return values, it’s important to check that our code handles error conditions as we expect.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub struct Guess {
    value: i32,

impl Guess {
    pub fn new(value: i32) -> Guess {
        if value < 1 || value > 100 {
            panic!("Guess value must be between 1 and 100, got {}.", value);

        Guess { value }

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn greater_than_100() {

We place the #[should_panic] attribute after the #[test] attribute and before the test function it applies to. Let’s look at the result when this test passes:

$ cargo test
   Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.58s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/guessing_game-57d70c3acb738f4d)

running 1 test
test tests::greater_than_100 - should panic ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests guessing_game

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Looks good! Now let’s introduce a bug in our code by removing the condition that the new function will panic if the value is greater than 100:

// --snip--
impl Guess {
    pub fn new(value: i32) -> Guess {
        if value < 1 {
            panic!("Guess value must be between 1 and 100, got {}.", value);

        Guess { value }

When we run the test, it will fail:

$ cargo test
   Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.62s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/guessing_game-57d70c3acb738f4d)

running 1 test
test tests::greater_than_100 - should panic ... FAILED


---- tests::greater_than_100 stdout ----
note: test did not panic as expected


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

We don’t get a very helpful message in this case, but when we look at the test function, we see that it’s annotated with #[should_panic]. The failure we got means that the code in the test function did not cause a panic.

Tests that use should_panic can be imprecise. A should_panic test would pass even if the test panics for a different reason from the one we were expecting. To make should_panic tests more precise, we can add an optional expected parameter to the should_panic attribute. The test harness will make sure that the failure message contains the provided text.

Filename: src/lib.rs

// --snip--

impl Guess {
    pub fn new(value: i32) -> Guess {
        if value < 1 {
                "Guess value must be greater than or equal to 1, got {}.",
        } else if value > 100 {
                "Guess value must be less than or equal to 100, got {}.",

        Guess { value }

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    #[should_panic(expected = "less than or equal to 100")]
    fn greater_than_100() {

This test will pass because the value we put in the should_panic attribute’s expected parameter is a substring of the message that the Guess::new function panics with.

To see what happens when a should_panic test with an expected message fails, let’s again introduce a bug into our code by swapping the bodies of the if value < 1 and the else if value > 100 blocks:

if value < 1 {
        "Guess value must be less than or equal to 100, got {}.",
} else if value > 100 {
        "Guess value must be greater than or equal to 1, got {}.",

This time when we run the should_panic test, it will fail:

$ cargo test
   Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.66s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/guessing_game-57d70c3acb738f4d)

running 1 test
test tests::greater_than_100 - should panic ... FAILED


---- tests::greater_than_100 stdout ----
thread 'tests::greater_than_100' panicked at 'Guess value must be greater than or equal to 1, got 200.', src/lib.rs:13:13
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
note: panic did not contain expected string
      panic message: `"Guess value must be greater than or equal to 1, got 200."`,
 expected substring: `"less than or equal to 100"`


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

The failure message indicates that this test did indeed panic as we expected, but the panic message did not include the expected string 'Guess value must be less than or equal to 100'. The panic message that we did get in this case was Guess value must be greater than or equal to 1, got 200.. Now we can start figuring out where our bug is!

Using Result<T, E> in Tests

We can also write tests that use Result<T, E>!

mod tests {
    fn it_works() -> Result<(), String> {
        if 2 + 2 == 4 {
        } else {
            Err(String::from("two plus two does not equal four"))

Writing tests so they return a Result<T, E> enables you to use the question mark operator in the body of tests, which can be a convenient way to write tests that should fail if any operation within them returns an Err variant.

You can’t use the #[should_panic] annotation on tests that use Result<T, E>. To assert that an operation returns an Err variant, don’t use the question mark operator on the Result<T, E> value. Instead, use assert!(value.is_err()).

Controlling How Tests Are Run

cargo test compiles your code in test mode and runs the resulting test binary. The default behavior of the binary produced by cargo test is to run all the tests in parallel and capture output generated during test runs, preventing the output from being displayed and making it easier to read the output related to the test results. You can, however, specify command line options to change this default behavior.

Some command line options go to cargo test, and some go to the resulting test binary. To separate these two types of arguments, you list the arguments that go to cargo test followed by the separator -- and then the ones that go to the test binary. Running cargo test --help displays the options you can use with cargo test, and running cargo test -- --help displays the options you can use after the separator.

Running Tests in Parallel or Consecutively

When you run multiple tests, by default they run in parallel using threads, meaning they finish running faster and you get feedback quicker. Because the tests are running at the same time, you must make sure your tests don’t depend on each other or on any shared state, including a shared environment, such as the current working directory or environment variables.

For example, say each of your tests runs some code that creates a file on disk named test-output.txt and writes some data to that file. Then each test reads the data in that file and asserts that the file contains a particular value, which is different in each test. Because the tests run at the same time, one test might overwrite the file in the time between another test writing and reading the file. The second test will then fail, not because the code is incorrect but because the tests have interfered with each other while running in parallel. One solution is to make sure each test writes to a different file; another solution is to run the tests one at a time.

If you don’t want to run the tests in parallel or if you want more fine-grained control over the number of threads used, you can send the --test-threads flag and the number of threads you want to use to the test binary. Take a look at the following example:

cargo test -- --test-threads=1

Showing Function Output

By default, if a test passes, Rust’s test library captures anything printed to standard output. For example, if we call println! in a test and the test passes, we won’t see the println! output in the terminal; we’ll see only the line that indicates the test passed. If a test fails, we’ll see whatever was printed to standard output with the rest of the failure message.

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn prints_and_returns_10(a: i32) -> i32 {
    println!("I got the value {}", a);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn this_test_will_pass() {
        let value = prints_and_returns_10(4);
        assert_eq!(10, value);

    fn this_test_will_fail() {
        let value = prints_and_returns_10(8);
        assert_eq!(5, value);

When we run these tests with cargo test, we’ll see the following output:

$ cargo test
   Compiling silly-function v0.1.0 (file:///projects/silly-function)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.58s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/silly_function-160869f38cff9166)

running 2 tests
test tests::this_test_will_fail ... FAILED
test tests::this_test_will_pass ... ok


---- tests::this_test_will_fail stdout ----
I got the value 8
thread 'tests::this_test_will_fail' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `5`,
 right: `10`', src/lib.rs:19:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Note that nowhere in this output do we see I got the value 4, which is what is printed when the test that passes runs. That output has been captured.

If we want to see printed values for passing tests as well, we can tell Rust to also show the output of successful tests with --show-output.

cargo test -- --show-output
$ cargo test -- --show-output
   Compiling silly-function v0.1.0 (file:///projects/silly-function)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.60s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/silly_function-160869f38cff9166)

running 2 tests
test tests::this_test_will_fail ... FAILED
test tests::this_test_will_pass ... ok


---- tests::this_test_will_pass stdout ----
I got the value 4



---- tests::this_test_will_fail stdout ----
I got the value 8
thread 'tests::this_test_will_fail' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `5`,
 right: `10`', src/lib.rs:19:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Running a Subset of Tests by Name

Sometimes, running a full test suite can take a long time. If you’re working on code in a particular area, you might want to run only the tests pertaining to that code. You can choose which tests to run by passing cargo test the name or names of the test(s) you want to run as an argument.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
    a + 2

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn add_two_and_two() {
        assert_eq!(4, add_two(2));

    fn add_three_and_two() {
        assert_eq!(5, add_two(3));

    fn one_hundred() {
        assert_eq!(102, add_two(100));

If we run the tests without passing any arguments, as we saw earlier, all the tests will run in parallel:

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.62s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 3 tests
test tests::add_three_and_two ... ok
test tests::add_two_and_two ... ok
test tests::one_hundred ... ok

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running Single Tests

We can pass the name of any test function to cargo test to run only that test:

$ cargo test one_hundred
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.69s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 1 test
test tests::one_hundred ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 2 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

The test output lets us know we had more tests that didn’t run by displaying 2 filtered out at the end.

We can’t specify the names of multiple tests in this way; only the first value given to cargo test will be used. But there is a way to run multiple tests.

Filtering to Run Multiple Tests

We can specify part of a test name, and any test whose name matches that value will be run. For example, because two of our tests’ names contain add, we can run those two by running cargo test add:

$ cargo test add
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.61s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 2 tests
test tests::add_three_and_two ... ok
test tests::add_two_and_two ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 1 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Also note that the module in which a test appears becomes part of the test’s name, so we can run all the tests in a module by filtering on the module’s name.

Ignoring Some Tests Unless Specifically Requested

Sometimes a few specific tests can be very time-consuming to execute, so you might want to exclude them during most runs of cargo test. Rather than listing as arguments all tests you do want to run, you can instead annotate the time-consuming tests using the ignore attribute to exclude them, as shown here:

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn it_works() {
    assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);

fn expensive_test() {
    // code that takes an hour to run

After #[test] we add the #[ignore] line to the test we want to exclude. Now when we run our tests, it_works runs, but expensive_test doesn’t:

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.60s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 2 tests
test expensive_test ... ignored
test it_works ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

The expensive_test function is listed as ignored. If we want to run only the ignored tests, we can use cargo test -- --ignored:

$ cargo test -- --ignored
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.61s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 1 test
test expensive_test ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 1 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

By controlling which tests run, you can make sure your cargo test results will be fast. When you’re at a point where it makes sense to check the results of the ignored tests and you have time to wait for the results, you can run cargo test -- --ignored instead. If you want to run all tests whether they’re ignored or not, you can run cargo test -- --include-ignored.

Test Organization

The Rust community thinks about tests in terms of two main categories: unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests are small and more focused, testing one module in isolation at a time, and can test private interfaces. Integration tests are entirely external to your library and use your code in the same way any other external code would, using only the public interface and potentially exercising multiple modules per test.

Unit Tests

The purpose of unit tests is to test each unit of code in isolation from the rest of the code to quickly pinpoint where code is and isn’t working as expected. You’ll put unit tests in the src directory in each file with the code that they’re testing. The convention is to create a module named tests in each file to contain the test functions and to annotate the module with cfg(test).

The Tests Module and #[cfg(test)]

The #[cfg(test)] annotation on the tests module tells Rust to compile and run the test code only when you run cargo test, not when you run cargo build. This saves compile time when you only want to build the library and saves space in the resulting compiled artifact because the tests are not included. You’ll see that because integration tests go in a different directory, they don’t need the #[cfg(test)] annotation. However, because unit tests go in the same files as the code, you’ll use #[cfg(test)] to specify that they shouldn’t be included in the compiled result.

The attribute cfg stands for configuration and tells Rust that the following item should only be included given a certain configuration option. In this case, the configuration option is test, which is provided by Rust for compiling and running tests. By using the cfg attribute, Cargo compiles our test code only if we actively run the tests with cargo test. This includes any helper functions that might be within this module, in addition to the functions annotated with #[test].

Testing Private Functions

Rust’s privacy rules do allow you to test private functions.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
    internal_adder(a, 2)

fn internal_adder(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn internal() {
        assert_eq!(4, internal_adder(2, 2));

Note that the internal_adder function is not marked as pub. Tests are just Rust code, and the tests module is just another module. Items in child modules can use the items in their ancestor modules. In this test, we bring all of the test module’s parent’s items into scope with use super::*, and then the test can call internal_adder.

Integration Tests

In Rust, integration tests are entirely external to your library. They use your library in the same way any other code would, which means they can only call functions that are part of your library’s public API. Their purpose is to test whether many parts of your library work together correctly. Units of code that work correctly on their own could have problems when integrated, so test coverage of the integrated code is important as well. To create integration tests, you first need a tests directory.

The tests Directory

We create a tests directory at the top level of our project directory, next to src. Cargo knows to look for integration test files in this directory. We can then make as many test files as we want, and Cargo will compile each of the files as an individual crate.

Let’s create an integration test. Your directory structure should look like this:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│   └── lib.rs
└── tests
    └── integration_test.rs

Filename: tests/integration_test.rs

use adder;

fn it_adds_two() {
    assert_eq!(4, adder::add_two(2));

Each file in the tests directory is a separate crate, so we need to bring our library into each test crate’s scope. For that reason we add use adder at the top of the code, which we didn’t need in the unit tests.

We don’t need to annotate any code in tests/integration_test.rs with #[cfg(test)]. Cargo treats the tests directory specially and compiles files in this directory only when we run cargo test. Run cargo test now:

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.31s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-1082c4b063a8fbe6)

running 1 test
test tests::internal ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/integration_test.rs (target/debug/deps/integration_test-1082c4b063a8fbe6)

running 1 test
test it_adds_two ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

The three sections of output include the unit tests, the integration test, and the doc tests. Note that if any test in a section fails, the following sections will not be run. For example, if a unit test fails, there won’t be any output for integration and doc tests because those tests will only be run if all unit tests are passing.

The first section for the unit tests is the same as we’ve been seeing: one line for each unit test and then a summary line for the unit tests.

The integration tests section starts with the line Running tests/integration_test.rs. Next, there is a line for each test function in that integration test and a summary line for the results of the integration test just before the Doc-tests adder section starts.

Each integration test file has its own section, so if we add more files in the tests directory, there will be more integration test sections.

We can still run a particular integration test function by specifying the test function’s name as an argument to cargo test. To run all the tests in a particular integration test file, use the --test argument of cargo test followed by the name of the file:

$ cargo test --test integration_test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.64s
     Running tests/integration_test.rs (target/debug/deps/integration_test-82e7799c1bc62298)

running 1 test
test it_adds_two ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Submodules in Integration Tests

As mentioned earlier, each file in the tests directory is compiled as its own separate crate, which is useful for creating separate scopes to more closely imitate the way end users will be using your crate. However, this means files in the tests directory don’t share the same behavior as files in src do, as you learned in previous chapter regarding how to separate code into modules and files.

The different behavior of tests directory files is most noticeable when you have a set of helper functions to use in multiple integration test files and you try to follow the steps in previous chapter to extract them into a common module. For example, if we create tests/common.rs and place a function named setup in it, we can add some code to setup that we want to call from multiple test functions in multiple test files:

Filename: tests/common.rs

pub fn setup() {
    // setup code specific to your library's tests would go here

When we run the tests again, we’ll see a new section in the test output for the common.rs file, even though this file doesn’t contain any test functions nor did we call the setup function from anywhere:

$ cargo test
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.89s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-92948b65e88960b4)

running 1 test
test tests::internal ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/common.rs (target/debug/deps/common-92948b65e88960b4)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/integration_test.rs (target/debug/deps/integration_test-92948b65e88960b4)

running 1 test
test it_adds_two ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Having common appear in the test results with running 0 tests displayed for it is not what we wanted. We just wanted to share some code with the other integration test files.

To avoid having common appear in the test output, instead of creating tests/common.rs, we’ll create tests/common/mod.rs. The project directory now looks like this:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│   └── lib.rs
└── tests
    ├── common
    │   └── mod.rs
    └── integration_test.rs

This is the older naming convention that Rust also understands. Naming the file this way tells Rust not to treat the common module as an integration test file. Files in subdirectories of the tests directory don’t get compiled as separate crates or have sections in the test output.

After we’ve created tests/common/mod.rs, we can use it from any of the integration test files as a module.

Filename: tests/integration_test.rs

use adder;

mod common;

fn it_adds_two() {
    assert_eq!(4, adder::add_two(2));
Integration Tests for Binary Crates

If our project is a binary crate that only contains a src/main.rs file and doesn’t have a src/lib.rs file, we can’t create integration tests in the tests directory and bring functions defined in the src/main.rs file into scope with a use statement. Only library crates expose functions that other crates can use; binary crates are meant to be run on their own.

An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program

Accepting Command Line Arguments

$ cargo new minigrep
     Created binary (application) `minigrep` project
$ cd minigrep

The first task is to make minigrep accept its two command line arguments: the file path and a string to search for. That is, we want to be able to run our program with cargo run, two hyphens to indicate the following arguments are for our program rather than for cargo, a string to search for, and a path to a file to search in, like so:

cargo run -- searchstring example-filename.txt

Right now, the program generated by cargo new cannot process arguments we give it. Some existing libraries on crates.io can help with writing a program that accepts command line arguments, but because you’re just learning this concept, let’s implement this capability ourselves.

Reading the Argument Values

To enable minigrep to read the values of command line arguments we pass to it, we’ll need the std::env::args function provided in Rust’s standard library. This function returns an iterator of the command line arguments passed to minigrep. For now, you only need to know two details about iterators: iterators produce a series of values, and we can call the collect method on an iterator to turn it into a collection, such as a vector, that contains all the elements the iterator produces.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

The args Function and Invalid Unicode

Note that std::env::args will panic if any argument contains invalid Unicode. If your program needs to accept arguments containing invalid Unicode, use std::env::args_os instead. That function returns an iterator that produces OsString values instead of String values. We’ve chosen to use std::env::args here for simplicity, because OsString values differ per platform and are more complex to work with than String values.

Although we very rarely need to annotate types in Rust, collect is one function you do often need to annotate because Rust isn’t able to infer the kind of collection you want.

Let’s try running the code first with no arguments and then with two arguments:

$ cargo run
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.61s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep`
[src/main.rs:5] args = [
$ cargo run -- needle haystack
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.57s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep needle haystack`
[src/main.rs:5] args = [

Notice that the first value in the vector is "target/debug/minigrep", which is the name of our binary. This matches the behavior of the arguments list in C, letting programs use the name by which they were invoked in their execution. It’s often convenient to have access to the program name in case you want to print it in messages or change behavior of the program based on what command line alias was used to invoke the program.

Saving the Argument Values in Variables

Now we need to save the values of the two arguments in variables so we can use the values throughout the rest of the program.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let query = &args[1];
    let file_path = &args[2];

    println!("Searching for {}", query);
    println!("In file {}", file_path);

We temporarily print the values of these variables to prove that the code is working as we intend. Let’s run this program again with the arguments test and sample.txt:

$ cargo run -- test sample.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep test sample.txt`
Searching for test
In file sample.txt

Reading a File

Now we’ll add functionality to read the file specified in the file_path argument. First, we need a sample file to test it with: we’ll use a file with a small amount of text over multiple lines with some repeated words. Create a file called poem.txt at the root level of your project, and enter the poem “I’m Nobody! Who are you?”

Filename: poem.txt

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us - don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

With the text in place, edit src/main.rs and add code to read the file.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::env;
use std::fs;

fn main() {
    // --snip--
    println!("In file {}", file_path);

    let contents = fs::read_to_string(file_path)
        .expect("Should have been able to read the file");

    println!("With text:\n{contents}");

Let’s run this code with any string as the first command line argument (because we haven’t implemented the searching part yet) and the poem.txt file as the second argument:

$ cargo run -- the poem.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep the poem.txt`
Searching for the
In file poem.txt
With text:
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us - don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

At the moment, the main function has multiple responsibilities: generally, functions are clearer and easier to maintain if each function is responsible for only one idea. The other problem is that we’re not handling errors as well as we could. The program is still small, so these flaws aren’t a big problem, but as the program grows, it will be harder to fix them cleanly. It’s good practice to begin refactoring early on when developing a program, because it’s much easier to refactor smaller amounts of code.

Refactoring to Improve Modularity and Error Handling

As a function gains responsibilities, it becomes more difficult to reason about, harder to test, and harder to change without breaking one of its parts. It’s best to separate functionality so each function is responsible for one task.

The longer main becomes, the more variables we’ll need to bring into scope; the more variables we have in scope, the harder it will be to keep track of the purpose of each. It’s best to group the configuration variables into one structure to make their purpose clear.

Reading a file can fail in a number of ways: for example, the file could be missing, or we might not have permission to open it. Right now, regardless of the situation, we’d print the same error message for everything, which wouldn’t give the user any information!

We use expect repeatedly to handle different errors, and if the user runs our program without specifying enough arguments, they’ll get an index out of bounds error from Rust that doesn’t clearly explain the problem. It would be best if all the error-handling code were in one place so future maintainers had only one place to consult the code if the error-handling logic needed to change. Having all the error-handling code in one place will also ensure that we’re printing messages that will be meaningful to our end users.

Separation of Concerns for Binary Projects

The Rust community has developed guidelines for splitting the separate concerns of a binary program when main starts getting large. This process has the following steps:

  • Split your program into a main.rs and a lib.rs and move your program’s logic to lib.rs.

  • As long as your command line parsing logic is small, it can remain in main.rs.

  • When the command line parsing logic starts getting complicated, extract it from main.rs and move it to lib.rs.

The responsibilities that remain in the main function after this process should be limited to the following:

  • Calling the command line parsing logic with the argument values

  • Setting up any other configuration

  • Calling a run function in lib.rs

  • Handling the error if run returns an error

This pattern is about separating concerns: main.rs handles running the program, and lib.rs handles all the logic of the task at hand. Because you can’t test the main function directly, this structure lets you test all of your program’s logic by moving it into functions in lib.rs. The code that remains in main.rs will be small enough to verify its correctness by reading it.

Extracting the Argument Parser

We’ll extract the functionality for parsing arguments into a function that main will call to prepare for moving the command line parsing logic to src/lib.rs.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let (query, file_path) = parse_config(&args);

    // --snip--

fn parse_config(args: &[String]) -> (&str, &str) {
    let query = &args[1];
    let file_path = &args[2];

    (query, file_path)
Grouping Configuration Values

At the moment, we’re returning a tuple, but then we immediately break that tuple into individual parts again. This is a sign that perhaps we don’t have the right abstraction yet.

We’ll instead put the two values into one struct and give each of the struct fields a meaningful name. Doing so will make it easier for future maintainers of this code to understand how the different values relate to each other and what their purpose is.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let config = parse_config(&args);

    println!("Searching for {}", config.query);
    println!("In file {}", config.file_path);

    let contents = fs::read_to_string(config.file_path)
        .expect("Should have been able to read the file");

    // --snip--

struct Config {
    query: String,
    file_path: String,

fn parse_config(args: &[String]) -> Config {
    let query = args[1].clone();
    let file_path = args[2].clone();

    Config { query, file_path }

The args variable in main is the owner of the argument values and is only letting the parse_config function borrow them, which means we’d violate Rust’s borrowing rules if Config tried to take ownership of the values in args.

The Trade-Offs of Using clone

There’s a tendency among many Rustaceans to avoid using clone to fix ownership problems because of its runtime cost. But for now, it’s better to have a working program that’s a bit inefficient than to try to hyperoptimize code on your first pass.

Creating a Constructor for Config

So now that the purpose of the parse_config function is to create a Config instance, we can change parse_config from a plain function to a function named new that is associated with the Config struct. Making this change will make the code more idiomatic.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let config = Config::new(&args);

    // --snip--

// --snip--

impl Config {
    fn new(args: &[String]) -> Config {
        let query = args[1].clone();
        let file_path = args[2].clone();

        Config { query, file_path }

Fixing the Error Handling

Recall that attempting to access the values in the args vector at index 1 or index 2 will cause the program to panic if the vector contains fewer than three items.

Try running the program without any arguments. The line index out of bounds: the len is 1 but the index is 1 is an error message intended for programmers. It won’t help our end users understand what they should do instead. Let’s fix that now.

Improving the Error Message

We add a check in the new function that will verify that the slice is long enough before accessing index 1 and 2.

Filename: src/main.rs

// --snip--
fn new(args: &[String]) -> Config {
    if args.len() < 3 {
        panic!("not enough arguments");
    // --snip--

A call to panic! is more appropriate for a programming problem than a usage problem.

Returning a Result Instead of Calling panic!

We can instead return a Result value that will contain a Config instance in the successful case and will describe the problem in the error case. We’re also going to change the function name from new to build because many programmers expect new functions to never fail.

Note that this won’t compile until we update main as well, which we’ll do in the next listing.

Filename: src/main.rs

impl Config {
    fn build(args: &[String]) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        if args.len() < 3 {
            return Err("not enough arguments");

        let query = args[1].clone();
        let file_path = args[2].clone();

        Ok(Config { query, file_path })
Calling Config::build and Handling Errors

To handle the error case and print a user-friendly message, we need to update main to handle the Result being returned by Config::build. We’ll also take the responsibility of exiting the command line tool with a nonzero error code away from panic! and instead implement it by hand. A nonzero exit status is a convention to signal to the process that called our program that the program exited with an error state.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::process;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let config = Config::build(&args).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        println!("Problem parsing arguments: {err}");

    // --snip--

Using unwrap_or_else allows us to define some custom, non-panic! error handling. If the Result is an Ok value, this method’s behavior is similar to unwrap: it returns the inner value Ok is wrapping. However, if the value is an Err value, this method calls the code in the closure, which is an anonymous function we define and pass as an argument to unwrap_or_else.

The process::exit function will stop the program immediately and return the number that was passed as the exit status code. This is similar to the panic!-based handling we used, but we no longer get all the extra output. Let’s try it:

$ cargo run
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.48s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep`
Problem parsing arguments: not enough arguments

Extracting Logic from main

We’ll extract a function named run that will hold all the logic currently in the main function that isn’t involved with setting up configuration or handling errors. When we’re done, main will be concise and easy to verify by inspection, and we’ll be able to write tests for all the other logic.

For now, we’re just making the small, incremental improvement of extracting the function. We’re still defining the function in src/main.rs.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    // --snip--

    println!("Searching for {}", config.query);
    println!("In file {}", config.file_path);


fn run(config: Config) {
    let contents = fs::read_to_string(config.file_path)
        .expect("Should have been able to read the file");

    println!("With text:\n{contents}");

// --snip--
Returning Errors from the run Function

Instead of allowing the program to panic by calling expect, the run function will return a Result<T, E> when something goes wrong.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::error::Error;

// --snip--

fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let contents = fs::read_to_string(config.file_path)?;

    println!("With text:\n{contents}");


For now, just know that Box<dyn Error> means the function will return a type that implements the Error trait, but we don’t have to specify what particular type the return value will be. This gives us flexibility to return error values that may be of different types in different error cases. The dyn keyword is short for “dynamic.”

We’ve removed the call to expect in favor of the ? operator. Rather than panic! on an error, ? will return the error value from the current function for the caller to handle.

This Ok(()) syntax might look a bit strange at first, but using () like this is the idiomatic way to indicate that we’re calling run for its side effects only; it doesn’t return a value we need.

When you run this code, it will compile but will display a warning:

$ cargo run the poem.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
warning: unused `Result` that must be used
  --> src/main.rs:19:5
19 |     run(config);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
   = note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default

warning: `minigrep` (bin "minigrep") generated 1 warning
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.71s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep the poem.txt`
Searching for the
In file poem.txt
With text:
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us - don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Rust tells us that our code ignored the Result value and the Result value might indicate that an error occurred. But we’re not checking to see whether or not there was an error, and the compiler reminds us that we probably meant to have some error-handling code here!

Handling Errors Returned from run in main

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    // --snip--

    println!("Searching for {}", config.query);
    println!("In file {}", config.file_path);

    if let Err(e) = run(config) {
        println!("Application error: {e}");

We use if let rather than unwrap_or_else to check whether run returns an Err value and call process::exit(1) if it does. The run function doesn’t return a value that we want to unwrap in the same way that Config::build returns the Config instance. Because run returns () in the success case, we only care about detecting an error, so we don’t need unwrap_or_else to return the unwrapped value, which would only be ().

Splitting Code into a Library Crate

Let’s move all the code that isn’t the main function from src/main.rs to src/lib.rs:

  • The run function definition

  • The relevant use statements

  • The definition of Config

  • The Config::build function definition

Filename: src/lib.rs

use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;

pub struct Config {
    pub query: String,
    pub file_path: String,

impl Config {
    pub fn build(args: &[String]) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        // --snip--

pub fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // --snip--

Now we need to bring the code we moved to src/lib.rs into the scope of the binary crate in src/main.rs.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::env;
use std::process;

use minigrep::Config;

fn main() {
    // --snip--
    if let Err(e) = minigrep::run(config) {
        // --snip--

Developing the Library’s Functionality with Test-Driven Development

In this section, we’ll add the searching logic to the minigrep program using the test-driven development (TDD) process with the following steps:

  1. Write a test that fails and run it to make sure it fails for the reason you expect.

  2. Write or modify just enough code to make the new test pass.

  3. Refactor the code you just added or changed and make sure the tests continue to pass.

  4. Repeat from step 1!

Writing a Failing Test

Because we don’t need them anymore, let’s remove the println! statements from src/lib.rs and src/main.rs that we used to check the program’s behavior. Then, in src/lib.rs, add a tests module with a test function. The test function specifies the behavior we want the search function to have: it will take a query and the text to search, and it will return only the lines from the text that contain the query. The following listing shows this test, which won’t compile yet.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn one_result() {
        let query = "duct";
        let contents = "\
safe, fast, productive.
Pick three.";

        assert_eq!(vec!["safe, fast, productive."], search(query, contents));

Note that the backslash after the opening double quote tells Rust not to put a newline character at the beginning of the contents of this string literal.

In accordance with TDD principles, we’ll add just enough code to get the test to compile and run by adding a definition of the search function that always returns an empty vector. Then the test should compile and fail because an empty vector doesn’t match a vector containing the line "safe, fast, productive."

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search<'a>(query: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {

Notice that we need to define an explicit lifetime 'a in the signature of search and use that lifetime with the contents argument and the return value.

In other words, we tell Rust that the data returned by the search function will live as long as the data passed into the search function in the contents argument.

Now let’s run the test:

$ cargo test
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.97s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/minigrep-9cd200e5fac0fc94)

running 1 test
test tests::one_result ... FAILED


---- tests::one_result stdout ----
thread 'tests::one_result' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `["safe, fast, productive."]`,
 right: `[]`', src/lib.rs:44:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Great, the test fails, exactly as we expected. Let’s get the test to pass!

Writing Code to Pass the Test

Currently, our test is failing because we always return an empty vector. To fix that and implement search, our program needs to follow these steps:

  • Iterate through each line of the contents.

  • Check whether the line contains our query string.

  • If it does, add it to the list of values we’re returning.

  • If it doesn’t, do nothing.

  • Return the list of results that match.

Iterating Through Lines with the lines Method

Rust has a helpful method to handle line-by-line iteration of strings, conveniently named lines. Note this won’t compile yet.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search<'a>(query: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    for line in contents.lines() {
        // do something with line
Searching Each Line for the Query

Fortunately, strings have a helpful method named contains that check whether the current line contains our query string for us! Note this still won’t compile yet.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search<'a>(query: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    for line in contents.lines() {
        if line.contains(query) {
            // do something with line
Storing Matching Lines

To finish this function, we need a way to store the matching lines that we want to return. For that, we can make a mutable vector before the for loop and call the push method to store a line in the vector. After the for loop, we return the vector, as shown in the following listing.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search<'a>(query: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    let mut results = Vec::new();

    for line in contents.lines() {
        if line.contains(query) {


Now the search function should return only the lines that contain query, and our test should pass. Let’s run the test:

$ cargo test
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.22s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/minigrep-9cd200e5fac0fc94)

running 1 test
test tests::one_result ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running unittests src/main.rs (target/debug/deps/minigrep-9cd200e5fac0fc94)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests minigrep

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

At this point, we could consider opportunities for refactoring the implementation of the search function while keeping the tests passing to maintain the same functionality.

Using the search Function in the run Function

We need to pass the config.query value and the contents that run reads from the file to the search function. Then run will print each line returned from search:

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let contents = fs::read_to_string(config.file_path)?;

    for line in search(&config.query, &contents) {


Now the entire program should work! Let’s try it out:

$ cargo run -- frog poem.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.38s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep frog poem.txt`
How public, like a frog
$ cargo run -- body poem.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep body poem.txt`
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
How dreary to be somebody!

And finally, let’s make sure that we don’t get any lines when we search for a word that isn’t anywhere in the poem:

$ cargo run -- monomorphization poem.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep monomorphization poem.txt`

Working with Environment Variables

We’ll improve minigrep by adding an extra feature: an option for case-insensitive searching that the user can turn on via an environment variable.

Writing a Failing Test for the Case-Insensitive search Function

We first add a new search_case_insensitive function that will be called when the environment variable has a value. We’ll continue to follow the TDD process, so the first step is again to write a failing test. We’ll add a new test for the new search_case_insensitive function and rename our old test from one_result to case_sensitive to clarify the differences between the two tests.

Filename: src/lib.rs

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn case_sensitive() {
        let query = "duct";
        let contents = "\
safe, fast, productive.
Pick three.
Duct tape.";

        assert_eq!(vec!["safe, fast, productive."], search(query, contents));

    fn case_insensitive() {
        let query = "rUsT";
        let contents = "\
safe, fast, productive.
Pick three.
Trust me.";

            vec!["Rust:", "Trust me."],
            search_case_insensitive(query, contents)

Implementing the search_case_insensitive Function

The search_case_insensitive function will be almost the same as the search function. The only difference is that we’ll lowercase the query and each line so whatever the case of the input arguments, they’ll be the same case when we check whether the line contains the query.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search_case_insensitive<'a>(
    query: &str,
    contents: &'a str,
) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    let query = query.to_lowercase();
    let mut results = Vec::new();

    for line in contents.lines() {
        if line.to_lowercase().contains(&query) {


Note that query is now a String rather than a string slice, because calling to_lowercase creates new data rather than referencing existing data.

First, we’ll add a configuration option to the Config struct to switch between case-sensitive and case-insensitive search. Adding this field will cause compiler errors because we aren’t initializing this field anywhere yet:

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub struct Config {
    pub query: String,
    pub file_path: String,
    pub ignore_case: bool,

Next, we need the run function to check the ignore_case field’s value and use that to decide whether to call the search function or the search_case_insensitive function. This still won’t compile yet.

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let contents = fs::read_to_string(config.file_path)?;

    let results = if config.ignore_case {
        search_case_insensitive(&config.query, &contents)
    } else {
        search(&config.query, &contents)

    for line in results {


Finally, we need to check for the environment variable. The functions for working with environment variables are in the env module in the standard library, so we bring that module into scope at the top of src/lib.rs. Then we’ll use the var function from the env module to check to see if any value has been set for an environment variable named IGNORE_CASE.

Filename: src/lib.rs

use std::env;
// --snip--

impl Config {
    pub fn build(args: &[String]) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        if args.len() < 3 {
            return Err("not enough arguments");

        let query = args[1].clone();
        let file_path = args[2].clone();

        let ignore_case = env::var("IGNORE_CASE").is_ok();

        Ok(Config {

The env::var function returns a Result that will be the successful Ok variant that contains the value of the environment variable if the environment variable is set to any value. It will return the Err variant if the environment variable is not set.

We don’t care about the value of the environment variable, just whether it’s set or unset, so we’re checking is_ok rather than using unwrap, expect, or any of the other methods we’ve seen on Result.

Let’s give it a try! First, we’ll run our program without the environment variable set and with the query to, which should match any line that contains the word “to” in all lowercase:

$ cargo run -- to poem.txt
   Compiling minigrep v0.1.0 (file:///projects/minigrep)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
     Running `target/debug/minigrep to poem.txt`
Are you nobody, too?
How dreary to be somebody!

Now, let’s run the program with IGNORE_CASE set to 1but with the same queryto`.

IGNORE_CASE=1 cargo run -- to poem.txt

If you’re using PowerShell, you will need to set the environment variable and run the program as separate commands:

PS> $Env:IGNORE_CASE=1; cargo run -- to poem.txt

This will make IGNORE_CASE persist for the remainder of your shell session. It can be unset with the Remove-Item cmdlet:

PS> Remove-Item Env:IGNORE_CASE

We should get lines that contain “to” that might have uppercase letters:

Are you nobody, too?
How dreary to be somebody!
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Writing Error Messages to Standard Error Instead of Standard Output

In most terminals, there are two kinds of output: standard output (stdout) for general information and standard error (stderr) for error messages. This distinction enables users to choose to direct the successful output of a program to a file but still print error messages to the screen.

The println! macro is only capable of printing to standard output, so we have to use something else to print to standard error.

Checking Where Errors Are Written

Command line programs are expected to send error messages to the standard error stream so we can still see error messages on the screen even if we redirect the standard output stream to a file.

To demonstrate this behavior, we’ll run the program with > and the file path, output.txt, that we want to redirect the standard output stream to. We won’t pass any arguments, which should cause an error:

cargo run > output.txt

The > syntax tells the shell to write the contents of standard output to output.txt instead of the screen. We didn’t see the error message we were expecting printed to the screen, so that means it must have ended up in the file. This is what output.txt contains:

Problem parsing arguments: not enough arguments

Printing Errors to Standard Error

The standard library provides the eprintln! macro that prints to the standard error stream, so let’s change the two places we were calling println! to print errors to use eprintln! instead.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let config = Config::build(&args).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        eprintln!("Problem parsing arguments: {err}");

    if let Err(e) = minigrep::run(config) {
        eprintln!("Application error: {e}");

Let’s now run the program again in the same way, without any arguments and redirecting standard output with >:

$ cargo run > output.txt
Problem parsing arguments: not enough arguments

Now we see the error onscreen and output.txt contains nothing, which is the behavior we expect of command line programs.

Let’s run the program again with arguments that don’t cause an error but still redirect standard output to a file, like so:

cargo run -- to poem.txt > output.txt

We won’t see any output to the terminal, and output.txt will contain our results:

Filename: output.txt

Are you nobody, too?
How dreary to be somebody!

Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures

Closures: Anonymous Functions that Capture Their Environment

Rust’s closures are anonymous functions you can save in a variable or pass as arguments to other functions. You can create the closure in one place and then call the closure elsewhere to evaluate it in a different context. Unlike functions, closures can capture values from the scope in which they’re defined.

Capturing the Environment with Closures

We’ll first examine how we can use closures to capture values from the environment they’re defined in for later use. Here’s the scenario: Every so often, our t-shirt company gives away an exclusive, limited-edition shirt to someone on our mailing list as a promotion. People on the mailing list can optionally add their favorite color to their profile. If the person chosen for a free shirt has their favorite color set, they get that color shirt. If the person hasn’t specified a favorite color, they get whatever color the company currently has the most of.

Filename: src/main.rs

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
enum ShirtColor {

struct Inventory {
    shirts: Vec<ShirtColor>,

impl Inventory {
    fn giveaway(&self, user_preference: Option<ShirtColor>) -> ShirtColor {
        user_preference.unwrap_or_else(|| self.most_stocked())

    fn most_stocked(&self) -> ShirtColor {
        let mut num_red = 0;
        let mut num_blue = 0;

        for color in &self.shirts {
            match color {
                ShirtColor::Red => num_red += 1,
                ShirtColor::Blue => num_blue += 1,
        if num_red > num_blue {
        } else {

fn main() {
    let store = Inventory {
        shirts: vec![ShirtColor::Blue, ShirtColor::Red, ShirtColor::Blue],

    let user_pref1 = Some(ShirtColor::Red);
    let giveaway1 = store.giveaway(user_pref1);
        "The user with preference {:?} gets {:?}",
        user_pref1, giveaway1

    let user_pref2 = None;
    let giveaway2 = store.giveaway(user_pref2);
        "The user with preference {:?} gets {:?}",
        user_pref2, giveaway2

// output
// The user with preference Some(Red) gets Red
// The user with preference None gets Blue

We specify the closure expression || self.most_stocked() as the argument to unwrap_or_else. This is a closure that takes no parameters itself (if the closure had parameters, they would appear between the two vertical bars). The body of the closure calls self.most_stocked().

Closure Type Inference and Annotation

There are more differences between functions and closures. Closures don’t usually require you to annotate the types of the parameters or the return value like fn functions do. Type annotations are required on functions because the types are part of an explicit interface exposed to your users.

Closures are typically short and relevant only within a narrow context rather than in any arbitrary scenario. Within these limited contexts, the compiler can infer the types of the parameters and the return type, similar to how it’s able to infer the types of most variables (there are rare cases where the compiler needs closure type annotations too).

As with variables, we can add type annotations if we want to increase explicitness and clarity at the cost of being more verbose than is strictly necessary.

Filename: src/main.rs

let expensive_closure = |num: u32| -> u32 {
    println!("calculating slowly...");

With type annotations added, the syntax of closures looks more similar to the syntax of functions. Here we define a function that adds 1 to its parameter and a closure that has the same behavior, for comparison.

fn  add_one_v1   (x: u32) -> u32 { x + 1 }
let add_one_v2 = |x: u32| -> u32 { x + 1 };
let add_one_v3 = |x|             { x + 1 };
let add_one_v4 = |x|               x + 1  ;

The add_one_v3 and add_one_v4 lines require the closures to be evaluated to be able to compile because the types will be inferred from their usage. This is similar to let v = Vec::new(); needing either type annotations or values of some type to be inserted into the Vec for Rust to be able to infer the type.

We can call the closure with any type, which we’ve done here with String the first time. If we then try to call example_closure with an integer, we’ll get an error.

Filename: src/main.rs

let example_closure = |x| x;

let s = example_closure(String::from("hello"));
let n = example_closure(5);  // error! mismatched types

The first time we call example_closure with the String value, the compiler infers the type of x and the return type of the closure to be String. Those types are then locked into the closure in example_closure, and we get a type error when we next try to use a different type with the same closure.

Capturing References or Moving Ownership

Closures can capture values from their environment in three ways, which directly map to the three ways a function can take a parameter: borrowing immutably, borrowing mutably, and taking ownership. The closure will decide which of these to use based on what the body of the function does with the captured values.

In the following listing, we define a closure that captures an immutable reference to the vector named list because it only needs an immutable reference to print the value:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let list = vec![1, 2, 3];
    println!("Before defining closure: {:?}", list);

    let only_borrows = || println!("From closure: {:?}", list);

    println!("Before calling closure: {:?}", list);
    println!("After calling closure: {:?}", list);

// output
// Before defining closure: [1, 2, 3]
// Before calling closure: [1, 2, 3]
// From closure: [1, 2, 3]
// After calling closure: [1, 2, 3]

This example also illustrates that a variable can bind to a closure definition, and we can later call the closure by using the variable name and parentheses as if the variable name were a function name.

Next, in the following listing, we change the closure body so that it adds an element to the list vector. The closure now captures a mutable reference:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let mut list = vec![1, 2, 3];
    println!("Before defining closure: {:?}", list);

    let mut borrows_mutably = || list.push(7);

    println!("After calling closure: {:?}", list);

// output
// Before defining closure: [1, 2, 3]
// After calling closure: [1, 2, 3, 7]

Note that there’s no longer a println! between the definition and the call of the borrows_mutably closure: when borrows_mutably is defined, it captures a mutable reference to list. Between the closure definition and the closure call, an immutable borrow to print isn’t allowed because no other borrows are allowed when there’s a mutable borrow.

If you want to force the closure to take ownership of the values it uses in the environment even though the body of the closure doesn’t strictly need ownership, you can use the move keyword before the parameter list.

This technique is mostly useful when passing a closure to a new thread to move the data so that it’s owned by the new thread.

Filename: src/main.rs

use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let list = vec![1, 2, 3];
    println!("Before defining closure: {:?}", list);

    thread::spawn(move || println!("From thread: {:?}", list))

The new thread might finish before the rest of the main thread finishes, or the main thread might finish first. If the main thread maintained ownership of list but ended before the new thread did and dropped list, the immutable reference in the thread would be invalid. Therefore, the compiler requires that list be moved into the closure given to the new thread so the reference will be valid.

Moving Captured Values Out of Closures and the Fn Traits

A closure body can do any of the following: move a captured value out of the closure, mutate the captured value, neither move nor mutate the value, or capture nothing from the environment to begin with.

Closures will automatically implement one, two, or all three of these Fn traits, in an additive fashion, depending on how the closure’s body handles the values:

  1. FnOnce applies to closures that can be called once. All closures implement at least this trait, because all closures can be called. A closure that moves captured values out of its body will only implement FnOnce and none of the other Fn traits, because it can only be called once.

  2. FnMut applies to closures that don’t move captured values out of their body, but that might mutate the captured values. These closures can be called more than once.

  3. Fn applies to closures that don’t move captured values out of their body and that don’t mutate captured values, as well as closures that capture nothing from their environment. These closures can be called more than once without mutating their environment, which is important in cases such as calling a closure multiple times concurrently.

Let’s look at the definition of the unwrap_or_else method on Option<T>:

impl<T> Option<T> {
    pub fn unwrap_or_else<F>(self, f: F) -> T
        F: FnOnce() -> T
        match self {
            Some(x) => x,
            None => f(),

Using FnOnce in the trait bound expresses the constraint that unwrap_or_else is only going to call f at most one time.

Note: Functions can implement all three of the Fn traits too. If what we want to do doesn’t require capturing a value from the environment, we can use the name of a function rather than a closure where we need something that implements one of the Fn traits. For example, on an Option<Vec<T>> value, we could call unwrap_or_else(Vec::new) to get a new, empty vector if the value is None.

Now let’s look at the standard library method sort_by_key defined on slices, to see how that differs from unwrap_or_else and why sort_by_key uses FnMut instead of FnOnce for the trait bound.

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let mut list = [
        Rectangle { width: 10, height: 1 },
        Rectangle { width: 3, height: 5 },
        Rectangle { width: 7, height: 12 },

    list.sort_by_key(|r| r.width);
    println!("{:#?}", list);

// output
// [
//     Rectangle {
//         width: 3,
//         height: 5,
//     },
//     Rectangle {
//         width: 7,
//         height: 12,
//     },
//     Rectangle {
//         width: 10,
//         height: 1,
//     },
// ]

The reason sort_by_key is defined to take an FnMut closure is that it calls the closure multiple times: once for each item in the slice. The closure |r| r.width doesn’t capture, mutate, or move out anything from its environment, so it meets the trait bound requirements.

In contrast, the following listing shows an example of a closure that implements just the FnOnce trait, because it moves a value out of the environment. The compiler won’t let us use this closure with sort_by_key:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let mut list = [
        Rectangle { width: 10, height: 1 },
        Rectangle { width: 3, height: 5 },
        Rectangle { width: 7, height: 12 },

    let mut sort_operations = vec![];
    let value = String::from("by key called");

    list.sort_by_key(|r| {
        sort_operations.push(value);  // error! cannot move out of `value`, a captured variable in an `FnMut` closure
    println!("{:#?}", list);

This code attempts to do this counting by pushing value—a String from the closure’s environment—into the sort_operations vector. The closure captures value then moves value out of the closure by transferring ownership of value to the sort_operations vector. This closure can be called once; trying to call it a second time wouldn’t work because value would no longer be in the environment to be pushed into sort_operations again! Therefore, this closure only implements FnOnce.

The closure in the following listing works with sort_by_key because it is only capturing a mutable reference to the num_sort_operations counter and can therefore be called more than once:

Filename: src/main.rs

struct Rectangle {
    width: u32,
    height: u32,

fn main() {
    let mut list = [
        Rectangle { width: 10, height: 1 },
        Rectangle { width: 3, height: 5 },
        Rectangle { width: 7, height: 12 },

    let mut num_sort_operations = 0;
    list.sort_by_key(|r| {
        num_sort_operations += 1;
    println!("{:#?}, sorted in {num_sort_operations} operations", list);

The Fn traits are important when defining or using functions or types that make use of closures.

Processing a Series of Items with Iterators

In Rust, iterators are lazy, meaning they have no effect until you call methods that consume the iterator to use it up. For example, the code in the following listing creates an iterator over the items in the vector v1 by calling the iter method defined on Vec<T>. This code by itself doesn’t do anything useful. When the for loop is called using the iterator in v1_iter, each element in the iterator is used in one iteration of the loop, which prints out each value.

let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];

let v1_iter = v1.iter();

for val in v1_iter {
    println!("Got: {}", val);

The Iterator Trait and the next Method

All iterators implement a trait named Iterator that is defined in the standard library. The definition of the trait looks like this:

pub trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

    // methods with default implementations elided

Notice this definition uses some new syntax: type Item and Self::Item, which are defining an associated type with this trait. For now, all you need to know is that this code says implementing the Iterator trait requires that you also define an Item type, and this Item type is used in the return type of the next method. In other words, the Item type will be the type returned from the iterator.

The Iterator trait only requires implementors to define one method: the next method, which returns one item of the iterator at a time wrapped in Some and, when iteration is over, returns None.

We can call the next method on iterators directly:

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn iterator_demonstration() {
    let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];

    let mut v1_iter = v1.iter();

    assert_eq!(v1_iter.next(), Some(&1));
    assert_eq!(v1_iter.next(), Some(&2));
    assert_eq!(v1_iter.next(), Some(&3));
    assert_eq!(v1_iter.next(), None);

Note that we needed to make v1_iter mutable: calling the next method on an iterator changes internal state that the iterator uses to keep track of where it is in the sequence. In other words, this code consumes, or uses up, the iterator. Each call to next eats up an item from the iterator. We didn’t need to make v1_iter mutable when we used a for loop because the loop took ownership of v1_iter and made it mutable behind the scenes.

Also note that the values we get from the calls to next are immutable references to the values in the vector. The iter method produces an iterator over immutable references. If we want to create an iterator that takes ownership of v1 and returns owned values, we can call into_iter instead of iter. Similarly, if we want to iterate over mutable references, we can call iter_mut instead of iter.

Methods that Consume the Iterator

Methods that call next are called consuming adaptors, because calling them uses up the iterator. One example is the sum method, which takes ownership of the iterator and iterates through the items by repeatedly calling next, thus consuming the iterator. As it iterates through, it adds each item to a running total and returns the total when iteration is complete. The following listing has a test illustrating a use of the sum method:

Filename: src/lib.rs

fn iterator_sum() {
    let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];

    let v1_iter = v1.iter();

    let total: i32 = v1_iter.sum();

    assert_eq!(total, 6);

We aren’t allowed to use v1_iter after the call to sum because sum takes ownership of the iterator we call it on.

Methods that Produce Other Iterators

Iterator adaptors are methods defined on the Iterator trait that don’t consume the iterator. Instead, they produce different iterators by changing some aspect of the original iterator.

The following listing shows an example of calling the iterator adaptor method map, which takes a closure to call on each item as the items are iterated through. The map method returns a new iterator that produces the modified items.

Filename: src/main.rs

let v1: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

v1.iter().map(|x| x + 1);  // error! unused `Map` that must be used

To fix this warning and consume the iterator, we’ll use the collect method. This method consumes the iterator and collects the resulting values into a collection data type.

Filename: src/main.rs

let v1: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

let v2: Vec<_> = v1.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect();

assert_eq!(v2, vec![2, 3, 4]);

Using Closures that Capture Their Environment

For this example, we’ll use the filter method that takes a closure. The closure gets an item from the iterator and returns a bool. If the closure returns true, the value will be included in the iteration produced by filter. If the closure returns false, the value won’t be included.

Filename: src/lib.rs

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Shoe {
    size: u32,
    style: String,

fn shoes_in_size(shoes: Vec<Shoe>, shoe_size: u32) -> Vec<Shoe> {
    shoes.into_iter().filter(|s| s.size == shoe_size).collect()

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn filters_by_size() {
        let shoes = vec![
            Shoe {
                size: 10,
                style: String::from("sneaker"),
            Shoe {
                size: 13,
                style: String::from("sandal"),
            Shoe {
                size: 10,
                style: String::from("boot"),

        let in_my_size = shoes_in_size(shoes, 10);

                Shoe {
                    size: 10,
                    style: String::from("sneaker")
                Shoe {
                    size: 10,
                    style: String::from("boot")

In the body of shoes_in_size, we call into_iter to create an iterator that takes ownership of the vector. Then we call filter to adapt that iterator into a new iterator that only contains elements for which the closure returns true.

The closure captures the shoe_size parameter from the environment and compares the value with each shoe’s size, keeping only shoes of the size specified.

Finally, calling collect gathers the values returned by the adapted iterator into a vector that’s returned by the function.

Improving Our I/O Project

Removing a clone Using an Iterator

Filename: src/lib.rs

impl Config {
    pub fn build(args: &[String]) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        if args.len() < 3 {
            return Err("not enough arguments");

        let query = args[1].clone();
        let file_path = args[2].clone();

        let ignore_case = env::var("IGNORE_CASE").is_ok();

        Ok(Config {

With our new knowledge about iterators, we can change the build function to take ownership of an iterator as its argument instead of borrowing a slice.

Using the Returned Iterator Directly

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let config = Config::build(&args).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        eprintln!("Problem parsing arguments: {err}");

    // --snip--

We’ll first change the start of the main function, which this time uses an iterator. This won’t compile until we update Config::build as well.

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let config = Config::build(env::args()).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        eprintln!("Problem parsing arguments: {err}");

    // --snip--

The env::args function returns an iterator! Rather than collecting the iterator values into a vector and then passing a slice to Config::build, now we’re passing ownership of the iterator returned from env::args to Config::build directly.

In your I/O project’s src/lib.rs file, let’s change the signature of Config::build to look like the following listing. This still won’t compile because we need to update the function body.

Filename: src/lib.rs

impl Config {
    pub fn build(
        mut args: impl Iterator<Item = String>,
    ) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        // --snip--

The standard library documentation for the env::args function shows that the type of the iterator it returns is std::env::Args, and that type implements the Iterator trait and returns String values. (I think we can use std::env::Args directly)

Using Iterator Trait Methods Instead of Indexing

Filename: src/lib.rs

impl Config {
    pub fn build(
        mut args: impl Iterator<Item = String>,
    ) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {

        let query = match args.next() {
            Some(arg) => arg,
            None => return Err("Didn't get a query string"),

        let file_path = match args.next() {
            Some(arg) => arg,
            None => return Err("Didn't get a file path"),

        let ignore_case = env::var("IGNORE_CASE").is_ok();

        Ok(Config {

Remember that the first value in the return value of env::args is the name of the program.

Making Code Clearer with Iterator Adaptors

We can also take advantage of iterators in the search function in our I/O project:

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search<'a>(query: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    let mut results = Vec::new();

    for line in contents.lines() {
        if line.contains(query) {


We can write this code in a more concise way using iterator adaptor methods. Doing so also lets us avoid having a mutable intermediate results vector. The functional programming style prefers to minimize the amount of mutable state to make code clearer. Removing the mutable state might enable a future enhancement to make searching happen in parallel, because we wouldn’t have to manage concurrent access to the results vector. The following listing shows this change:

Filename: src/lib.rs

pub fn search<'a>(query: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
        .filter(|line| line.contains(query))

Choosing Between Loops or Iterators

Most Rust programmers prefer to use the iterator style. It’s a bit tougher to get the hang of at first, but once you get a feel for the various iterator adaptors and what they do, iterators can be easier to understand. Instead of fiddling with the various bits of looping and building new vectors, the code focuses on the high-level objective of the loop.

Comparing Performance: Loops vs. Iterators

Iterators, although a high-level abstraction, get compiled down to roughly the same code as if you’d written the lower-level code yourself. Iterators are one of Rust’s zero-cost abstractions, by which we mean using the abstraction imposes no additional runtime overhead.

In general, C++ implementations obey the zero-overhead principle: What you don’t use, you don’t pay for. And further: What you do use, you couldn’t hand code any better.

As another example, the following code is taken from an audio decoder. The decoding algorithm uses the linear prediction mathematical operation to estimate future values based on a linear function of the previous samples. This code uses an iterator chain to do some math on three variables in scope: a buffer slice of data, an array of 12 coefficients, and an amount by which to shift data in qlp_shift.

let buffer: &mut [i32];
let coefficients: [i64; 12];
let qlp_shift: i16;

for i in 12..buffer.len() {
    let prediction = coefficients.iter()
                                 .zip(&buffer[i - 12..i])
                                 .map(|(&c, &s)| c * s as i64)
                                 .sum::<i64>() >> qlp_shift;
    let delta = buffer[i];
    buffer[i] = prediction as i32 + delta;

To calculate the value of prediction, this code iterates through each of the 12 values in coefficients and uses the zip method to pair the coefficient values with the previous 12 values in buffer. Then, for each pair, we multiply the values together, sum all the results, and shift the bits in the sum qlp_shift bits to the right.

Calculations in applications like audio decoders often prioritize performance most highly. There’s no loop at all corresponding to the iteration over the values in coefficients: Rust knows that there are 12 iterations, so it “unrolls” the loop. Unrolling is an optimization that removes the overhead of the loop controlling code and instead generates repetitive code for each iteration of the loop.

All of the coefficients get stored in registers, which means accessing the values is very fast. There are no bounds checks on the array access at runtime. All these optimizations that Rust is able to apply make the resulting code extremely efficient. Now that you know this, you can use iterators and closures without fear!

More About Cargo and Crates.io

Customizing Builds with Release Profiles

Cargo has two main profiles: the dev profile Cargo uses when you run cargo build and the release profile Cargo uses when you run cargo build --release.

Cargo has default settings for each of the profiles that apply when you haven’t explicitly added any [profile.*] sections in the project’s Cargo.toml file. By adding [profile.*] sections for any profile you want to customize, you override any subset of the default settings. For example, here are the default values for the opt-level setting for the dev and release profiles:

Filename: Cargo.toml

opt-level = 0

opt-level = 3

The opt-level setting controls the number of optimizations Rust will apply to your code, with a range of 0 to 3. Applying more optimizations extends compiling time, so if you’re in development and compiling your code often, you’ll want fewer optimizations to compile faster even if the resulting code runs slower. The default opt-level for dev is therefore 0. When you’re ready to release your code, it’s best to spend more time compiling. You’ll only compile in release mode once, but you’ll run the compiled program many times, so release mode trades longer compile time for code that runs faster. That is why the default opt-level for the release profile is 3.

You can override a default setting by adding a different value for it in Cargo.toml.

Filename: Cargo.toml

opt-level = 1

Because we set opt-level to 1, Cargo will apply more optimizations than the default, but not as many as in a release build.

Publishing a Crate to Crates.io

Making Useful Documentation Comments

In previous chapter, we discussed how to comment Rust code using two slashes, //. Rust also has a particular kind of comment for documentation, known conveniently as a documentation comment, that will generate HTML documentation.

Documentation comments use three slashes, ///, instead of two and support Markdown notation for formatting the text. Place documentation comments just before the item they’re documenting. The following listing shows documentation comments for an add_one function in a crate named my_crate.

Filename: src/lib.rs

/// Adds one to the number given.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let arg = 5;
/// let answer = my_crate::add_one(arg);
/// assert_eq!(6, answer);
/// ```
pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1

We can generate the HTML documentation from this documentation comment by running cargo doc. This command runs the rustdoc tool distributed with Rust and puts the generated HTML documentation in the target/doc directory.

For convenience, running cargo doc --open will build the HTML for your current crate’s documentation (as well as the documentation for all of your crate’s dependencies) and open the result in a web browser.

Commonly Used Sections

We used the # Examples Markdown heading to create a section in the HTML with the title “Examples.” Here are some other sections that crate authors commonly use in their documentation:

  • Panics: The scenarios in which the function being documented could panic. Callers of the function who don’t want their programs to panic should make sure they don’t call the function in these situations.

  • Errors: If the function returns a Result, describing the kinds of errors that might occur and what conditions might cause those errors to be returned can be helpful to callers so they can write code to handle the different kinds of errors in different ways.

  • Safety: If the function is unsafe to call (we discuss unsafety in later chapter), there should be a section explaining why the function is unsafe and covering the invariants that the function expects callers to uphold.

Most documentation comments don’t need all of these sections, but this is a good checklist to remind you of the aspects of your code users will be interested in knowing about.

Documentation Comments as Tests

Adding example code blocks in your documentation comments can help demonstrate how to use your library, and doing so has an additional bonus: running cargo test will run the code examples in your documentation as tests! If we run cargo test with the documentation for the add_one function from the preceding listing, we will see a section in the test results like this:

   Doc-tests my_crate

running 1 test
test src/lib.rs - add_one (line 5) ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.27s
Commenting Contained Items

The style of doc comment //! adds documentation to the item that contains the comments rather than to the items following the comments. We typically use these doc comments inside the crate root file (src/lib.rs by convention) or inside a module to document the crate or the module as a whole.

For example, to add documentation that describes the purpose of the my_crate crate that contains the add_one function, we add documentation comments that start with //! to the beginning of the src/lib.rs file, as shown in the following listing:

Filename: src/lib.rs

//! # My Crate
//! `my_crate` is a collection of utilities to make performing certain
//! calculations more convenient.

/// Adds one to the number given.
// --snip--

Notice there isn’t any code after the last line that begins with //!. Because we started the comments with //! instead of ///, we’re documenting the item that contains this comment rather than an item that follows this comment. In this case, that item is the src/lib.rs file, which is the crate root. These comments describe the entire crate.

When we run cargo doc --open, these comments will display on the front page of the documentation for my_crate above the list of public items in the crate

Documentation comments within items are useful for describing crates and modules especially. Use them to explain the overall purpose of the container to help your users understand the crate’s organization.

Exporting a Convenient Public API with pub use

The structure of your public API is a major consideration when publishing a crate.

However, the structure that makes sense to you while you’re developing a crate might not be very convenient for your users. You might want to organize your structs in a hierarchy containing multiple levels, but then people who want to use a type you’ve defined deep in the hierarchy might have trouble finding out that type exists. They might also be annoyed at having to enter use my_crate::some_module::another_module::UsefulType; rather than use my_crate::UsefulType;.

The good news is that if the structure isn’t convenient for others to use from another library, you don’t have to rearrange your internal organization: instead, you can re-export items to make a public structure that’s different from your private structure by using pub use. Re-exporting takes a public item in one location and makes it public in another location, as if it were defined in the other location instead.

For example, say we made a library named art for modeling artistic concepts. Within this library are two modules: a kinds module containing two enums named PrimaryColor and SecondaryColor and a utils module containing a function named mix, as shown in the following listing:

Filename: src/lib.rs

//! # Art
//! A library for modeling artistic concepts.

pub mod kinds {
    /// The primary colors according to the RYB color model.
    pub enum PrimaryColor {

    /// The secondary colors according to the RYB color model.
    pub enum SecondaryColor {

pub mod utils {
    use crate::kinds::*;

    /// Combines two primary colors in equal amounts to create
    /// a secondary color.
    pub fn mix(c1: PrimaryColor, c2: PrimaryColor) -> SecondaryColor {
        // --snip--

Note that the PrimaryColor and SecondaryColor types aren’t listed on the front page by cargo doc --open, nor is the mix function. We have to click kinds and utils to see them.

Another crate that depends on this library would need use statements that bring the items from art into scope, specifying the module structure that’s currently defined:

Filename: src/main.rs

use art::kinds::PrimaryColor;
use art::utils::mix;

fn main() {
    let red = PrimaryColor::Red;
    let yellow = PrimaryColor::Yellow;
    mix(red, yellow);

The module structure of the art crate is more relevant to developers working on the art crate than to those using it. To remove the internal organization from the public API, we can modify the art crate code to add pub use statements to re-export the items at the top level, as shown in the following listing:

Filename: src/lib.rs

//! # Art
//! A library for modeling artistic concepts.

pub use self::kinds::PrimaryColor;
pub use self::kinds::SecondaryColor;
pub use self::utils::mix;

pub mod kinds {
    // --snip--

pub mod utils {
    // --snip--

The API documentation that cargo doc generates for this crate will now list and link re-exports on the front page, making the PrimaryColor and SecondaryColor types and the mix function easier to find.

The art crate users can still see and use the internal structure, or they can use the more convenient structure:

Filename: src/main.rs

use art::mix;
use art::PrimaryColor;

fn main() {
    // --snip--

In cases where there are many nested modules, re-exporting the types at the top level with pub use can make a significant difference in the experience of people who use the crate. Another common use of pub use is to re-export definitions of a dependency in the current crate to make that crate’s definitions part of your crate’s public API.

Setting Up a Crates.io Account

Before you can publish any crates, you need to create an account on crates.io and get an API token. To do so, visit the home page at crates.io and log in via a GitHub account. (The GitHub account is currently a requirement, but the site might support other ways of creating an account in the future.) Once you’re logged in, visit your account settings at https://crates.io/me/ and retrieve your API key. Then run the cargo login command with your API key, like this:

cargo login abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345

This command will inform Cargo of your API token and store it locally in ~/.cargo/credentials. Note that this token is a secret: do not share it with anyone else. If you do share it with anyone for any reason, you should revoke it and generate a new token on crates.io.

Adding Metadata to a New Crate

Before publishing, you’ll need to add some metadata in the [package] section of the crate’s Cargo.toml file.

Your crate will need a unique name. While you’re working on a crate locally, you can name a crate whatever you’d like. However, crate names on crates.io are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Once a crate name is taken, no one else can publish a crate with that name. Before attempting to publish a crate, search for the name you want to use. If the name has been used, you will need to find another name and edit the name field in the Cargo.toml file under the [package] section to use the new name for publishing, like so:

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "guessing_game"

Even if you’ve chosen a unique name, when you run cargo publish to publish the crate at this point, you’ll get a warning and then an error:

$ cargo publish
    Updating crates.io index
warning: manifest has no description, license, license-file, documentation, homepage or repository.
See https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#package-metadata for more info.
error: failed to publish to registry at https://crates.io

Caused by:
  the remote server responded with an error: missing or empty metadata fields: description, license. Please see https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html for how to upload metadata

This errors because you’re missing some crucial information: a description and license are required so people will know what your crate does and under what terms they can use it. In Cargo.toml, add a description that’s just a sentence or two, because it will appear with your crate in search results. For the license field, you need to give a license identifier value. The Linux Foundation’s Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) lists the identifiers you can use for this value. For example, to specify that you’ve licensed your crate using the MIT License, add the MIT identifier:

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "guessing_game"
license = "MIT"

If you want to use a license that doesn’t appear in the SPDX, you need to place the text of that license in a file, include the file in your project, and then use license-file to specify the name of that file instead of using the license key.

Many people in the Rust community license their projects in the same way as Rust by using a dual license of MIT OR Apache-2.0. This practice demonstrates that you can also specify multiple license identifiers separated by OR to have multiple licenses for your project.

With a unique name, the version, your description, and a license added, the Cargo.toml file for a project that is ready to publish might look like this:

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "guessing_game"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
description = "A fun game where you guess what number the computer has chosen."
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"


Cargo’s documentation describes other metadata you can specify to ensure others can discover and use your crate more easily.

Publishing to Crates.io

Publishing a crate uploads a specific version to crates.io for others to use.

Be careful, because a publish is permanent. The version can never be overwritten, and the code cannot be deleted. One major goal of crates.io is to act as a permanent archive of code so that builds of all projects that depend on crates from crates.io will continue to work. Allowing version deletions would make fulfilling that goal impossible. However, there is no limit to the number of crate versions you can publish.

Run the cargo publish command again. It should succeed now:

$ cargo publish
    Updating crates.io index
   Packaging guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
   Verifying guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
   Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.19s
   Uploading guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)

Publishing a New Version of an Existing Crate

When you’ve made changes to your crate and are ready to release a new version, you change the version value specified in your Cargo.toml file and republish. Use the Semantic Versioning rules to decide what an appropriate next version number is based on the kinds of changes you’ve made. Then run cargo publish to upload the new version.

Deprecating Versions from Crates.io with cargo yank

Although you can’t remove previous versions of a crate, you can prevent any future projects from adding them as a new dependency. This is useful when a crate version is broken for one reason or another. In such situations, Cargo supports yanking a crate version.

Yanking a version prevents new projects from depending on that version while allowing all existing projects that depend on it to continue. Essentially, a yank means that all projects with a Cargo.lock will not break, and any future Cargo.lock files generated will not use the yanked version.

To yank a version of a crate, in the directory of the crate that you’ve previously published, run cargo yank and specify which version you want to yank. For example, if we’ve published a crate named guessing_game version 1.0.1 and we want to yank it, in the project directory for guessing_game we’d run:

$ cargo yank --vers 1.0.1
    Updating crates.io index
        Yank [email protected]

By adding --undo to the command, you can also undo a yank and allow projects to start depending on a version again:

$ cargo yank --vers 1.0.1 --undo
    Updating crates.io index
      Unyank [email protected]

A yank does not delete any code. It cannot, for example, delete accidentally uploaded secrets. If that happens, you must reset those secrets immediately.

Cargo Workspaces

As your project develops, you might find that the library crate continues to get bigger and you want to split your package further into multiple library crates. Cargo offers a feature called workspaces that can help manage multiple related packages that are developed in tandem.

Creating a Workspace

A workspace is a set of packages that share the same Cargo.lock and output directory. We’ll have a workspace containing a binary and two libraries. The binary, which will provide the main functionality, will depend on the two libraries. We’ll start by creating a new directory for the workspace:

mkdir add
cd add

Next, in the add directory, we create the Cargo.toml file that will configure the entire workspace. This file won’t have a [package] section. Instead, it will start with a [workspace] section that will allow us to add members to the workspace by specifying the path to the package with our binary crate; in this case, that path is adder:

Filename: Cargo.toml


members = [

Next, we’ll create the adder binary crate by running cargo new within the add directory:

$ cargo new adder
     Created binary (application) `adder` package

At this point, we can build the workspace by running cargo build. The files in your add directory should look like this:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── adder
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └── main.rs
└── target

The workspace has one target directory at the top level that the compiled artifacts will be placed into; the adder package doesn’t have its own target directory. Even if we were to run cargo build from inside the adder directory, the compiled artifacts would still end up in add/target rather than add/adder/target. Cargo structures the target directory in a workspace like this because the crates in a workspace are meant to depend on each other. If each crate had its own target directory, each crate would have to recompile each of the other crates in the workspace to place the artifacts in its own target directory. By sharing one target directory, the crates can avoid unnecessary rebuilding.

Creating the Second Package in the Workspace

Next, let’s create another member package in the workspace and call it add_one. Change the top-level Cargo.toml to specify the add_one path in the members list:

Filename: Cargo.toml


members = [

Then generate a new library crate named add_one:

$ cargo new add_one --lib
     Created library `add_one` package

Your add directory should now have these directories and files:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── add_one
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └── lib.rs
├── adder
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └── main.rs
└── target

In the add_one/src/lib.rs file, let’s add an add_one function:

Filename: add_one/src/lib.rs

pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1

Now we can have the adder package with our binary depend on the add_one package that has our library. First, we’ll need to add a path dependency on add_one to adder/Cargo.toml.

Filename: adder/Cargo.toml

add_one = { path = "../add_one" }

Cargo doesn’t assume that crates in a workspace will depend on each other, so we need to be explicit about the dependency relationships.

Next, let’s use the add_one function (from the add_one crate) in the adder crate. Open the adder/src/main.rs file and add a use line at the top to bring the new add_one library crate into scope. Then change the main function to call the add_one function.

Filename: adder/src/main.rs

use add_one;

fn main() {
    let num = 10;
    println!("Hello, world! {num} plus one is {}!", add_one::add_one(num));

Let’s build the workspace by running cargo build in the top-level add directory!

$ cargo build
   Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.68s

To run the binary crate from the add directory, we can specify which package in the workspace we want to run by using the -p argument and the package name with cargo run:

$ cargo run -p adder
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
     Running `target/debug/adder`
Hello, world! 10 plus one is 11!

This runs the code in adder/src/main.rs, which depends on the add_one crate.

Depending on an External Package in a Workspace

Notice that the workspace has only one Cargo.lock file at the top level, rather than having a Cargo.lock in each crate’s directory. This ensures that all crates are using the same version of all dependencies. If we add the rand package to the adder/Cargo.toml and add_one/Cargo.toml files, Cargo will resolve both of those to one version of rand and record that in the one Cargo.lock. Making all crates in the workspace use the same dependencies means the crates will always be compatible with each other. Let’s add the rand crate to the [dependencies] section in the add_one/Cargo.toml file so we can use the rand crate in the add_one crate:

Filename: add_one/Cargo.toml

rand = "0.8.5"

We can now add use rand; to the add_one/src/lib.rs file, and building the whole workspace by running cargo build in the add directory will bring in and compile the rand crate. We will get one warning because we aren’t referring to the rand we brought into scope:

$ cargo build
    Updating crates.io index
  Downloaded rand v0.8.5
   Compiling rand v0.8.5
   Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
warning: unused import: `rand`
 --> add_one/src/lib.rs:1:5
1 | use rand;
  |     ^^^^
  = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default

warning: `add_one` (lib) generated 1 warning
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 10.18s

The top-level Cargo.lock now contains information about the dependency of add_one on rand. However, even though rand is used somewhere in the workspace, we can’t use it in other crates in the workspace unless we add rand to their Cargo.toml files as well. For example, if we add use rand; to the adder/src/main.rs file for the adder package, we’ll get an error:

$ cargo build
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
error[E0432]: unresolved import `rand`
 --> adder/src/main.rs:2:5
2 | use rand;
  |     ^^^^ no external crate `rand`

To fix this, edit the Cargo.toml file for the adder package and indicate that rand is a dependency for it as well. Building the adder package will add rand to the list of dependencies for adder in Cargo.lock, but no additional copies of rand will be downloaded. Cargo has ensured that every crate in every package in the workspace using the rand package will be using the same version, saving us space and ensuring that the crates in the workspace will be compatible with each other.

Adding a Test to a Workspace

For another enhancement, let’s add a test of the add_one::add_one function within the add_one crate:

Filename: add_one/src/lib.rs

pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn it_works() {
        assert_eq!(3, add_one(2));

Now run cargo test in the top-level add directory. Running cargo test in a workspace structured like this one will run the tests for all the crates in the workspace:

$ cargo test
   Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/add_one-f0253159197f7841)

running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running unittests src/main.rs (target/debug/deps/adder-49979ff40686fa8e)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests add_one

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

We can also run tests for one particular crate in a workspace from the top-level directory by using the -p flag and specifying the name of the crate we want to test:

$ cargo test -p add_one
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/add_one-b3235fea9a156f74)

running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests add_one

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

If you publish the crates in the workspace to crates.io, each crate in the workspace will need to be published separately. Like cargo test, we can publish a particular crate in our workspace by using the -p flag and specifying the name of the crate we want to publish.

As your project grows, consider using a workspace: it’s easier to understand smaller, individual components than one big blob of code. Furthermore, keeping the crates in a workspace can make coordination between crates easier if they are often changed at the same time.

Installing Binaries with cargo install

The cargo install command allows you to install and use binary crates locally. Note that you can only install packages that have binary targets. A binary target is the runnable program that is created if the crate has a src/main.rs file or another file specified as a binary, as opposed to a library target that isn’t runnable on its own but is suitable for including within other programs. Usually, crates have information in the README file about whether a crate is a library, has a binary target, or both.

All binaries installed with cargo install are stored in the installation root’s bin folder. If you installed Rust using rustup.rs and don’t have any custom configurations, this directory will be $HOME/.cargo/bin. Ensure that directory is in your $PATH to be able to run programs you’ve installed with cargo install.

For example, there’s a Rust implementation of the grep tool called ripgrep for searching files. To install ripgrep, we can run the following:

$ cargo install ripgrep
    Updating crates.io index
  Downloaded ripgrep v13.0.0
  Downloaded 1 crate (243.3 KB) in 0.88s
  Installing ripgrep v13.0.0
   Compiling ripgrep v13.0.0
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3m 10s
  Installing ~/.cargo/bin/rg
   Installed package `ripgrep v13.0.0` (executable `rg`)

The second-to-last line of the output shows the location and the name of the installed binary, which in the case of ripgrep is rg. As long as the installation directory is in your $PATH, as mentioned previously, you can then run rg --help and start using a faster, rustier tool for searching files!

Extending Cargo with Custom Commands

Cargo is designed so you can extend it with new subcommands without having to modify Cargo. If a binary in your $PATH is named cargo-something, you can run it as if it was a Cargo subcommand by running cargo something. Custom commands like this are also listed when you run cargo --list. Being able to use cargo install to install extensions and then run them just like the built-in Cargo tools is a super convenient benefit of Cargo’s design!

Smart Pointers

A pointer is a general concept for a variable that contains an address in memory. This address refers to, or “points at,” some other data. The most common kind of pointer in Rust is a reference. References are indicated by the & symbol and borrow the value they point to. They don’t have any special capabilities other than referring to data, and have no overhead.

Smart pointers, on the other hand, are data structures that act like a pointer but also have additional metadata and capabilities. Rust has a variety of smart pointers defined in the standard library that provide functionality beyond that provided by references. To explore the general concept, we’ll look at a couple of different examples of smart pointers, including a reference counting smart pointer type. This pointer enables you to allow data to have multiple owners by keeping track of the number of owners and, when no owners remain, cleaning up the data.

Rust, with its concept of ownership and borrowing, has an additional difference between references and smart pointers: while references only borrow data, in many cases, smart pointers own the data they point to.

Though we didn’t call them as such at the time, we’ve already encountered a few smart pointers in this book, including String and Vec<T>. Both these types count as smart pointers because they own some memory and allow you to manipulate it. They also have metadata and extra capabilities or guarantees. String, for example, stores its capacity as metadata and has the extra ability to ensure its data will always be valid UTF-8.

Smart pointers are usually implemented using structs. Unlike an ordinary struct, smart pointers implement the Deref and Drop traits. The Deref trait allows an instance of the smart pointer struct to behave like a reference so you can write your code to work with either references or smart pointers. The Drop trait allows you to customize the code that’s run when an instance of the smart pointer goes out of scope.

We’ll cover the most common smart pointers in the standard library:

  • Box<T> for allocating values on the heap

  • Rc<T>, a reference counting type that enables multiple ownership

  • Ref<T> and RefMut<T>, accessed through RefCell<T>, a type that enforces the borrowing rules at runtime instead of compile time

In addition, we’ll cover the interior mutability pattern where an immutable type exposes an API for mutating an interior value. We’ll also discuss reference cycles: how they can leak memory and how to prevent them.

Using Box<T> to Point to Data on the Heap

The most straightforward smart pointer is a box, whose type is written Box<T>. Boxes allow you to store data on the heap rather than the stack. What remains on the stack is the pointer to the heap data.

Boxes don’t have performance overhead, other than storing their data on the heap instead of on the stack. But they don’t have many extra capabilities either. You’ll use them most often in these situations:

  • When you have a type whose size can’t be known at compile time and you want to use a value of that type in a context that requires an exact size

  • When you have a large amount of data and you want to transfer ownership but ensure the data won’t be copied when you do so

  • When you want to own a value and you care only that it’s a type that implements a particular trait rather than being of a specific type

We’ll demonstrate the first situation in the “Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes” section. In the second case, transferring ownership of a large amount of data can take a long time because the data is copied around on the stack. To improve performance in this situation, we can store the large amount of data on the heap in a box. Then, only the small amount of pointer data is copied around on the stack, while the data it references stays in one place on the heap. The third case is known as a trait object, and the later chapter devotes an entire section, Using Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types, just to that topic. So what you learn here you’ll apply again in the later Chapter!

Using a Box<T> to Store Data on the Heap

The following listing shows how to use a box to store an i32 value on the heap:

Filename: src/main.rs

fn main() {
    let b = Box::new(5);
    println!("b = {}", b);

In this case, we can access the data in the box similar to how we would if this data were on the stack. Just like any owned value, when a box goes out of scope, as b does at the end of main, it will be deallocated. The deallocation happens both for the box (stored on the stack) and the data it points to (stored on the heap).

Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes

A value of recursive type can have another value of the same type as part of itself. Recursive types pose an issue because at compile time Rust needs to know how much space a type takes up. However, the nesting of values of recursive types could theoretically continue infinitely, so Rust can’t know how much space the value needs. Because boxes have a known size, we can enable recursive types by inserting a box in the recursive type definition.

As an example of a recursive type, let’s explore the cons list. This is a data type commonly found in functional programming languages. The cons list type we’ll define is straightforward except for the recursion; therefore, the concepts in the example we’ll work with will be useful any time you get into more complex situations involving recursive types.

More Information About the Cons List

A cons list is a data structure that comes from the Lisp programming language and its dialects and is made up of nested pairs, and is the Lisp version of a linked list. Its name comes from the cons function (short for “construct function”) in Lisp that constructs a new pair from its two arguments. By calling cons on a pair consisting of a value and another pair, we can construct cons lists made up of recursive pairs.

For example, here’s a pseudocode representation of a cons list containing the list 1, 2, 3 with each pair in parentheses:

(1, (2, (3, Nil)))

Each item in a cons list contains two elements: the value of the current item and the next item. The last item in the list contains only a value called Nil without a next item. A cons list is produced by recursively calling the cons function. The canonical name to denote the base case of the recursion is Nil. Note that this is not the same as the “null” or “nil” concept in the previous chapter, which is an invalid or absent value.

The cons list isn’t a commonly used data structure in Rust. Most of the time when you have a list of items in Rust, Vec<T> is a better choice to use. Other, more complex recursive data types are useful in various situations, but by starting with the cons list in this chapter, we can explore how boxes let us define a recursive data type without much distraction.

The following listing contains an enum definition for a cons list. Note that this code won’t compile yet because the List type doesn’t have a known size, which we’ll demonstrate.

Filename: src/main.rs

enum List {
    Cons(i32, List),

Using the List type to store the list 1, 2, 3 would look like the code in the following listing:

Filename: src/main.rs

use crate::List::{Cons, Nil};

fn main() {
    let list = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil)));

If we try to compile the code in the previous listing, we get the error shown in the following listing:

$ cargo run
   Compiling cons-list v0.1.0 (file:///projects/cons-list)
error[E0072]: recursive type `List` has infinite size
 --> src/main.rs:1:1
1 | enum List {
  | ^^^^^^^^^
2 |     Cons(i32, List),
  |               ---- recursive without indirection
help: insert some indirection (e.g., a `Box`, `Rc`, or `&`) to break the cycle
2 |     Cons(i32, Box<List>),
  |               ++++    +

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0072`.
error: could not compile `cons-list` due to previous error

The error shows this type “has infinite size.” The reason is that we’ve defined List with a variant that is recursive: it holds another value of itself directly. As a result, Rust can’t figure out how much space it needs to store a List value.

Computing the Size of a Non-Recursive Type

Recall the Message enum we defined in the previous listing when we discussed enum definitions in the previous chapter:

enum Message {
    Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
    ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),

To determine how much space to allocate for a Message value, Rust goes through each of the variants to see which variant needs the most space. Rust sees that Message::Quit doesn’t need any space, Message::Move needs enough space to store two i32 values, and so forth. Because only one variant will be used, the most space a Message value will need is the space it would take to store the largest of its variants.

Contrast this with what happens when Rust tries to determine how much space a recursive type like the List enum in the previous listing needs. The compiler starts by looking at the Cons variant, which holds a value of type i32 and a value of type List. Therefore, Cons needs an amount of space equal to the size of an i32 plus the size of a List. To figure out how much memory the List type needs, the compiler looks at the variants, starting with the Cons variant. The Cons variant holds a value of type i32 and a value of type List, and this process continues infinitely.

Using Box<T> to Get a Recursive Type with a Known Size

Because Rust can’t figure out how much space to allocate for recursively defined types, the compiler gives an error with this helpful suggestion:

help: insert some indirection (e.g., a `Box`, `Rc`, or `&`) to make `List` representable
2 |     Cons(i32, Box<List>),
  |               ++++    +

In this suggestion, “indirection” means that instead of storing a value directly, we should change the data structure to store the value indirectly by storing a pointer to the value instead.

Because a Box<T> is a pointer, Rust always knows how much space a Box<T> needs: a pointer’s size doesn’t change based on the amount of data it’s pointing to. This means we can put a Box<T> inside the Cons variant instead of another List value directly. The Box<T> will point to the next List value that will be on the heap rather than inside the Cons variant. Conceptually, we still have a list, created with lists holding other lists, but this implementation is now more like placing the items next to one another rather than inside one another.

We can change the definition of the List enum and the usage of the List in previous listings to the code in the following listing, which will compile:

Filename: src/main.rs

enum List {
    Cons(i32, Box<List>),

use crate::List::{Cons, Nil};

fn main() {
    let list = Cons(1, Box::new(Cons(2, Box::new(Cons(3, Box::new(Nil))))));

The Cons variant needs the size of an i32 plus the space to store the box’s pointer data. The Nil variant stores no values, so it needs less space than the Cons variant. We now know that any List value will take up the size of an i32 plus the size of a box’s pointer data. By using a box, we’ve broken the infinite, recursive chain, so the compiler can figure out the size it needs to store a List value.

Boxes provide only the indirection and heap allocation; they don’t have any other special capabilities, like those we’ll see with the other smart pointer types. They also don’t have the performance overhead that these special capabilities incur, so they can be useful in cases like the cons list where the indirection is the only feature we need.

The Box<T> type is a smart pointer because it implements the Deref trait, which allows Box<T> values to be treated like references. When a Box<T> value goes out of scope, the heap data that the box is pointing to is cleaned up as well because of the Drop trait implementation.


在访问网站链接时,我们通常不会注意链接的末尾是否加了/,如果我们没有加/,那么 Nginx 会自动使用 301 重定向,帮我们加上/,以确保访问的是目录。

若 Nginx 前端还有其他服务(如负载均衡),且这个服务的端口与 Nginx 服务端口不一致时,Nginx 的自动重定向就会导致端口错误。

例如443端口为负载均衡服务,8080端口为 Nginx 服务,对443的访问最终都回落到了8080下,那么我们访问https://www.example.com/foo时,由于链接最后没加/,Nginx 会自动重定向补/,我们期待的结果是https://www.example.com/foo/,但实际结果为http://www.example.com:8080/foo/,重定向带上了原始服务的端口。

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If you are facing issues with the transition of a element from height: 0 to height: auto, resulting in a jerky or stuck animation, there is a simple solution to this problem.

The problem arises because the final height of the element is unknown as it depends on the content inside it. CSS transitions work by calculating the difference between the initial and final states of a property and animating that difference over a specified duration. However, since the final height of the element is not known in advance, the browser cannot calculate the difference and therefore cannot create a transition between the two states.

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If you’re upgrading Node.js to version 18 and your old code repository, built using an earlier version of Node.js, is no longer running properly due to changes in the dependencies within the node_modules folder, don’t worry. Let’s explore some solutions to fix this problem.

Can’t Install Properly

If you’re having trouble running npm install properly, and you have already tried running npm cache clean --force, deleting node_modules folder, package-lock.json file and then running npm install again, but still encounter issues due to dependencies version conflict in the new peer dependencies’ rule. You can try this command instead:

npm install --lagacy-peer-deps
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The element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document, and then offset relative to its nearest scrolling ancestor and containing block (nearest block-level ancestor), including table-related elements, based on the values of top, right, bottom, and left. The offset does not affect the position of any other elements.

This value always creates a new stacking context. Note that a sticky element “sticks” to its nearest ancestor that has a “scrolling mechanism” (created when overflow is hidden, scroll, auto, or overlay), even if that ancestor isn’t the nearest actually scrolling ancestor.

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An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to a user’s web browser. The browser may store the cookie and send it back to the same server with later request. Typically, an HTTP cookie is used to tell if two requests come from the same browser – keeping a user logged in, for example. It remembers the stateful information for the stateless HTTP protocol.

Cookies are mainly used for three purposes:

  1. Session management: logins, shopping carts, game scores, or anything else the server should remember.

  2. Personalization: user preferences, themes, and other settings.

  3. Tracking: recording and analyzing user behavior.

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为什么推荐使用 flex 缩写语法

CSS 官方文档明确推荐 flex 属性使用缩写语法,因为单值属性所对应的计算值根据开发者日常使用进行了优化。按照以往经验,缩写语法缺省值应该使用默认值。但 flex 语法不同,单值缩写与双值缩写都是截然不同的计算结果。另外一个原因则是 flex 长语法有更高的理解成本,门槛较高,因此更推荐使用单值缩写语法。

使用 flex 缩写语法的场景

单值语法 等同于 备注
flex: initial flex: 0 1 auto 初始值常用
flex: 0 flex: 0 1 0% 适用场景少
flex: none flex: 0 0 auto 推荐
flex: 1 flex: 1 1 0% 推荐
flex: auto flex: 1 1 auto 适用场景少
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